
Chapter 607 Trap

Chapter 607 Trap
Marshal Du's big tent was brightly lit, ten ten thousand chiefs, except for Han Chang who organized food and grass at Wurenguan and Wanyan Mi's assassin led the army to Jingyuan Road, the other eight ten thousand chiefs gathered in front of a big table.

There was a big map on the big table, Wanyan Yinkeshu pointed to the map and said to everyone: "There should be Chen Qing's spies near us, he knows that our main force is in Yichuan County, that's why he dared to leave the central area County, the Fucheng County he chose is also very coincidental, it happens to block the official road from Yichuan County to Fangzhou, he can be confident, but I found that there is a loophole in it."

Wanyan Yinke looked at the crowd, as if she wanted to get a response from them, Wanyan Huo pointed to Luojiao County and said: "Our army can go to Luojiao County, and then go south to Zhongbu County, just behind the main force of the Song Army. "

Wanyan Yinkeshu smiled and nodded, "Although it's a bit far away, it's indeed a loophole."

Everyone nodded, Wanyan Yinke said again: "I guess Chen Qing also thought of this possibility, there should be some troops left in Zhongbu County, but it's not important, the important thing is to rush, I need an army to break into Guanzhong. "

Wanyan Yinkeshu asked Wanyan again and said: "Marshal Helisa, you have been in Shaanxi for three years, how you broke into Guanzhong, you should be very clear about it!"

Wanyan and Separation hurriedly said: "Central County is located in an open area on the west bank of Luoshui River. It is actually one mile away from Luoshui River. If our cavalry goes south from the east bank under the cover of night, the defenders of Central County will not notice. About a hundred miles south of Zhongbu County, there will be two roads. One is to continue along the Luoshui River and enter Guanzhong, but at the end there is a dangerous pass, Jinsuo Pass; the other is Tongguan Road, which passes through the Shenchuan Grand Canyon. Arrive at Tongguan County, and continue south to Fuping County, which means you have entered Guanzhong."

"Is the Golden Lock Pass difficult to attack?"

Wanyan Helisa shook his head and smiled, "Jinsuo Pass no longer exists. Last year when Chen Qing captured Guanzhong, it was completely destroyed. In less than a year, there is no way to restore it."

"Where will the golden lock go?"

"Entering Tongzhou, it is only tens of miles away from Pujin Pass."

Wanyan Yinkeshu pondered and remained silent, he actually didn't count on Jingyuan Dao, he just had an attitude of success in case of success, but he also longed for an army to enter the pass, capture Pujin pass, and receive [-] Xie troops to enter the pass Guanzhong.

Wanyan Yin could pace back and forth with his hands behind his back. He knew that this opportunity was an adventure. He needed to weigh the pros and cons. The key was that as long as Chen Qing's main force was held back by him, even if the attack was unsuccessful, the army could quickly withdraw.

"Marshal Du, give the order! This is a rare opportunity." All the generals petitioned one after another.

Wanyan Yinkeshu nodded, and said to Wanyan Helisa: "I will give you [-] Jurchen cavalry, and take a detour from Luojiao County to the south. You can take whichever of the two roads you want, and you will enter Guanzhong and capture Pujin Pass. , join the army of the Thirty Thousand Associations, and then attack Jingzhao City, if the situation is abnormal, withdraw immediately, and must not be in love with the Song Army."

Wanyan and Lisa actually didn't really want to go, but he didn't dare to disobey the order of the coach, so he had to bite the bullet and accept the order, "obey the order!"

Wanyan Yinkeshu said to the crowd again: "The army is going out tonight, Marshal Hu Lisa is also leading the army at the same time, the army is mobilized together, the Song army scouts may not be able to see our intentions."

At five o'clock, Wanyan Yinkeshu left thousands of people guarding Yichuan County. He led the main force of the army to leave Yichuan County and marched westward in a mighty way. Taking another fork and heading straight to the Northwest Official Road, the main force of the [-] army became a [-] army.

Tang Qian led the scouts to closely watch Jin Bing's every move. At dawn, he sent two letter eagles to fly in the direction of Yuncheng County, where the eagle slaves would meet the letter eagles.

In two hours, Chen Qing got Tang Qian's information that the main force of the enemy army left Yichuan County and came to Fuzhou along the official road, and [-] of them went to the northwest road.

Chen Qing sneered and said to the generals: "Wanyan Yinkeshu really discovered my loopholes. He detoured to Luojiao County and headed south, and then led the main force to keep an eye on me. He really thought it through."

"Du Tong, what shall we do then?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "The scouts of the golden soldiers must also be watching us, I just hold back."

After a pause, he said to Yang Zaixing again: "Send someone to inform Liu Qiong that he can leave!"

Chen Qing's troops in Fucheng County were actually [-] people, and another [-] troops were commanded by Liu Qiong as surprise soldiers, hiding in a large mountain depression about [-] miles away from Fucheng County. The road also leads to Yichuan County.

At noon, when the soldiers had just finished eating dry food, Liu Qiong received an order from Chen Qing, ordering him to lead the army to set off immediately.

Liu Qiong then led [-] cavalry and [-] camels towards Yichuan County.
At night, Liu Qiong's army entered Danzhou. When they passed the edge of a grand canyon, they could only see a little bit of fire in the canyon from a distance. They were piles of bonfires, and they encountered the main force of the golden army.

"Order the whole army to slow down and stop firing!"

Although there were still twenty miles away, Liu Qiong was still very cautious, for fear of being discovered by the enemy's sentinel cavalry, they passed through the canyon silently, passing tens of thousands of enemy troops.

Liu Qiong's task was to seize Yichuan County and cut off the food supply for the main force of the Jin army.

The army continued to go northward, and at noon the next day, it was still [-] miles away from Yichuan County. At this time, Tang Qian led a thousand scouts to join Liu Qiong. Under the order, the rest of the scout teams rushed to Yichuan County.

Liu Qiong ordered the army to rest in place, and set up a marching tent.

In the camp tent, Tang Qian unfolded a map on the table and said: "According to our information, there are about [-] to [-] Jurchen troops left behind in Yichuan County. In addition, [-] troops are stationed at the entrance of Wuren Road. When the two armies converge, I suggest that you first kill the enemy at the entrance of Wuren Road, and then return to attack Yichuan County."

"How far is the distance between the two places?" Liu Qiong asked looking at the map.

"About five miles!"

"I also want to know the defense situation of Yichuan County?"

Tang Qian said with a smile: "The defense is looser at night. After all, there are not many people. The golden soldiers are mainly concentrated in the south. There are only dozens of people on the north wall at night. My scout army can take down the north wall and open the north gate for the general."

Liu Qiong was a little worried and said, "But I'm worried that the enemy army will escape from the south gate, so I will inform the main force of the enemy army. The commander-in-chief wants to delay the news as much as possible."

"It's not difficult. Set up two lines of interception outside the south city gate, and the enemy army will have no chance of escaping. Moreover, my scouts will set up sentries around to deal with the sporadic escaped enemy troops."

Liu Qiong discussed the details with Tang Qian again, and the two decided to attack at the second watch tonight, and first kill the [-] troops at Wuren Road Crossing.

(End of this chapter)

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