
Chapter 639

Chapter 639 Contest (Part [-])
The next day is the most memorable day for all Jinshi. In the early morning, everyone changed their clothes and worshiped the Confucius Temple together. At the beginning of the grand horse riding Kuajie, every scholar wore red and green and rode on tall horses. Dozens of soldiers Beat gongs and drums in front to clear the way.

Jingzhao City was empty of thousands of people, and hundreds of thousands of people ran out of their homes to watch the new Jinshi, laughing and laughing, and threw ribbons and flowers to the Jinshi on horseback.

This is an unforgettable honor for the young Jinshi. Many years later, when they meet again, they will all talk about this day.

After Kuajie was over, Xuanfu Envoy Chen Qing held a grand banquet in the Xuanfu Envoy Division, and hosted a banquet for [-] new scholars. Although this was an obvious arrogance, in order to win over talents, Chen Qing would rather bear this risk.

Facing the young faces, Chen Qing held up the wine cup and said to the scholars: "Today is a day worth celebrating, but it is also a day worth looking forward to for the people of Sichuan and Shaanxi. Soon, you will all go to various counties and become The parents and officials of thousands of people, their well-being will be in your hands. Like all the people, I hope that you will devote yourself to doing everything for the millions of people.

In the future, our power will gradually expand eastward, and the burden on your shoulders will also increase step by step. Everyone, we will witness history together, participate in history, and personally participate in the great cause of expelling the Jurchen Tartars and restoring the Han family. , we did this cup! "

Chen Qing raised his wine cup high, and the Jinshi were also excited, raising their wine glasses and shouting: "Cheers!"

Chong Huan touched Chao Qing's elbow lightly, and said in a low voice, "In the whole speech of the envoy Xuan Fu, there is not a word of Song."

Chao Qing glared at him, "Don't talk nonsense!"

They also raised their glasses together and shouted: "Cheers!"

Next is the allocation of official positions by the Jinshi. There are two situations in this. At least half of the Jinshi have to go home to honor their hometown, which is completely understandable.

But it is not ruled out that some Jinshi want to consider whether they want to work for Chen Qing. If this is the case, Chen Qing will not force it.

Therefore, these Jinshi who are going to return to their hometowns will not be assigned official positions for the time being, and they will be given [-] days of vacation, and they will report to the Xuanfu envoy after [-] days.

The other part is Jinshi who does not plan to go home, so they have to directly determine the specific official position of each person. Although they give up the forty-day vacation, they can get another benefit, that is, they have the opportunity to choose. There are three opportunities to choose, and the scholars who return to their hometown can only accept the remaining positions selected by others.

The three of Chao Qing didn't intend to return to their hometown, they wanted to use this opportunity to choose their favorite official positions.

"Old man, how are you going to choose?" Su Ce asked.

Chong Huan sighed and said, "I'm in a dilemma. I want to go to a local office, but many people persuade me to stay in Jingzhao. Please help me make up my mind!"

Chao Qing smiled and said: "I suggest you stay in Jingzhao, although being an official in the local area is very tough, and the subsidies are high, the housing is spacious, there is a house, you can take your parents, wife and children by your side, and there are superior in-laws on top of you." Not many, which is a benefit, but the most critical contacts in the officialdom are gone.

If you stay in Jingzhao, if you do well, you will be more likely to be discovered by Bole, appreciated by high-ranking officials, and promoted quickly. Appreciated by others, it is difficult to have a chance to stand out, but Jingzhao’s income is lower than that of the local government. The logistics department only provides single dormitories, with a maximum of two rooms. If you want to live with your wife and children, you can only rent a house, and the subsidies are not much. "

Su Ce asked with a smile from the side: "Chao Qing, you said that if you are an official in a local area, will you be honored by someone during the Chinese New Year? I mean there is more oil and water?"

Chao Qing said solemnly: "I have to make it clear to you, you don't know the way of this, if you become an official in a local area, there will definitely be rich and powerful families who will come to you and give you a sum of money every month, and as you said Yes, you should be filial during the holidays, but the money is not for nothing. If you take other people’s money, you have to do things for them. So I suggest that you don’t go to the place for the time being. This is also my father’s advice. It’s easy to go to the place too early Being controlled by others, when you have seniority in the officialdom and a backer, no one will be able to control you."

Both Su Ce and Zhong Huan were silent. They didn't know about the problems of local wealthy families. After Chao Qing said this, they realized that the actual situation was not as simple as they thought, and they needed to think about it carefully.

At this time, footsteps came from outside, and someone knocked on the door. It was the shopkeeper's voice, "Excuse me, is Chao Jinshi here?"

Chao Qing hurriedly stepped forward to open the door, and asked with a smile, "Is there something wrong with the shopkeeper?"

The shopkeeper pointed to a middle-aged man behind him and said with a smile, "This official is looking for you."

The middle-aged man hurriedly cupped his fists and laughed, "This is Shen Tan, Deputy Commander of the Duzhi Administration. I want to talk to Brother Chao Xian!"

It turned out to be an order from the Deputy Department of Duzhi, so Chao Qing hurriedly opened the door and said, "Please come in and sit down!"

Zhong Huan and Su Ce stood up and smiled knowingly, "Let's go to the teahouse next door to have a cup of tea."

The two left, Chao Qing asked Shen Tan to sit down, and Shen Tan asked with a smile: "Brother Chao Xian hasn't decided where to go yet!"

Chao Qing shook his head, "I haven't thought about it yet."

Shen Tan took out a booklet from his pocket and said with a smile: "This is the function and departmental structure of our branch office. Let me give you a brief introduction."

At the same time that Chao Qing was persuaded by the Duzhi Office, Jiang Yanxian and Zhang Xiao were fighting in Chen Qing's office. They both wanted the first place in Wei Ji. The two Wang Tuo were from the same village as Li Zhuangnong, the commander of the Land, House and Mine Administration, and Li Zhuangnong took advantage of his fellowship to win him over.

Chen Qing was really helpless, so he had to stop the two of them and said, "Stop arguing, you two, it's meaningless, listen to me to say a few more realistic words."

The two stopped arguing. They sat down angrily and looked at Chen Qing. Chen Qing said with a smile: "Where Wei Ji goes is not up to him personally. He is from the Wei family. It must be decided by his family. Come up with an idea, each of you take out a position and see how their family chooses?"

The two also knew that what Chen Qing said was reasonable, so they stopped arguing, and Jiang Yanxian smiled again: "But let me remind the Xuanfu envoy, the third Chao Qing, Zhou Kuan has already sent someone to talk to him."

Chen Qing slapped the table and said angrily: "Nonsense! Chao Qing is what I want, how can Old Monkey Zhou be so shameless!"

Both Jiang Yanxian and Zhang Xiao couldn't help covering their mouths with a smile and walked away. Chen Qing immediately said to Zhang Xuan, "Go to Jiang Changshi and get Chao Qing's resume. matter, as your assistant."

"Humble duty!" Zhang Xuan hurried away.

At this time, a follower reported at the door, "The king of Neiwei is asking to see you!"

"Let him in!"

After a while, Wang Hao walked in hurriedly, bowed and said, "See Du Tong for humble posts!"

"Do you have any eyebrows?"

Three months ago, a farmer in Lintong County picked up a pigeon that was seriously injured by a hawk in the field. There was still a fuse tied to the pigeon's leg. The farmer handed the pigeon to the county government, but accidentally found It is an important military intelligence about the number of troops at Pujin Pass and Tong Pass.

Zhao Dunhuang, the magistrate, immediately sent the information to the Xuanfu envoy, from which Chen Qing knew that the Kingdom of Jin had a hidden intelligence network in Guanzhong. Chen Qing handed over the matter to the inner guard to investigate.

Wang Hao said with shame on his face: "I feel that the other party has stopped all activities and there is no movement. It is difficult to find out at present. Only when the war comes and the army starts to mobilize is the time for their activities."

"Aren't we preparing to attack Xixia now?"

"Yes! I am also searching for all clues through various channels. Judging from my years of experience as an internal guard, this net has existed for many years. It was there when Wanyan Wushu attacked Bashu. It was at the beginning. In Bashu, it expanded to Guanzhong."

Chen Qing also knew that the longer this kind of intelligence network was in operation, the harder it would be to find out, especially now that the functions of internal security were divided into half, and Chen Qing didn't want to be too strict on his subordinates when checking for fake money, illegal alcohol, and illegal salt.

"I'm not urging you on this matter, you can solve it with your own organization."


Wang Hao hesitated for a moment and said, "I have one more thing I would like to request from Dutong."

Only then did Chen Qing realize that it was Wang Hao who begged to see him, not himself summoning Wang Hao, he must have something to look for him.

"what's up?"

Wang Hao was a little embarrassed and said: "We have many warriors in the internal guards and few scribes. Most of the literati we recruited cannot be reused. Can we assign one or two of the imperial examination candidates to the internal guards?"

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing. It turned out that Wang Hao was also thinking about it. He readily asked, "Yes, what are your specific requirements?"

"There is no requirement for a humble job. I just hope that this person will not despise martial arts. It would be best if he can learn some martial arts."

Chen Qing laughed loudly, "Your request is not low! You actually want both civil and military skills. I don't think there is such a Jinshi."

Speaking of this, Chen Qing's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of a person.

(End of this chapter)

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