
Chapter 693

Chapter 693
There is also a large wheat field in the south of Dingzhou, which belongs to the official field. In the morning, Brother Li Cha was also accompanied by officials to inspect the progress of wheat harvesting. The [-] shi of grain can only be eaten by his army for four or five months. What should we do in the future?
In addition, there are [-] people in Dingzhou City, and he doesn't care about what the people eat.

"How much land is there in this wheat field?" Brother Li Cha asked with a finger on his horsewhip.

Inspector Xiahou Qiuming hurriedly said: "Reporting to the lord, the wheat fields in Dingzhou are about [-] mu."

"How much grain can be harvested from [-] mu?"

"Each mu produces [-] catties of grain, and [-] mu equals [-] shi of wheat."

Brother Li Cha calculated in his mind, two hundred thousand is enough wheat to feed a fifty thousand army for eight months, plus the current one hundred thousand shi, it would be enough to feed for one year, he nodded, "That's enough for fifty thousand troops."

Xiahou Qiuming said bitterly: "My lord, that's not how the accounts are calculated."

Brother Li Cha gave him a dissatisfied look, "Then what do you say?"

"Reporting to the lord, the wheat must be reserved first, twenty catties per mu of land, and then there are [-] people in the city, they also have to eat, and the soldiers' wives, children and parents, their food also needs to be taken care of by us. Where is Wanshi enough?"

Brother Li Cha suddenly asked with a gloomy face: "Then what should I do? Do you want it from the court?"

Xiahou Qiuqiu sighed: "I don't think the imperial court is enough. This year, [-]% of our wheat fields are controlled by the Song army, and we only have a little over [-]%. Now the only thing we can count on is how many cattle and sheep in each tribe? Otherwise We won't make it through next year at all."

Brother Li Cha knew in his heart that the cattle and sheep in Xixia were controlled by the Qiang people, and now there are not many party members who are still nomadic. There are only four tribes left, distributed in the eastern foot of Henan Mountain. What can be controlled is the cattle and sheep of the Black Mountain Military Division.

Thinking of Black Mountain, Brother Li Cha suddenly thought of his second son and two thousand subordinates who had been missing for a long time, whose whereabouts are still unknown, and his life and death are unknown, which really cast a shadow on his heart.

At this time, a soldier rushed over, saluted and reported: "Mr. Han is back!"

Brother Li Cha didn't want to inspect anymore, so he turned his horse and returned to the city.

Han Feng just came back from Xingqing Mansion. He was ordered by Brother Li Cha to secretly visit Wuyan Puluhun, the leader of the Kingdom of Jin, but the final outcome was not satisfactory.

At this time, Brother Li Cha walked into the lobby quickly, "Mr. is back!"

Han Feng hurriedly bowed and saluted, "Humble job just came back."

"How about it, did you get embarrassed when you entered Xingqing Mansion?" Brother Li Cha asked with concern.

Han Feng said with a smile: "Now Xingqing Mansion has been released again, and you can enter and exit normally. The humble official didn't find anyone, and he didn't receive any interrogation, so he went directly into the city."

Brother Li Cha was stunned, "Why did you let go?"

"It is estimated that the imperial court and Chen Qing signed a one-month truce agreement! In order to facilitate the entry of food into the city, I didn't bother to check."

"Bang!" Brother Li Cha slapped the table, and the teacup on the table was almost knocked over.

"It's just nonsense. I tried my best to clean up the Xingqing mansion. Once he let go, the scouts of the Song army can enter the city again."

Brother Li Cha was very annoyed and asked again: "Who gave this order?"

"It seems that Cao Baozong is responsible for the defense of the city, and it should be his decision."

"This damned dude, he didn't accomplish enough, but failed!" Brother Li Cha gritted his teeth in hatred.

After a pause, Han Feng said again: "The humble officer met Wuyan Puluhun."

"Sit down and talk!"

Brother Li Cha pointed to the chair and told him to sit down.

Han Feng sat down and said with a wry smile: "Uyan Puluhun hopes that the prince will cooperate with the court as much as possible and hand over the army to the court."

Brother Li Cha's face sank, "What does he mean?"

"What he meant was to stand on the side of the emperor and reject the prince's suggestion."

"Hmph! A Jurchen chief, do you think of yourself as the Supreme Emperor of Xixia?" Brother Li Cha's tone was extremely dissatisfied.

Han Feng said again: "But I met the deputy general Han Chang again. He is very interested in the prince. He suggested that the prince write a letter to the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Tarlan."

Brother Li Cha frowned, "I'm a little confused, which play are they singing?"

"My lord, the two of them are not a stick of incense. Wuyan Puluhun is the confidant of the fourth prince Wanyan Wushu, and Han Chang is a lazy person of Wanyan. The background conflicts between these two people are very deep. Yan Wushu dominated Xixia, so Wuyan Puluhun supported the emperor, but Wanyan Talan didn't want to send troops to Xixia, but he didn't want Xixia's power to be left behind, so he ordered Han Chang to lead the [-] Xixia army as the deputy general. I want to push the prince to Wanyan Tarlan's side."

Brother Li Cha finally understood that the two major factions of the Kingdom of Jin competed for Xixia, and Wanyan Wushu had the upper hand.

"If I take refuge in Wanyan Tarlan, what can I get?" Brother Li Cha asked.

"Han Chang didn't say it clearly, but he only said one thing, Datong Mansion is Wanyan Talan's site. I guessed that Wanyan Talan wanted to use Datong Mansion as Xixia's retreat. host."

Brother Li Cha took a few steps with his hands behind his back, and he asked, "Mr. Han said, should I write this letter?"

Han Feng said with a smile: "Writing this letter, the prince has taken the initiative, he can enter the Xingqing Mansion, and retreat to the Datong Mansion, but if he doesn't write this letter, the prince will really have to look at the faces of the Son of Heaven and the Jurchen.

Brother Li Cha nodded, Han Feng was quite right, writing this letter would give him one more escape route, as to whether he chooses this escape route or not, it depends on his own wishes.

Brother Li Cha immediately wrote a letter in his own hand, and sent someone to Xingqing Mansion to deliver it to Han Chang, who then sent someone to Shangjing to deliver it to Wanyan Tarlan.

After signing a short-term armistice agreement with Chen Qing, Xixia has also entered the busy farming season. In the past, it was Han slaves who harvested wheat, or Qiang people, Uyghurs, etc. If the bottom-level party members had land, they themselves Also go to harvest wheat.

But most of the party members will not go to busy farm work, but this year is different, the Han slaves are almost gone, Qiang people, Uyghurs are also forcibly driven away by Brother Li Cha, no one is harvesting wheat, only the party members are mobilized to go Harvest, almost all the young men and women of the common people went out of the city to harvest wheat.

There were too many wheat harvesters coming and going at the city gate, and there was no time to check. Cao Baozong simply ordered that the control be completely relaxed, allowing the people to enter and leave the city freely.

Although Brother Li Cha scolded Cao Baozong for breaking his rules, he didn't know that Cao Baozong had no choice. Hundreds of thousands of people left the city in the morning and entered the city in the evening. Since you can't check, you can only let go.

In the evening, hundreds of thousands of mighty wheat harvesting troops began to return to the city. They led mules and donkeys loaded with wheat, and some people drove carts full of wheat.

There are rows of soldiers standing on both sides of the city gate, but as long as there is no trouble, these soldiers will not meddle in their own business.

After the grain enters the city, it is not moved back to each family, but to be sent to the warehouse before going home to rest.

Hu Yanlei and a few of his subordinates were also among the people who harvested wheat, and the Xingqing Mansion let go. How could Chen Qing not take advantage of this opportunity?

Of course, there are tens of thousands of acres of wheat fields outside Lingzhou City, and Lingzhou is also harvesting wheat, but the Song Army is harvesting wheat in Lingzhou, and the city gate is still closed, not giving Xixia people any chance.

Chen Qing and Brother Li Cha have the same thinking, and at this critical moment, there must be no mistakes.

Without any interrogation, Hu Yanlei led his men into Xingqing City. They went to pay the food, and then drove an empty car to an alley in the south of the city. At the end of the alley was a small courtyard. Xiao Yuan looked at the door lock of the military scout's residence and said with a smile: "The mark I made when I stepped forward is still there, no one lives there."

He took out the key and opened the door. There was indeed no one living there, the ground was messy, and some sundries were still piled up in the yard. This place belongs to a poor area, there is no oil and water, and Xixia soldiers did not come in to loot it.

Xiao Yuan led the crowd to tidy up the yard and room, while Hu Yanlei went out to do errands alone.

Not long after, Hu Yanlei came to a magnificent mansion. On the plaque was written the party item, if translated into Chinese, it would be 'Cao Mansion'.

(End of this chapter)

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