
Chapter 697 Mutiny

Chapter 697 Mutiny

At noon, in a small tavern, Tuoba Changshi pushed an ingot of five taels of silver in front of Hu Yanlei, and said with a smile: "A friend who is doing big business wants to know some valuable inside information, so he asked me to inquire about it. I'll let my younger brother earn the money!"

Huyanlei looked at Yinzi and said for a while: "Isn't brother joking!"

Tuoba Changshi smiled and said: "To tell you the truth, brother, the other party gave me ten taels of silver, half of each of us."

"Then I will be disrespectful!"

Hu Yanlei picked up the silver, weighed it, and said in a low voice, "Your friend had better stay away from King Jin."

"why would you say so?"

Hu Yanlei looked at both sides and said: "The Son of Heaven has decided to get rid of King Jin."

"No way! They are brothers!"

"There is no brotherhood in front of the throne. For five taels of silver, let me tell you that this news is absolutely accurate. As for how to kill King Jin, if there are still five taels of silver, I can tell you more exciting news." Come out, if it is false news, I will pay you ten times the silver."

How could Tuoba Changshi be reluctant to part with money?The key message must be useful!King Jin has already begun to be dissatisfied with himself.

Tuoba Changshi took out another five taels of silver, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that the ten taels of silver still belong to my brother."

Hu Yanlei smiled, put away the five taels of silver, dipped in the wine and wrote four words on the table, 'The Son of Heaven feigns illness'.

"No way!" Tuoba Changshi was stunned for a moment.

Hu Yanlei sneered, "I told you just now, if the news is false, I will pay you ten times the money."

Tuoba Chang really didn't want to drink anymore, so he found an excuse and returned to the shop. This news is very important, no matter it is true or not, he must send it to King Jin.

A quarter of an hour later, a letter eagle soared into the sky and flew north to Dingzhou.

Xingqing Mansion is only about a hundred miles away from Dingzhou. In the afternoon, Jin Wang Li Cha received Tuoba Changshi's eagle letter, and the content inside really surprised him.

'Is the emperor feigning illness?It is for nothing but myself. '

It was only yesterday that he received the emperor's decree, formally ennobling him as a state supervisor, and asking him to return to Xingqing mansion immediately to preside over the government affairs of the court.

The crown prince is still young, and the emperor is seriously ill. It is completely reasonable for him, the emperor's uncle, to be the supervisor of the country. Brother Li Cha is really tempted.

But when Tuoba Changshi's eagle letter came, it really made Brother Li Cha angry. He actually pretended to be sick, and the letter that he was the supervisor of the emperor was a trap, and he wanted to kill himself.

Brother Li Cha didn't fully believe it, he immediately sent an eagle letter to his confidants in Xingqing Mansion, asking him to find out whether the emperor is really sick or just pretending to be sick?
Brother Li Cha immediately canceled his plan to rush to Xingqing Mansion overnight, and waited patiently for news.

In the morning of the next day, Brother Li Cha finally received a reply letter from his confidant from Xingqing Mansion. There were only seven words, 'pretending to be ill is true, with murderous intent'.

This reply made Brother Li Cha feel a kind of hatred that he had never felt before. He had many chances to kill the emperor brother and ascend the throne, but he always thought of brotherhood and couldn't bear to do it. Unexpectedly, his brother would not allow him. Trick him into Xingqing Mansion and kill him.

The emperor no longer cares about brotherhood, so why bother?

Brother Li Cha slowly clenched his teeth, and said to himself: "Since you are going to be the first grader, don't blame me for being the fifteenth grader!"

Two days later.

The palace of Xingqing Mansion was shrouded in sudden terror. More than a dozen imperial doctors were tied behind their backs and knelt on the ground, trembling with fear. The palace guards searched the rooms of the eunuchs and maids everywhere. In this hall, everyone is in danger.

A major event happened in the palace today. The emperor Li Qianshun's condition suddenly worsened and his life was dying. The careful guards soon discovered that there were traces of poison in the soup and medicine bowl left by the emperor, which immediately caused an uproar.

Soon, two maids who served the emperor to take medicine committed suicide. Xia Houliang, the head guard who lost his target, went crazy and began to suspect everyone. The eunuchs and maids were interrogated, tortured, and searched one by one.

The ministers gathered all night, and when it was almost dawn, the emperor survived the most dangerous moment, and everyone went back to their homes to rest.

As soon as Cao Baozong returned to the mansion, Hu Yanlei found him, "May I ask the Privy Envoy, what is the current situation of the Son of Heaven?"

Cao Baozong shook his head, "We are doing our best to treat it. Xia Houliang said that the toxicity is temporarily suppressed, and there is no acute attack, but it is only temporarily suppressed. I don't think it will last for a few days."

Hu Yanlei asked again: "Has the poisoner been found?"

Cao Baozong sneered, "Who else is there besides Jin Wang Li Cha? As soon as the Jurchen cavalry left, he started. It's ridiculous that many people still pin their hopes on Han Chang. Fortunately, the general reminded me that Han Chang is Wanyan. Chang's people, once Wan Yanchang supports brother Li Cha, then Han Chang will become the most dangerous enemy."

Hu Yan nodded, "That's why I came to the Privy Councilor. The situation in Xingqing Mansion is too dangerous, and the Privy Councilor must take his family away immediately!"

Cao Baozong was startled, "Shall we leave now?"

"Let's go now, right away. I suspect Brother Li Cha is already on his way to Xingqing Mansion."

After capturing the Xingqing Mansion, Chen Qing still needed a political figure from Xixia to stand up and maintain the situation. This person must not only have a certain prestige in Xixia, but also be loyal to himself. Chen Qing finally chose Cao Baozong.

On the one hand, Cao Baozong is not a member of the party, but a descendant of the Cao family of the Guiyi Army, so he will not feel the pain of the demise of Xixia. On the other hand, Cao Baozong is relatively mediocre and cannot achieve great things. days of captivity.

The third reason is that Cao Baohui, the chief general of the Black Mountain Army, has [-] troops under him, and Chen Qing hopes to recruit him through Cao Baozong.

So Chen Qing sent Huyanlei to Xingqing Mansion just to keep Cao Baozong.

Cao Baozong was flustered, and hurriedly asked his wife and a pair of children to pack up their belongings, and asked his mother to pack up their belongings. Before that, Cao Baozong smuggled his property out of the city several times and sent it to Xiping Mansion.

The belongings had already been packed, his wife, daughter and old mother got into the carriage, Cao Baozong also got on his horse, and left Cao's mansion towards the south gate with more than [-] soldiers.

At this time, although the imperial palace has been sealed off, there is no martial law in the city, and it is still in a normal state, but the city gate is closed as usual, and it is forbidden to go out or enter the city at will.

Relying on the gold medal of his privy envoy, Cao Baozong successfully left the city gate and headed south. Hu Yanlei had already made arrangements. Army-controlled Hetao area.

As soon as Cao Baozong left, Li Kan ordered martial law in the whole city, everyone went home, and no one was allowed to go out, otherwise they would be punished as spies.

Teams of soldiers ran on the street, and the common people went home in fright, and the street became deserted in an instant.

At the south gate, Li Kan angrily reprimanded the generals and soldiers defending the city, "The rule is that no one is allowed to leave the city, how dare you make an exception and let him go?"

The guard lowered his head and argued: "Cao Baozong has a gold medal as a privy envoy, so he can leave the city. It is not against the rules to be humble."

"Bastard! How dare you talk back to me?"

General Li Liangfu persuaded from the side: "A mediocre person like Cao Baozong will leave as soon as he leaves, and it won't affect the overall situation. Why should the prince be angry?"

"I know he can't affect the overall situation, it's just that this bastard usually speaks nicely, but he runs faster than anyone else at critical moments, it's really hateful!"

At this time, a soldier ran over and said: "General Han asked the prince and General Li to discuss military affairs, saying that there is an emergency!"

Li Kan glared at the guard again, "If you dare to let people out of the city, I will want your head!"

"I dare not to be humble!"

Then Li Kan and Li Liangfu rushed to the Jinbing Camp.

(End of this chapter)

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