
Chapter 636 Trading

Chapter 636 Trading
In the inn room, Zhong Huan and Su Ce looked at Chao Qing with dissatisfaction. They were not fools. Chao Qing kept saying that he had not seen Chen Qing, but today they saw clearly that Chao Qing had not only met Chen Qing, but also had a relationship with him. Familiar, otherwise he wouldn't be so abnormal, is this still a good friend?Such important things are hidden from myself.

"I'm not trying to hide from you!"

Chao Qing was a little embarrassed and said: "My eldest brother is still an official in the court, and my father is also waiting for a vacancy in the court. If this matter gets out, it will have a great impact on them, and I am also afraid of being misunderstood. In the imperial examination, others will say that I rely on connections."

Zhong Huan was silent for a moment and said: "If you find it inconvenient, then don't say it."

"No! I still want to say it, at least I want to tell you, I just hope you will keep it a secret for me."

"It's okay to keep it secret, what is it?" The fire of gossip in Su Ce's heart was ignited.

Chong Huan also looked at Chao Qing expectantly, saying that he was not curious would be a lie, Chao Qing actually knew Chen Qing, what kind of relationship would they have?
Chao Qing said in a low voice: "I actually know Mrs. Xuan Fushi, she is Lu Yihao's granddaughter, and my aunt is her mother."

"Ms. Lu is your cousin?" Su Ce was the first to react.

Chong Huan also realized, isn't it just the same as that Lin Jianqing?Of course, the class was much higher. Lin Jianqing's cousin was Chen Qing's concubine, while Chao Qing's cousin was Chen Qing's wife.

"Have you been in touch?"

Chao Qing shook his head, "We haven't seen each other for ten years. In the first year of Jingkang, the Lu family moved to Yingtian Mansion, our family came to Xiangyang, and then they went to Lin'an, and our family moved to Chengdu, but elder brother wrote to father, we I just found out that my cousin is married to Chen Qing, didn't you go to the examination room two days ago? I just went to visit my cousin."

"I see. That's when you met Chen Qing?"

"Actually, I only met the Xuanfu envoy once. I was embarrassed to go in at the gate of the mansion. It happened that he came back and said a few words."

"Then this imperial examination, do you think Chen Qingzhen won't be lenient?" Zhong Huan thought of Lin Jianqing again.

Chao Qing shook his head, "My cousin told me that Xuan Fushi is very principled. Even her elder brother started as a military officer, then became a county captain in Ganquan County, and then a magistrate in Chengji County. Prefect, I just found out that the prefect of Jingzhao is my cousin Lu Wei. As for the imperial examinations that you care about, if they really want to help me, I will know the test questions tomorrow. Unfortunately, I don’t know, and of course, I don’t want to know. "

"Not even a hint?" Su Ce said unwillingly.

Chao Qing smiled wryly, "We are good friends. If I knew, I would definitely tell you. I bet on Sichuan-Shanxi Commerce, and I told you before. If I really took the test tomorrow, I guessed it myself. They But didn't tell me."

Chao Qing's words reminded Zhong Huan that if Chen Qing wanted to help Lin Jianqing pass the exam, he could just memorize a high-level policy theory for Lin Jianqing. Knowing such a low-end trick as a hero to save the beauty will make people in the know laugh.

Zhong Huan suddenly realized that all this was just his own speculation, and he didn't have any evidence. Could it be that the tall and thin man was not sent by Chen Qing and had nothing to do with Chen Qing, so who could he be?
Zhong Huan had a faint feeling that something was wrong with this matter. There seemed to be a big conspiracy hidden in it, and someone was using Lin Jianqing.

The next day's imperial examination will be carried out as usual. Today is the first day of the imperial examination. There will be a whole day of examination, and a light meal will be provided at noon in the examination room.

Countermeasures have always been the most important part of the imperial examination. The palace examination in the imperial examination is about countermeasures, which are more pragmatic and often related to the current situation. This requires scholars to broaden their horizons and focus on reality while consolidating their basic skills.

When the second drum sounded, the soldiers came in with a question board, and the scholars paid close attention to it. The title was "My Opinion on Managing Hanzhong".

This topic makes people a little crazy. It is not difficult to say that it is difficult. Everyone knows Hanzhong. This time, the scholars from Bashu went north to take the imperial examination. The battle between Song and Jin against Sichuan and Shaanxi was basically a struggle for Hanzhong.

Basically every scholar can write a countermeasure, but it is too difficult to write thoroughly in Hanzhong.

This topic made Chao Qing secretly happy. His father and Chengdu prefect Li Jiong had discussed Hanzhong together many times. When they discussed, Chao Qing was by his side. He still remembered the topic discussed by the two elders.

Chao Qing quickly wrote down his point of view on the manuscript paper. Hanzhong is not only the strategic barrier of Sichuan, but also the strategic depth of Shaanxi. It is the strategic channel between Sichuan and Shaanxi.

The strategy of Hanzhong needs to be written around these three aspects, and then divided into four points, terrain, population, food, and roads, and then use a main line to connect these three sides and four points. This main line is the strategy of Sichuan and Shaanxi. For a moment, Chao Qing felt thoughts gushing like a spring.

In Yiling County, a fleet of large ships is moored at the wharf of Yiling County, and nearly a hundred large ships are also moored on the other side of the Yangtze River.

Liu Guangshi stood on the bow of a large ship, looking forward to the fleet under Yiling County. It was [-] barrels of kerosene that Chen Qing sold to him privately, of course, in the name of Li Longwu, a big black market businessman.

Liu Guangshi didn't care about the name. He only cared about whether the fire oil was genuine. He asked to buy it at a high price of [-] cents per barrel, and Chen Qing added ten bolts of silk to each barrel. He reluctantly agreed. He was so eager for oil, and with fierce fire oil, he would be able to deal with the warships of the imperial court and defend Jiangling City. Even if the opponent attacked the city with an army of [-], he would not be afraid at all.

He has seen with his own eyes the effect of fierce kerosene defending the city. When a bucket of kerosene is poured on the siege ladder, the siege ladder will be burned to the ground, and the soldiers below will be burned to coke.

The person who went to inspect the goods was Wu Chang, his personal soldier leader. After the inspection was completed, they would exchange goods with each other, or follow the method of trading Bingjia last time, one ship after another.

"Does the military advisor think Chen Qing is tricky?" Liu Guangshi turned around and asked the military advisor Yang Chui'an.

Yang Chuian smiled and said: "I think it's unlikely. I said before that Chen Qing is not a mean person. He will open his mouth like a lion, but once the lord meets his asking price, then the transaction is generally genuine, and he will not make a deal. hall of fame."

Liu Guangshi nodded, "You're right. It's despicable to say it. A person like Zhang Jun is a despicable villain. I will never believe him. Although Chen Qing has a feud with me, he is more trustworthy than the court."

"The key is that he also hopes that the lord will always exist. The court's focus is on the lord, and his pressure will be much less. In fact, he is secretly supporting the lord by selling fierce fire oil. This high-value strategic material , You can’t buy it with money.”

Liu Guangshi snorted, "He pushed me in front as a shield!"

"That's the truth!"

At this time, a small boat came from the opposite side, and Wu Chang boarded the big boat with his entourage. He bowed and clasped his fists and said, "The humble officer randomly pumped fifty barrels. I'm sure it's all fierce kerosene. The goods should be correct!"

Liu Guangshi nodded, turned his head and shouted loudly: "It's time to trade, the first ship will pass!"

A three-thousand stone cargo ship full of copper coins and grain was pulled by the other tracker, and slowly sailed to the opposite bank of the Yangtze River.

At the same time, a cargo ship loaded with kerosene on the other side was slowly approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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