
Chapter 664

Chapter 664
Chen Qing led thousands of soldiers to the side of the valley. The craftsmen used large wooden boxes and iron chains to build a simple floating box plank road. Chen Qing was not in a hurry to go up, but was patiently waiting for news from Tang Qian.

Tang Qian led more than a hundred people and walked about ten miles in the cave. There are many forks in the cave, and one cave is within another, so it is easy to get lost.

But this cave was not just discovered. It should be that the Song army passed by and carved very shallow stone steps on the ground, but it is not so much a stone step as a mark. More than a hundred people meandered along the stone step mark. While walking, there was a knocking sound in front of him, 'Dang!when!when! It was extremely ear-piercing in the cave, Tang Qian squatted down hurriedly, stepped on the torch in his hand, and the soldiers behind him also extinguished the torch.

Tang Qian crawled slowly, and there was a hole not far in front, and the knocking sound came from this small hole.

He cautiously looked out, and almost bumped his head against the stone. Outside was a cave like a palace, and the cave was full of various supplies.

Tang Qian wanted to slap himself hard. They had already discovered the big hole outside and used it as a warehouse for storing supplies. The supplies inside were all stored by them, such as grain, fodder, bacon, weapons, armor, Bows and arrows, tents, kerosene, gunpowder, etc. At that time, they never imagined that this natural cave actually led to the foot of the mountain.

The entrance of the cave was blocked by dozens of wooden boxes for swords, but there was a gap about a foot wide. Through the gap, a few Xixia soldiers seemed to be building tents, and a soldier was beating a thick stick on the rock. The dangdang knocking sound of the tent nails came from here.

Of course Tang Qian knew about the situation outside the cave. The cave was to the west of the village, about [-] feet away from the top of the mountain. They specially built a barracks outside the cave, with soldiers standing guard, and a path leading directly to the top of the mountain.

Tang Qian waved his hands back and said in a low voice, "Send the order to go back!"

The order was passed on one by one, and everyone started to turn around and return along the original road. It was easy to go down the mountain. After half an hour, they came out of the water hole and returned to the shore along the plank road of the floating box.

"How about it?"

Chen Qing stepped forward and asked, "What did you find?"

Tang Qian quickly clasped his fists and said, "Qi Dutong, there is a secret passage leading to the top of the mountain!"

He drew a simple picture on the ground, said while drawing, and finally said: "There is a cave hall on the top. In fact, we have discovered it a long time ago. It is used as a natural warehouse. It's the same as the commander in chief."

"That's huge!"

Chen Qing sighed in admiration, and asked again: "Then why didn't the other party discover this cave?"

"Qi Dutong, when we occupied the Ghota village, the village had been abandoned for at least ten years, and it became dilapidated and barren. There were also some tattered sacks in the cave. We guessed that the Xixia army also used it as a warehouse, but Whether the Xixia army has discovered the secret behind the cave, I don't know."

Chen Qing nodded, and looked at the night again. The fifth watch had already passed. He turned to Yang Zaixing and said, "The enemy must be on guard at the top of the mountain. I will lead a large army to attack the stronghold, and you will lead [-] elite troops to enter the stronghold from the cave!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Yang Zaixing led [-] elite soldiers to follow Tang Qian into the cave. Chen Qing returned to the camp, and then led [-] troops to attack the village at night.

Although Shang Dongyan had led an army to attack the supplies of the Song army in the Ghota village twenty years ago, he had never been stationed in the Ghota village. Of course, he didn't know that there was a mountainside passage leading to the mountain stream, not to mention that the Gheta village was deserted. For a full ten years, most Xixia soldiers did not know the existence of this secret passage.

Shang Dongyan got up at five o'clock, which was a habit he had developed for decades. He got up on time at five o'clock every day, rain or shine.

He came to the cottage and watched the situation at the foot of the mountain. It was pitch black below, and he couldn't see it from the top of the mountain, but they had sentries and garrisons on the mountainside. If there was any abnormality, they would be discovered immediately.

Shang Dongyan has an intuition that Chen Qing can't wait for time, and will definitely attack on a large scale within two days. He is also a little worried. If Chen Qing doesn't count the casualties, the army camp may not be able to keep it. After all, he only has [-] troops, so it depends on Li Ke. Can you lead the army to arrive in time?

At this moment, a rapid alarm bell sounded suddenly at the foot of the mountain, 'Dang!when!when!when! ’ is especially harsh in the silence of the night.

"not good!"

Shang Dongyan suddenly yelled, turned around and ran towards the cottage, "Order the whole army to stand up, the enemy is attacking!"

Alarm bells sounded in the cottage as well, Xixia soldiers got up one after another, put on their shoes, picked up their weapons and rushed outside the big tent.

Shang Dongyan was yelling to command the soldiers, "All the crossbowmen take their positions, move the gunpowder barrels and kerosene barrels to the side of the mountain road, and roll logs and stones to prepare!"

Gunpowder and kerosene are not the materials in the cave warehouse, they are spare materials. There are [-] barrels of kerosene and [-] barrels of gunpowder in the cottage. For a day of fierce fighting, it is almost enough to use [-] barrels of kerosene.

The Xixia army has piled up a lot of wood at every turn. As long as the Song army comes, they will ignite the wood at a turn, sprinkle with kerosene, and cooperate with the crossbowmen, which is enough to block the attack of the Song army.

Tang Qian killed and injured nearly [-] people in his attack on the mountain, and he couldn't attack it anyway. This is the reason.

At this time, the commander Wang Xian led [-] soldiers to attack the vanguard. Wang Xian was Gao Ding's subordinate, and Yang Zaixing sent a surprise soldier into the cave.

Five hundred soldiers walked slowly at the front, each holding a large shield. Suddenly, a raging fire ignited at the corner in front of him. The entire mountain path was engulfed in flames.

The soldiers of the Song Army raised their large shields above their heads one after another. A dozen soldiers couldn't raise their shields enough, were shot by arrows, and rolled down the hillside screaming.

Immediately afterwards, a rain of boulders fell, dozens of soldiers were knocked over, and the rest of the soldiers leaned against the mountain wall one after another.

At the same time, [-] Song soldiers also shot arrows overhead, but the effect was so poor that the screams of the enemy's arrows were basically not heard.

In contrast, it is still sharper to shoot arrows from above.
Chen Qing could see clearly from the bottom of the mountain, the mountain was too steep, it was basically impossible to attack the mountain from the front, and Yang Zaixing's [-] troops were a bit small.

Chen Qing immediately said to Gao Ding: "General Gao will lead another [-] troops up from the cave to support General Yang."

"Follow the order!"

Gao Ding immediately led the [-] troops from the headquarters to the direction of the mountain stream.

Yang Zaixing led [-] people to the top of the cave. Behind him, dense soldiers almost filled the entire mountainside.

The cave was very quiet, the soldiers guarding the cave had already fallen asleep, and the alarm bell from the top of the mountain could be vaguely heard, but it was not affected at all here, only the figure of a person walking back and forth in the cave, that was the sentinel on guard.

Everyone worked together, moved boxes of weapons into the cave, and cleared a passage.

Yang Zaixing jumped out of the cave, holding a gun in his left hand and a sword in his right, and rushed into the small tent. The tent shook slightly, and after a while, Yang Zaixing came out, with blood still dripping from the tip of the spear.

He led a dozen soldiers to touch the entrance of the cave. There were four soldiers at the entrance of the cave. They were also awakened by the sound of the alarm bell on the mountain, and they were gathering together and talking about something.

Yang Zaixing waved his long sword, "Crack! The head of the soldier on guard flew out, the headless corpse fell down, blood sprayed from the neck cavity, the other three were caught off guard and were sprayed with blood all over their faces, screaming in fright, a dozen soldiers together Charged forward, spears pierced their chests.

Yang Zaixing waved his hand, "Follow me!"

The mighty soldiers rushed to the top of the mountain following him.
(End of this chapter)

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