
Chapter 703

Chapter 703 Decisive Battle ([-])

In the early morning of the next day, there was loud drumming in the camp of the Song army, the gate of the west camp opened, and heavy trebuchets came out of the camp. He walked slowly, followed by groups of soldiers on both sides.

Catapults followed one after another, and there were more and more soldiers, with banners flying and murderous looks.

The horns on the top of the city continued to sound, "Woo————" Xixia soldiers also rushed to the top of the city one after another, drawing their bows and arrows, and the situation was extremely tense.

Brother Li Cha also went to the top of the city. He saw the heavy trebuchets of the Song Army, and he couldn't help but gasp. He had never seen such a huge trebuchet. In the past, the Song Army could not transport such trebuchets into Xixia, and Xixia itself could not transport them. Unable to make it, this huge monster made all Xixia soldiers feel uneasy.

Brother Li Cha raised his arms and roared, "Strictly guard the city, and fight the Song army to the end!"

Xixia soldiers also raised their arms and shouted, "Fight to the death with the Song army!"

At this time, Brother Li Cha quietly retreated to the city, he took a token and handed it to the soldiers, "Go and order General Xiahou to get ready and break out from the north city gate!"

The soldiers flew away, and Brother Li Cha came to the Jinbing camp again. Han Chang's [-] Congregation Army and [-] Jurchen cavalry lived in the Jinbing camp. Brother Li Cha decided to defect to the Kingdom of Jin. You must follow him.

Brother Li Cha found Han Chang and said nervously: "The situation is not good. If the Song army breaks through the city, we will break through immediately."

Han Chang smiled lightly: "Is the prince so unconfident? Can the Song army break through the city in one battle?"

"Hey! The Song army has powerful siege weapons, but we don't have strong defensive weapons. We really lack confidence, so we should prepare first."

Han Chang nodded, "I'm going to Beicheng, right!"

"Exactly! I will send two rockets as a signal, and the iron kite will break out of the encirclement, and we will follow behind."

"I see, my lord, go ahead and prepare for the battle!"

Brother Li Cha left in a hurry, Wan Yan Yimu, the commander-in-chief, worried: "The [-] troops besieged the city, can we break out?"

Han Chang pondered for a while and said: "I have fought against Chen Qing for many years, and I have gradually figured out some of his ways. My intuition tells me that he will let Brother Li Cha break through."

The barracks of the Song Army had been dismantled, and the surrounding area of ​​Xingqing City had become a snow-capped wilderness. Hundreds of thousands of Song troops lined up in the wilderness outside the west city wall, with spears like forests and banners like clouds.

In front of the team were twenty heavy-duty trebuchets. This kind of heavy-duty trebuchet could throw a hundred-jin boulder two hundred steps away. Of course, it could also throw fire oil, but today the Song army's goal was the city wall.

There is a huge baffle in front of each heavy-duty catapult, which is to prevent the crossbow arrows of the Xixia defenders from shooting. At a distance of two hundred steps, the crossbow arrows on the top of the city can completely shoot and kill the soldiers manipulating the catapult.

Soldiers and craftsmen of the Song Army were busy preparing. Dozens of soldiers pushed the huge winch together. The iron chain creaked and pulled down the thick throwing pole. piece.

Chen Qing looked at the top of the wall and shouted: "Launch!"

Twenty heavy trebuchets were fired at the same time, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" With a series of projection sounds, twenty huge boulders rose into the air and smashed towards the city wall of Xingqing Mansion.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Twenty huge boulders smashed hard on the city wall, making a dull sound. At the same time, thousands of arrows were fired from the top of the city, and dense crossbow bolts were fired at the catapult.

Twenty giant baffles are like twenty shields, blocking most of the crossbow arrows, and the other crossbow bolts pass over the head of the catapult, even if they hit the catapult, it will have no effect. As for manipulating the soldiers, their The position is very low, they can't be seen from the top of the city, and the crossbow arrows can't hit them.

The second round of trebuchet was launched, and another twenty boulders roared and smashed against the city wall, and finally smashed hard on the city wall.

Brother Li Cha sneered, Xingqing Mansion was built with big blue bricks, very strong, what's the use of smashing it with huge stones?

"My lord, the city wall is cracked!"

The soldiers shouted one after another, and saw that the city wall was cracked, and the cracks were spreading rapidly, and the soldiers were so frightened that they dodged one after another.

Brother Li Cha looked at the city wall with his head, and was stunned for a moment. The city wall was full of cracks, each of which was as wide as a fist, and the widest crack was already a foot long, from the foot of the city to the top of the city, it was particularly dazzling.

how is this possible?Brother Li Cha couldn't believe it. After only two rounds of boulders hitting the wall, did such a wide crack appear?

At this time, the third round of the Song Army's trebuchet was launched, and another twenty boulders were thrown, "Boom! Boom!" There was a dull loud noise on the city wall, and the city wall began to shake. A section of the city wall suddenly collapsed, and more than a dozen soldiers fell to the ground. into the collapsed ground.

Fortunately, it was mainly the ground at the top of the city that collapsed, and the wall collapsed not seriously, only about three feet down, and the soldiers on the top of the city ran away one after another.

The Song army continued to launch boulders, and the cracks in the city wall became more and more large. The entire city wall was riddled with holes, but the frame did not collapse, and it still lacked a fatal blow.

Chen Qing stared at it for a moment, then ordered: "Use fire oil to attack the top of the city, and prepare to fill the moat!"

The Song army changed its attack method, and huge fire oil tanks were thrown out, falling on the city wall or on the top of the city, and raging fires ignited both above and below the city.

The Xixia city guards couldn't stay still anymore and began to retreat to both sides. Fire oil tanks kept throwing fire, and [-] Song cavalry rushed out. Each cavalry carried three bags of soil. Many boulders had piled up in the moat. The cavalry threw bags of sand directly over the boulders.

The [-] cavalry continued to shuttle and transport the soil. After running three times, they filled up a section of the moat about [-] feet long.


A low-pitched horn sounded, and a gigantic beast appeared behind the trebuchet. A five-foot-tall battering ram appeared, and a huge wooden frame with eight pairs of giant wooden wheels on the lower floor was slowly pulled by thirty camels. walk.

In the middle of the wooden frame is hung a four-foot-long battering ram head by a thick iron chain. It is made of a jujube trunk with a diameter of one meter and weighs ten thousand catties. Power enough to destroy the world.

It took two years to make this battering ram, and it took a year just to find the body of the ram. Finally, a jujube tree king with hundreds of years was found in Wonju, and the trunk of this monster was made. battering ram.

Not only the Xixia soldiers on the top of the city were stunned, but even the soldiers of the Song Army were also shocked to see this huge battering ram pass by them.

The fire on the top of the city was still burning. Xixia soldiers watched desperately as the giant beast approached the city wall step by step, but they could do nothing. Nearly [-] people had gathered under the west city, ready to desperately resist the attack of the Song army.

The battering ram is walking rumblingly. Thirty soldiers are standing on the base. The body of the battering ram is fixed from below by iron chains to prevent it from swinging during the march. Thousands of soldiers of the Song army follow on both sides and behind it, and everyone holds it high. shield.

The battering ram was getting closer and closer, one hundred and fifty steps away from the city wall. The Song army began to untie the camels and pull the camels back to the camp, turning into thousands of people pushing the battering rams together to move on.

There were only a hundred steps away from the city wall. At this time, thousands of arrows were fired in the city. A cloud of arrows like a dark cloud crossed the burning city head and shot at the giant beast. , or hide behind the giant wheel.

The battering ram was filled with arrows, but it had no stopping effect, and the battering ram was still rolling forward.

The giant wheel ran over the moat, and the sandbags underneath were a bit soft, causing the wheels to sink downwards. "Hold! One, two, three!" Thousands of people struggled to lift up, and the first pair of front wheels finally passed the moat, and the front end of the chassis immediately held up. the city wall.

"Ready to start!"

The soldiers on the chassis took off the fixed iron chains, jumped off the chassis, and pulled up the iron chains one by one. The soldiers behind rushed forward and pulled the iron chains together. At this time, the arrows could not be shot from under the city wall. , Hundreds of soldiers struggled to pull the four iron chains, and the battering ram was slowly pulled back.

"Relax!" A commander yelled, and the soldiers let go at the same time. The thick battering ram was like a pendulum, and the head of the hammer was shining with cold light, and it slammed into the city wall.
(End of this chapter)

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