
Chapter 646 Confidential

Chapter 646 Confidential
In the afternoon, Chen Qing returned to the mansion and came to his inner study. Zhao Qiaoyun stepped forward to take off his outer robe for him, and said with a smile: "It's a big summer today! It doesn't feel as hot as the previous few days."

"Great heat is not the hottest day, but the hottest time. It will reach its peak in half a month. When the summer heat ends, it will start to cool sooner or later, so try to be careful and don't use ice."

Zhao Qiaoyun's lower abdomen was slightly swollen, and it was obvious that she was pregnant. She said coquettishly: "Officer, can you call me a lady too?"

"You are not afraid that Madam is suspicious, of course I can call you Madam."

"It's okay for Madam. I asked her, and she said of course."

Chen Qing knew that his wife had a carefree personality since she was a child, so as long as she didn't touch her bottom line, she really wouldn't take these titles to heart.

Chen Qing sat down and said with a smile, "Okay! Did you read those documents that I took back yesterday?"

Zhao Qiaoyun was overjoyed when she heard her husband change his name to his wife, and kissed Chen Qing heavily on the face, "I'm done reading it, I'll get it!"

"Give me a cup of herbal tea first, I'm so thirsty."


Chen Qing's inner study involves secrets, and maidservants are generally not allowed to enter, only family members can enter. Not long after, Zhao Qiaoyun came in with a few letters, and Yu Ying followed, holding a large glass of iced sour plum juice.

Chen Qing drank the sour plum juice in one gulp, feeling relieved from the heat all over his body, and said with a smile, "Now I can comment."

There are four books in total, two are Chao Qing, and the other two are Wei Ji. Chen Qing intends to focus on training the two of them, but first of all, it depends on whether they have potential. It does not mean that they are not capable, but whether they are suitable for this job. Position.

Zhao Qiaoyun smiled slightly and said: "I have read all four documents, and they are really good. The level of Jinshi and Die is different. Frankly speaking, they are all much better than Zhang Xuan, but they are not experienced enough. They are not familiar with some things that happened in the past. Understood, but it’s understandable."

"Be specific!"

"For example, Chao Qing didn't understand why Yanzhou wanted to cut taxes and adjust grain. His proposal proposed that Yanzhou should strive for food self-sufficiency. The same is true for Wei Ji. For example, Lintao Prefecture proposed to increase the amount of grain allocated to Dangchuan County, and he proposed He obviously didn't know that there are silver mines in Dangchuan County, and there are tens of thousands of miners, and they need to read more documents to make up for their shortcomings as soon as possible."

"anything else?"

"The other thing is that the styles of the two are different. Chao Qing's thinking is meticulous, and it can be said that every detail has been considered, but he can grasp the main points and raise questions about the details, but this is not the case. It is for officials to see, but to ask for feedback from the Secretary of Government Affairs.

Wei Ji, on the contrary, has a strong overall view and can put forward some admirable suggestions. For example, when he commented on the Tongguan report, he proposed that Shanzhou and Guozhou belonged to Shaanxi Road geographically and historically, but Now it is still controlled by the puppet Qi State, the Western Army should take it back, and push the defense line eastward to the Hangu Pass line. If these two people are combined, it is really perfect to join the army. "

Chen Qing gave a thumbs up and praised: "The lady's comment is very good, she sees it thoroughly!"

Zhao Qiaoyun was a little embarrassed, and said to Chen Qing sincerely: "I won't misjudge people. The two of them have great potential and extremely high talents. They will be prime ministers in the future. Officials need to train them well."

There is a two-story Huangyazi restaurant near Guirenli. It is famous for its roast chicken and duck. The wine is also good, and it is basically full of guests every day.

Since moving to Guirenli, the three of Chao Qing ate here almost every night, and stopped going to Tianranju.

"What's the matter with Xiao Su, I'm not in a good mood today?"

Chao Qing found that Su Ce had been listless, so he couldn't help asking.

Su Ce chose the Duzhi Office, and became a financial review officer as he wished, responsible for reviewing the invoices for appropriation of money and goods. Of course, he was not the only one, there were five reviewers in the Duzhi Office.

Su Ce sighed and said, "I made a big mistake today and was severely scolded by the old monkey. I feel really bad."

Old Monkey is the nickname of Zhou Kuan of Duzhi Department. He has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks and a thin body. Since Chen Qing called him Zhou Old Monkey in public, this has officially become his nickname, and everyone calls him Old Monkey behind his back.

"Tell me, what mistake did you make?"

"Today, [-] guan was allocated to Meizhou's government affairs expenses, but the officials who made the bill wrote [-] guan, and when it was sent to me, I stamped and agreed without seeing it clearly. It was only after the bill was sent that I found out that it was sent urgently. People chased me and chased me all the way to Ziwukou before chasing the approval form back. The old monkey was so angry that he called me and the person who made the form to his official room and scolded me severely. I will send it back to the official department."

Chao Qing said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about such a small matter. Your Zhou Shuling is notoriously protective. He scolded you harshly, but he will never send you back. It's just to scare you."

"I know it's scaring me, but after only working for a few days, I've made such a big mistake, I feel bad!"

Chao Qing shook his head and said, "Actually, it's all the same. I made a mistake and I'm ashamed."

"What's wrong with you?" Zhong Huan and Su Ce asked in unison.

"I was commenting on Yanzhou's annual report, extracting the important content, finding out the deficiencies in the report, and writing suggestions. I actually thought that there was too much food allocated to Yanzhou, and asked Yanzhou to be as self-sufficient in food as possible. "

Su Ce said with a smile: "I know that Fushi in Yanzhou produces fire oil, and most of the young and strong in the county are hired to fish for oil. There are not many people farming, and there are [-] garrisons, which are the money and food for the entire northern Shaanxi. Big consumer."

"That's right, but I don't know that Yanzhou produces fire oil, and I don't know that most of the young and strong are hired by the government, so they can't farm in large quantities. Of course, there is not enough food, so we have to allocate food, so after reading Madam's comments, I'm just ashamed."

"What's Madam's comment?" Zhong Huan asked puzzled.

"It's the second wife of the Xuanfu envoy. Before we went in, she was the one who read all the documents. She was responsible for writing outlines and suggestions. She was extremely talented. Everyone admired her. I read the briefings she wrote. Gang, it is indeed very well written, thoroughly read, very incisive, and I am still far behind."

Chong Huan hesitated and said, "I heard that Xuanfu envoy has a wife who is Di Ji."

"It's her, Empress Xiande, but it's best not to talk too much about this matter, let's change the subject, old man, I heard that you have a single official room, you are enviable!"

Chong Huan said triumphantly: "There are so many places that you envy! I just got an internal reward of fifty taels of silver today, and I recorded a great merit. Going to study martial arts for half a year, and then serve as a commander as a civil servant, can't you imagine it!"

Chao Qing and Su Ce were dumbfounded, and Chao Qing asked anxiously, "What kind of rule is this?"

"This is a special rule of the Western Army. It's called combining civil and military officials. For example, our Xuanfu envoy, who is in charge of the capital, should be a general, but he is a civil official. , This is his official official, sent to serve as Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and at the same time as the commander of the Western Army, this is the military general Wen Yong of the imperial court, and in the Western Army it is called Wenwu Bingguan."

"What conditions do you need?" Su Ce asked enviously.

"The conditions are rather harsh. You must have a background in imperial examinations or Taixue, and you must also know martial arts. You must pass the general examination, riding and archery, step bow, weightlifting, and weapons. In fact, you are required to have both civil and military skills. Brother, I just meet the requirements, so I will treat you tonight. !"

Chao Qing pondered for a while and asked, "What great achievement have you made that you should be rewarded with fifty taels of silver?"

Chong Huan shook his head pretending to be mysterious, "This is a secret of the internal guards, please forgive me for not revealing it."

"Then what can you reveal? We can't all talk about it!"

Chong Huan smiled triumphantly, "I wrote an eighteen strategy strategy for Xixia. If the Xuanfu Envoy can adopt it, maybe I will make another contribution."

"It was written by your grandfather!" Su Ce said with a look of contempt.

"It was written by my grandfather. It is the wealth he left me. It has been inherited by me, can't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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