
Chapter 622 Reuse

Chapter 622 Reuse
Niu Gao was arranged to defend Lanzhou. Early the next morning, Chen Qing led the army to continue along the Qingshui River. Two days later, they came to the Yellow River. There was no shadow of the floating bridge.

In this battle, more than [-] Jin soldiers were wiped out, [-] were captured, and their vitality was severely injured. They will not invade Shaanxi Road for the time being.

Chen Qing originally planned to continue the eastward attack on East Road after resting, but after he got the news that Jin Bing had entered Xixia, his plan began to face adjustments.

He provoked a civil war in Xixia, and supported Xiao Heda in fighting against the Xixia court. Seeing that the two families were defeated, and now Xixia was at its weakest, Jin Guo came to pick peaches. How could Chen Qing tolerate it?
In fact, if the Jin Bing hadn't attacked Shaanxi Road, he would probably be on his way to attack Xixia now. Now that the Jin Bing was defeated, would his plan for the Northern Expedition be implemented again?

After resting in Fushi County for three days, Chen Qing immediately led the army to the south and returned to Jingzhao.
At the same time that Chen Qing and Jin Bing were fighting on Shaanxi Road, the imperial court was also fighting against Liu Guangshi's rebellion. Emperor Zhao Gou ordered Huguang Xuanfu envoy Li Gang to lead [-] troops to put down Liu Guangshi's rebellion.

Li Gang ordered Jiang Xiadu to unify Xie Qian and Tanzhou Governor Liu Hongdao to lead [-] people to attack Jiangling Mansion from north to south.

Although Liu Guangshi was the famous Liu Paopao against Jin Bing, he was an expert in the civil war. Liu Guangshi ordered his confidants Wang Meng and Li Qiong to lead [-] troops each to fight.

Li Qiong's army was stationed [-] miles away from Liu Hongdao's army, confusing Liu Hongdao, while Liu Guangshi himself led [-] troops to the back of Liu Hongdao's camp by boat, and attacked Liu Hongdao's camp in the middle of the night.

Liu Hongdao was caught off guard, and his army was defeated. Liu Guangshi beheaded thousands of people, captured more than [-] people, and took away all the supplies. Liu Hongdao fled with only a few hundred soldiers.

And Wang Meng's army also defeated Xie Qian's army in Tongmian Town, capturing more than [-] enemies.

Li Gang was defeated in both battles, and Wang Bao, the supervisor of the army, immediately sent the battle report to Lin'an.


Zhao Gou slapped the table hard, gritted his teeth and said, "It's a pity that I still trust him so much, thinking that he can succeed immediately, but I didn't expect it to be so easy. Is this how he repays me?"

Zhao Gou immediately ordered: "Let Qin Xianggong, Zhang Xianggong and Zhao Xianggong come to see me!"

The eunuch immediately rushed to announce the summons, and Zhao Ding, who had been rehabilitated, came first. Zhao Ding read the report of the Supervisory Army: "Li Gang is old, and his energy and physical strength are not as good as before. Moreover, I feel that he has obviously underestimated the enemy."

Zhao Gou agreed that Li Gang was old and weak, but Zhao Gou didn't quite understand Li Gang's underestimation of the enemy. "Why do you say that Li Gang underestimates the enemy?"

Zhao Ding shook his head and said: "Liu Guangshi has never won any victories. Everyone underestimates him and thinks he is a general who has been defeated repeatedly. In fact, Liu Guangshi still has skills, but he is unwilling to work hard, but now it involves his vital interests. , he will naturally go all out, and Li Gang hastily sent troops to fight without careful investigation, which is actually a sign of underestimating the enemy."

At this time, both Qin Hui and Zhang Jun rushed over, and Zhao Gou handed the overseer to the two of them, "You all have a look! I have nothing to say."

Qin Hui couldn't bear the excitement in his eyes. He had always opposed Li Gang's return to military power, but the officials refused to listen to his persuasion. Now that Li Gang's defeat proved that he had the foresight.

But he didn't dare to bring up this issue, because the officials would not come down, Qin Hui said euphemistically: "Li Gang has made a lot of achievements in fighting against the Jin soldiers who invaded Jingzhou. This time I lost, I guess I also underestimated the enemy."

Qin Hui also thought that Li Gang underestimated the enemy, which was consistent with what Zhao Ding saw. Zhao Gou looked at Zhang Jun, "What does Mr. Zhang mean?"

Zhang Jun pondered for a moment, "We were defeated in both wars. Underestimation of the enemy is the main factor. On the other hand, it also shows that Liu Guangshi is not incompetent. It is not the best strategy to use civil servants to deal with warlords like Liu Guangshi. I recommend Liu Kai to lead the army to put down Liu Guangshi's rebellion."

Zhao Ding shook his head, "Liu Guangshi has rich experience, is old and cunning, although Liu Qi is also from the Western Army, he still can't be alone, it is better to let Wu Jie lead the army to suppress the rebellion."

Qin Hui opposed Wu Jie, thinking that he was good at defense but lacking in offense. Moreover, he had just been transferred to the Huaihe River for defense, so he could not give up halfway. Hundreds of ships went to quell Liu Guangshi's rebellion.

Accepting Qin Hui's recommendation, Zhao Gou decreed to remove Li Gang from his position as envoy of Huguang Xuanfu, and changed him to Zhiyue Prefecture Affairs to continue to restore people's livelihood along the Dongting Lake. At the same time, he decreed to summon Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun is currently in Lin'an. He was summoned by the emperor and hurried to the palace.

Zhang Junnian is about fifty years old. He is tall and has a deep appearance. Although he was born as a military general, he has good literary talents. He can be regarded as an all-rounder in both civil and military affairs. , Han Shizhong, Yue Fei, and Liu Guangshi are all talented in civil and military affairs, and even Chen Qing can be reused because of his good literary talent.

"My minister, Zhang Jun, sees His Majesty the Emperor, and I wish His Majesty long live long live long live!"

Zhang Jun is currently leading an army of [-] to garrison along the Yangtze River. However, since the troops of Yue Fei, Han Shizhong and Wu Jie have basically captured the Jianghuai River and are building a defense line along the Huaihe River, Zhang Jun's army can be temporarily transferred to counter the rebellion. .

Zhao Gou said with a gentle smile, "Ai Qing, please stand up, please sit down!"

An eunuch brought him a chair, and Zhang Jun sat down opposite Zhao Gou.

Zhao Gou asked: "About Li Gangping's defeat in rebelling against Liu Guangshi, what does Ai Qing think is the problem?"

Zhang Jun bowed and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I have always believed that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. The mistake Li Gong made was that he didn't know both himself and the enemy. He went to battle hastily, which led to the defeat of the army."

Zhao Gou said with great interest: "Aiqing, why don't you talk about it in detail?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Li Gong has not touched the military for almost three years. He has been devoting himself to cultivating wasteland, relocating the people, and restoring the people's livelihood after the Yang Yao Rebellion. Talk about a civil official like Li Gong.

And he used Liu Hongdao as the left army, but he didn't know that Liu Hongdao had enjoyed himself for the past two years, his military discipline was lax, his training was deserted, and his army sometimes disturbed and harmed the people, so Liu Hongdao's camp was easily attacked by Liu Guangshi Succeeded, almost the entire army was wiped out.

The same is true for the Xie Qian army. They are stationed in Jiangxia. The training has been neglected in recent years. I heard that his soldiers have not gathered for training for a whole year. They are addicted to drinking and gambling all day long. They have no physical strength. Destroyed, Li Gong is obviously not aware of these situations, this is self-ignorance.

All the ministers knew that Liu Guangshi was training the navy and changed the cargo ships into warships, but Mr. Li didn't bring a single warship with him. He only brought hundreds of logistics ships carrying food and supplies. It can be seen that Mr. Li didn't know him at all. Situation, this is what Wei Chen said that he doesn't know himself or the enemy, so he will definitely lose. "

Zhao Gou was very appreciative of what he heard. This is called professionalism, and he analyzed the reasons for Li Gang's defeat very thoroughly.

He quickly asked: "If I let Aiqing be the general, how will Aiqing fight?"

"Your Majesty, I know Liu Guangshi very well. This man is cold-hearted, narrow-minded, and extremely suspicious. But he relies on Wang De and Li Qiong the most. I know that Liu Guangshi has an old relationship with Li Qiong. Always feeling dissatisfied, this minister will start with Li Qiong.

Therefore, the minister wanted to ask His Majesty for a reward, to entrust Li Qiong as the governor of the capital, and let him guard one side, and the minister would be sure to win Li Qiong over. Liu Guangshi lost Li Qiong, as if he had lost his arm, and the complete suppression of the rebellion was just around the corner. "

Zhao Gou was overjoyed, he took out a gold medal and handed it to Zhang Jun, "I will reward Li Qiong, Aiqing can decide on her own, if you can put down Liu Guangshi, I will make you Taiwei and Xia Guogong."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust. I will rush to Jiankang Mansion tomorrow and send troops immediately!"

Zhang Jun resigned and left.

On the same day, Zhao Gou decreed again that Zhang Jun, the commander of Shenwu Youjun, should be Huguang Xuanfu envoy and marshal of rebels, and lead [-] land and water troops to Jingnan South Road to quell the chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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