
Chapter 556 The Golden Lock

Chapter 556 The Golden Lock

At noon of the next day, Chen Qing led the army to arrive at Zhongbu County, and he immediately ordered the army to set up camp outside Zhongbu County, and ordered Liu Cui to lead [-] troops north to Fuzhou, where they joined Yang Zaixing's Northern Route Army in Luojiao County.

Although Fuzhou is also an extremely important strategic location, there is no garrison of one soldier. Central County.

The main force of the Song army rested in the central county. Once the luggage arrived, the army immediately went south to attack Guanzhong.

There are two roads from northern Shaanxi to Guanzhong, one is Jingyuan Road, and the other is Luoshui Road. At present, the Xihe Song Army is taking Luoshui Road, and finally enters Guanzhong from Tongzhou.

In the commander's tent, Chen Qing paced back and forth with his hands behind his hands. There are many roads to attack Guanzhong. It doesn't matter which road to attack Guanzhong from. The important thing is to annihilate the enemy.

Chen Qing walked to Shapan County and looked at Jinsuo Pass, the last pass into Tongzhou.

Tang Qian, the commander of the scouts next to him, introduced to Chen Qing: "Jinsuo Pass is very steep, with hundreds of feet of cliffs on both sides. This pass is located in the narrowest cliff. It is very tall and strong, easy to defend and difficult to attack, but according to my humble observations, it also has weaknesses."

"Where is the weakness?" Chen Qing asked.

Tang Qian pointed to the Beiluo Waterway: "The weak point is Luoshui. The pass actually straddles Luoshui. It built a crescent-shaped water gate at the bottom. The river flows into the city through the water gate, but the water gate cannot be seen on the river. You have to dive underwater to see it.

"Is that possible to sneak into the city from the bottom of the river?"

"The humble officer thinks it's unrealistic, and the opponent is also prepared. Two rows of barbs are installed at the bottom. It is estimated that there are nets on the river inside the pass. The enemy has [-] garrisons in the pass, and the defense is tight."

Chen Qing frowned, "Then the only way to attack Jinsuo Pass is the narrow road by the river bed?"

"Exactly! That's why Jinsuoguan is called one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and then asked: "Where is the golden soldier?"

"Reporting to Dutong, [-] Jin soldiers were concentrated in Fengxiang Mansion, and all the dangerous passes were the puppet Qi army. In fact, it was not the puppet Qi army, but the state soldiers from the states on Shaanxi Road and Hedong Road. After training together, they deployed Around Guanzhong, there are about [-] people."

"It means that there are no Jurchen troops in Jinsuo Pass and Jingzhao City?"


Chen Qing said again: "Tell me about the distribution of their troops."

"Baby's preliminary knowledge shows that there are about [-] garrisons in Jingzhao. Then there are [-] troops stationed in the north of Shaanxi Road, [-] troops in Zhongbu County alone, [-] troops in Yanzhou, and finally [-] to [-] troops in Ningzhou and Yuanzhou, that's all I know."

"Is this information accurate?"

Chen Qing turned around and asked Zhang Miao, the order of the Intelligence Agency, Zhang Miao nodded, "According to the summary information we collected, it is basically accurate."

"Insert the number of troops on the sand table."

The entourage hurriedly made small flags, and inserted each small flag with the number of troops on the sand table.

Niu Gao said from the side: "Before I defended Pingliang Mansion, I held a large part of the enemy army. I thought that the enemy thought we were going to enter Guanzhong from Jingyuan Road, so the army stationed on Jingyuan Road, but if the enemy found me We are entering the Guanzhong via Luoshui Road, I am afraid they will retreat south to Jingzhao City, which will bring great obstacles to our attack on Jingzhao City."

"What do you think?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"According to my humble opinion, sending an army to pretend to attack Jingzhou can basically contain [-] enemy troops in Jingyuan Road."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "The method is good, but it won't work if there are fewer troops."

Niu Gao clasped his fists and said: "If all the cavalry is given to the humble officer [-], the inferior officer will rush back to Pingliang County immediately, leaving [-] people to guard Pingliang City, and the inferior officer will lead [-] people to pretend to attack Jingzhou, and the enemy on Jingyuan Road will definitely be contained. military."

Chen Qing readily agreed: "Just follow your plan, I will give you [-] cavalry, and you will rush to Pingliang County immediately!"

An hour later, Niu Gao led [-] cavalry to leave the camp in Zhongbu County and quickly returned to Pingliang Mansion.

Three days later, the Song army's heavy contingent arrived, and at the same time, Liu Cui and Yang Zaixing's troops also returned to Zhongbu County.

Yang Zaixing stationed [-] troops in Yanzhou, and firmly controlled the oil-producing areas. As for other states, the urgency was not so urgent, and there would be time to garrison troops in the future.

The time to go south was ripe, the army raised up again, and marched south along the North Luoshui River Valley.

Beiluoshui twists and turns in the mountains, and there are steep mountains on both sides. The Song army's troops walked very slowly and with difficulty.

"How does Dutong plan to win the Golden Suo Pass?" Yang Zaixing asked with a smile.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "I have an idea, but I don't know if it will work, you can try it, if it doesn't work, then we will still use our old method, burn the top of the city with kerosene, and fire the soldiers to the city. "

Chen Qing didn't say what he was thinking about, which really confused Yang Zaixing.

Three days later, the army finally arrived at Jinsuo Pass, and they saw the pass in the valley from a distance. The pass city stood between two mountains, tall and strong, with banners flying above it. There were hundreds of soldiers guarding the city, each holding a spear. , murderous.

The Song army rested and camped in a spacious area about five miles away from Guancheng. The [-] troops and tens of thousands of horses stretched for more than ten miles in the valley, but they did not set up a large tent. In the tragic scene of the camp, Chen Qing himself is a master of playing with fire, how could he fall on top of the raging fire by himself.

Hundreds of craftsmen are busy assembling heavy-duty trebuchets. This time they set out to carry ten heavy-duty trebuchets, but they don’t need so many to deal with Jinsuoguan, and there is no place to put them. On the narrow official road, at most three can be placed side by side. A heavy siege ladder.

At the same time, Chen Qing also ordered [-] soldiers to build a dam about three miles away from Jinsuoguan to intercept the river.

The chief general of Jinsuo Pass is Li Bosheng, who was originally the commander of the Western Army. He surrendered the Jin soldiers in the Battle of Taiyuan, and now he has been promoted to command. He was transferred from Taiyuan and is not familiar with the Xihe Army.

But Li Bosheng was rich in experience after all, and he felt the sense of crisis of the overwhelming army, which really made him frightened.

One of his generals asked: "Li Tongzhi, didn't you say that the main force of the Song army would come from Jingyuan Road? Why did it transfer to our Luoshui Road?"

Li Bosheng shook his head and said: "Our spies can't get out, and we don't know how many enemy troops there are? It looks like there are at least tens of thousands of people, but it's hard to say whether these tens of thousands of people are the main force of the enemy army."

"I don't know if Jinsuoguan can stop the enemy."

Li Bosheng didn't know what to do. In fact, the [-] defenders had no idea. They were all state soldiers transferred from Hedong Road. They had never fought against Chen Qing's army. They only knew that the opponent was very powerful, but they had no idea what tactics the opponent was good at. known.

At this time, a cavalry came rushing, shot an arrow letter at the top of the city, turned around and ran away.

A soldier picked up the arrow letter and handed it to Li Bosheng. Li Bosheng took the letter and saw on the letter that it was written: Chen Qing, the envoy of Gong Xihe Road of Jingguo in the Great Song Dynasty, sent to all the soldiers of Jinsuoguan.

Li Bosheng opened the letter, and it turned out to be a letter of persuasion, requesting all the soldiers not to sacrifice their lives for the foreign race, and to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side in time. At the end of the letter, it was written, "before the soldiers, if you refuse to surrender, the general who guards the pass will be held accountable on the day of breaking the pass." '

Li Bosheng shook his head. He never thought of surrendering to the Song Dynasty again. After so many years, it was impossible for him to turn back. He tore the letter into pieces and threw it out of the city.

"Order the three armies to move all the fire oil to the top of the city. When the enemy attacks the pass, burn it with fire oil."

He couldn't believe it. How could the Song army be able to attack such a dangerous and tall Guancheng, where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it, not to mention they still have three thousand barrels of fire oil.

But Li Bosheng also understood at least one thing, Chen Qing was in the team, and this army was the main force of the Xihe Army.

He is looking forward to annihilating Chen Qing's main force under the city, that is when his fame will shake the world.

(End of this chapter)

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