
Chapter 558

Chapter 558
At noon, Zhong Lin returned home in a depressed mood. He is from Gaoling County, Jingzhao Prefecture. Because of this, he did not follow Li Cheng to Bianliang, but stayed in Jingzhao. Wan Yanchang highly valued him and promoted him. For the capital.

Zhong Lin was also from the Western Army. He surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin in the Battle of Fuping. At that time, he was still a commander, but in just four or five years, he was promoted to the commander of the capital. At this time, he was only in his early thirties.

This is where his embarrassment lies. He has considered leading the army to surrender, but he can't lose the high position of Dutong. Chen Qing himself is only Dutong. Is it possible to give himself a high position?
But if he did not surrender, his [-] troops would not be able to stop the main force of the Song army, and he would definitely be wiped out, and he himself might die.

Zhong Lin was drinking tea in the study sullenly. At this time, there was a heavy coughing sound from the yard, and it was his father who came.

Zhong Lin hurried out of the yard, "Father, why are you here?"

Zhong Lin's father is Zhong Buyi, about sixty years old, with white beard and hair, a bit rickety back, inconvenient legs and feet, and always leaning on a stick.

"I have something to ask you!"

"Father, come in and sit down!" Zhong Lin quickly helped his father into the room.

Next door to their mansion is the largest tile in Jingzhao, where business is flourishing. Zhong Buyi goes to drink tea every day, and he understands the current situation very clearly.

Zhong Buyi sat down and asked his son, "I heard that the main force of the Song army has launched an attack on Shaanxi Road. Where is the attack now?"

"I don't know either. It is said that the main force of the Song army is in Jingyuan Road, but I also heard a saying that the Song army appeared in Tongzhou. I don't know if it is true or not."

"No matter where Song Jun appears, their goal is Jingzhao City. Daddy wants to ask you, what are you going to do?"

Zhong Lin sighed, "I most hope that Wanyan Helisa will lead the army to Jingzhao City to take over the defense, but the Jurchen army just stays in Fengxiang and refuses to come, I don't know what to do now?"

"Then you never thought about returning to Song Dynasty?"

Zhong Lin was silent for a moment.

Zhong Buyi said slowly again: "You surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin to save your life and the lives of our whole family. Daddy doesn't blame you, but I always have a thorn in my heart these years. Sometimes the storyteller in the teahouse tells about Yang General, I can’t listen anymore, so I left quickly, I’m getting older now, maybe it’s only been a few years, I’m afraid of what to say when I meet my ancestors? You know what I mean.”

"Father, stop talking."

Zhong Lin said helplessly: "Actually, I don't really want to surrender to Chen Qing. There is no place for me there. If my father insists that I surrender, then I will."

"Daddy doesn't necessarily want you to work for Chen Qing. If you don't like him, you can resign at that time. Daddy just hopes that you can keep Jingzhao City, especially restrain your subordinates, and don't let the chaos loot Jingzhao City. When I was drinking tea in the morning, I heard that the Han family money store and Laoshun silk store were robbed by the rebels last night, so there must be such a thing!"

Zhong Lin nodded, "I understand what Dad means. I will restrain the military discipline. If it doesn't work, I will take the army out of the city."

Zhong Buyi stroked his beard happily and said, "Only you can keep Jingzhao City, I believe Chen Qing will never treat you badly."

Zhong Lin returned to the barracks and immediately ordered someone to find the deputy general Liu Jiang.

After a while, Liu Jiang rushed over, bowed and saluted, "See General Zhong!"

Zhong Lin said with a serious face: "Last night, four major cases occurred in Jingzhao City, all of which were looting of shops. Dong Zhixian told me that they were all committed by several groups of soldiers. Who was on duty in the barracks last night? How did you let them out? "

Liu Jiang hurriedly said: "Last night, I was on duty, but I guarantee that the gates of the barracks were closed at night, and the soldiers were never let out. I feel that it is very likely that the soldiers patrolling at night did it, but there are [-] people patrolling at night. They will not put the looted property in the military camp, it is really difficult to check."

"You also admit that our people did it?"

Liu Jiang smiled wryly and said: "I don't have any evidence that we did it, but I know that the soldiers are panicked and the morale of the army is fluctuating. Many people want to get a ticket to go back to their hometown. I am also very worried that similar robbery cases will become more and more serious." More and more."

Zhong Lin pondered for a moment and said: "If the army breaks out into riots and loots the whole city, I'm afraid none of us will survive in the end. I decided to take the army out of the city and relocate to the Baqiao barracks!"

"What about the patrolling soldiers?"

"Take all the soldiers away, leave no one behind, and hand over security and city gates to the government!"

Liu Jiang nodded, "That's fine, if the situation changes, we can evacuate at any time!"

In the afternoon of the same day, Zhong Lin ordered the whole army to assemble. He led [-] troops to leave Jingzhao City and go to the Baqiao military camp twenty miles away.

Three days later, Chen Qing led an army of [-] to Jingzhao City. The [-] army first came to the Baqiao barracks and formed a formation outside the barracks.

Chen Qing sent someone to surrender this ten thousand army. Under the unanimous request of the generals, Zhong Lin accepted Chen Qing's surrender and surrendered unconditionally.

The gates of the camp were wide open, and teams of puppet Qi soldiers came out of the camp holding white flags to surrender. They put down their weapons and armor in a group, and were led by the cavalry to an open field to rest in place.

Zhong Lin brought more than [-] generals to Chen Qing's war horse, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "Pseudo Qi general Zhong Lin led his men to surrender to the Jinglue envoy, and is willing to do the work of a dog and horse for the Jinglue envoy!"

All the generals said in unison: "I am willing to do the work of a dog and a horse for the economic strategy!"

Chen Qing waved his hands and said with a smile: "General Zhong and all the generals restrained the army and preserved Jingzhao City. This is a great contribution. I will never treat you badly. Please, generals, welcome everyone to join the Xihe Army!"

Chen Qing immediately ordered Liu Cui to take over the surrendered soldiers. The surrendered generals should be trained intensively for three months according to the regulations, and then restarted. separated.

The surrender of the army was arranged, and Chen Qing ordered the whole army to enter Jingzhao. The [-] troops held a ceremony to enter the city. The city of Jingzhao was suddenly empty, and the people of the city came to both sides of Zhuque Street to sing and dance.
Chen Qing rode on the horse, looking at the cheering crowd on both sides, countless people burst into tears, and many people even knelt on the ground and wept bitterly. It is far from a recovery.

But this time it was the victory of the Eastern Expedition and the official recovery of Jingzhao City. All the people knew that the Song Army had really returned this time. Hundreds of thousands of people were excited and shouted, "Long live! Long live the Song Army!"

Waves of cheers came and went like sea tides.

At this time, Chen Qing could see a familiar place, the place where he killed Yan Loushi back then, the walls and bluestone slabs hadn't changed at all, and the surrounding houses were also the same as before.

But the person changed. It turned out that he came to Chang'an with the determination to die, and escaped in a panic after killing Yan Loushi by chance.

But who would have thought that five years later, he would lead an army into Jingzhao in a grand manner.

As he told a group of seniors five years ago, 'I'll be back! '

Now that he really came back, the corners of Chen Qing's eyes couldn't help getting moist.

[-] Song troops left the city from the north gate and stationed in the barracks, while Hu Yantong led [-] troops to station in the city to maintain order in Jingzhao City.

Chen Qing went to the county government office under the guard of dozens of soldiers. When he was hundreds of steps away from the county government office, he saw thousands of people lined up in front of a shop.

Chen Qing said to a soldier: "Go and see what's going on?"

The soldiers rushed away, and came back to report after a while, "Qi Dutong, that is a grain store. Because the Song army entered the city and lowered the price of grain for sale, the surrounding residents came to line up to buy grain."

"How much cheaper?"

"It's ten yuan cheaper, and a bucket of wheat only costs seventy yuan."

Chen Qing frowned, "So a bucket of wheat costs [-] Wen?"

"This is still the price of old wheat. New rice and new wheat cost more than [-] renminbi. Just now, I heard from people in the queue that many people have run out of food. They are digging wild vegetables, catching voles, and picking up money outside. It is very miserable."

Chen Qing's face became ugly and he said nothing.

Not long after, they came to the county government. The Jin people had merged the original Chang'an County and Wannian County into one, and called it Chang'an County. The magistrate of Chang'an County was named Dong Yan. He was about forty years old. Sven.

However, he has a very bad reputation because of excessive taxation, but this year he realized that the situation is not good, so he was not active in tax collection, so that last year's tax was collected until now less than [-]%.

Dong Yan knew very well that if the people were really forced to sell their sons and daughters, then his own life would be in danger.

When Dong Yan heard about Chen Qing's arrival, he rushed out of the county government office to greet him, "I don't know the envoy's arrival, so I'm far away from welcoming him!"

Chen Qing smiled lightly: "I want to know about the situation in the city, does the county magistrate have time?"

Dong Yan was flattered and said: "Humble job has time!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Then please ask the magistrate to take me to the warehouse."

(End of this chapter)

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