
Chapter 713

Chapter 713
Before dawn the next day, Lu Wei led [-] officials to prepare to appear. The [-] officials were a mix of old and new. The six older officials were almost in their thirties and had five or six years of experience. They were all county magistrates Or county captains, they will serve as county magistrates, and the fourteen are all young Jinshi, they will serve as county captains and bosses, and then state government officials.

Although the conditions in Xiazhou are difficult, these twenty officials are also lucky ones. After they serve as county officials for five years, they can come back and be promoted to a higher level.

They went to Xiazhou with [-] cavalry guards and [-] camels. These camels went north, of course, to transport food supplies to the south, and a large amount of food supplies were stored in Lingzhou. They would take at least half a year. to complete the delivery.

Chen Qing personally sent a group of officials out of the city. At the city gate, Chen Qing told Lu Wei and everyone: "The key to Xiazhou's success is to get the support of the Qiang people. I signed a detailed agreement with the Qiang people. You should study it carefully." Let’s take a look, what is the official Qiang and what is the autonomous Qiang? There are clear stipulations in the agreement, but in addition to strictly abiding by the agreement, you must also respect the Qiang people and deal with them fairly. There are many Qiang people in the city, and they are also the people of Sichuan and Shaanxi. If they have a conflict with the Han people, remember, don’t favor anyone, and deal with it fairly, not only to avoid the Qiang people’s arrogance, but also to prevent the Han people from bullying the weak.”

Lu Wei and all his subordinates clasped their fists together and said: "The teachings of the envoy Xuan Fu, I will bear in mind my humble position!"

The crowd set off, and Chen Qing watched them go away.
After Chen Qing returned from Xixia, he has been dealing with the funeral of the Battle of Xiaxia. Besides, what Chen Qing is most concerned about is the matter of Jingxiang, especially on the Jingnan South Road. Many of his soldiers are from Yuezhou As well as people from Jiangling Mansion, during the process of exterminating Yang Yao, he got along well with the people on South Jing South Road, even when he left Yuezhou and Jiangling Mansion, the people reluctantly saw him off.

Now that the people of Jinghu are in trouble, how can he stand by and watch?Moreover, if the banditry on South Jingnan Road is not quelled as soon as possible, once the banditry becomes a climate, it will become the second Yang Yao, which will seriously affect the business exchanges between Bashu and Jiangnan.

Therefore, Chen Qing fully agreed with Zhao Qiaoyun's plan. He also felt that Zhao Qiaoyun's plan was a little more conservative. On the second day after he came back, he ordered Yang Yuanqing to lead five thousand scout cavalry to take the Shangzhou Road and go south quickly. Yang Yuanqing was in charge of commanding Jingnan Water and land suppression of bandits.

Taking the Shangzhou Road was a shortcut. Four days later, when the army arrived in Xiangyang, Yang Yuanqing sent someone to send a letter from Chen Qing to Yue Fei, hoping to use the route to cross the border.

Yue Fei was really embarrassed when he received Chen Qing's letter. According to the imperial court's regulations, the Sichuan-Shaanxi Army's cross-border excuse must be approved by the imperial court before it can be implemented.
Although Chen Qing could be so domineering and ignore the court, Yue Fei couldn't do it. If he let Chen Qing's army pass through the border, he would be held accountable by the court.

Just when he was in a dilemma, it was also a coincidence that the special envoy of the imperial court, Orihiko, who came from Lin'an, happened to pass through Xiangyang and stayed overnight in the posthouse.

"Oh? Chen Qing's [-]-strong army is going to cross the border to Jinghu South Road?"

Orihiko was very surprised, "What are they doing on Jingnan South Road?"

Yue Fei handed Chen Qing's letter to Zhe Yanzhi, "Zhe Gong will know after reading it."

Orihiko took the letter, looked at it and said with a smile: "Chen Qing respects Yue Dutong very much! He uses honorifics in his words, and he has never been so polite to the court."

Yue Fei explained with a little embarrassment: "Actually, I have nothing to do with him, nor do I have any friendship. We just met him a few times."

Orihiko smiled and said: "No need to explain, Yue Dutong is an anti-gold general, he naturally respects it, and Han Dutong is the same."

Yue Fei sighed and said, "Although I want to help him and let their troops pass through the border, but the court's law is here, how can I explain it?"

Orihiko thought for a while and said: "Let's do this! Let General Yang rewrite a transit document, and the number of troops on it should not be [-], but [-]. In this way, I will be the guarantor, so that they can cross the border. bandit."

"Why is it enough to write [-] people?" Yue Fei asked doubtfully.

Orihiko smiled and said: "There is a reason for this. I am a special envoy of the imperial court, and I can represent the imperial court, but not the emperor. Generally, as long as the army does not enter Lin'an within [-] miles, less than [-] troops will be sent by the imperial court. Approval, more than [-] people must be approved by the emperor."

Yue Fei nodded, "No wonder Zhegong asked him to underreport two hundred people."

"Of course, we can't cheat and let him underreport [-] people. He also has to reduce [-] people, and the real [-] people will cross the border."

Yue Fei cupped his fists and said, "I understand!"

Yue Fei asked Yang Yuanqing to resubmit the transit documents and reduce the number to [-]. Yang Yuanqing also cooperated and reduced the cavalry by [-], just in time for them to escort Orihiko to Jingzhao.

Yang Yuanqing passed through Xiangyang, went all the way south, and arrived at Jiangling Mansion two days later.

That night the army arrived at Longshan, [-] miles away from Jiangling, and the soldiers were exhausted. Yang Yuanqing ordered the whole army to rest on the spot.

The [-] cavalry are all scouts, and they are very capable of surviving in the wild. The soldiers made soup, fed the horses and rested, and a hundred scouts scattered around.

Yang Yuanqing had just had a few sips of steamed buns in soup when he saw a scout rushing over with two old men. When the old man saw Yang Yuanqing, he immediately went 'thump! Kneeling down, kowtowed and begged: "General, help me!"

Yang Yuanqing was taken aback, and quickly said: "What happened, please tell me!"

"General Qi, we are the people of Fangcheng Town. Just half an hour ago, a group of bandits surrounded our town, intending to loot the whole town and rob women. The two of us escaped and reported to Jiangling City for help."

"How many bandits are there?"

"There are four to five hundred people. The bandit leader is Liu Gui. He is a vicious bandit in Longshan. He has looted countless villages."

Longshan is the big mountain in front of them, with a radius of tens of miles and many peaks, it is indeed a hiding place for fallen grass.

Yang Yuanqing asked again: "Where is Fang Chengcheng?"

"Just ten miles to the northwest."

"Hmph! As the saying goes, rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests, but they even eat grass beside their nests?"

"The general doesn't know, Jinghu Lake is in chaos, there are bandits everywhere, and it doesn't matter if it's grass by the nest."

Yang Yuanqing stood up and ordered: "Order the whole army to assemble!"

Fangcheng Town is a middle town with about [-] households. At this time, in front of a land temple on the west side of the town, hundreds of bandits held torches and illuminated the surroundings like daylight. In the middle of the open space, hundreds of people knelt on the ground. Begging bitterly, more than a dozen girls were dragged out by them, squatting aside and covering their faces, weeping.

A tall man nearly seven feet tall was standing at the millstone and was viciously lecturing the people. This man was the bandit leader Liu Gui, who was originally a deputy commander under Liu Guangshi's tent.

After Liu Guangshi's left and right Wang Meng and Li Qiong were opposed by Zhang Jun, Liu Guangshi knew that the general situation was over, so he led [-] troops to surrender to Zhang Jun, but his troops stationed in various states and counties became leaderless, and each disbanded to fend for itself. After Zhang Jun withdrew his army and left, these self-made troops began to loot their homes, and gradually formed dozens of thieves, wreaking havoc on Jingnan South Road.

The distress letters from the local government flew to the imperial court like a snowflake, but Qin Hui detained them all. He just told the emperor lightly that thieves and thieves were rampant on Jingnan South Road, and hungry people were everywhere. He only needed to be tax-free for three years, and he could recuperate and recuperate. There was no need to send troops to suppress bandit.

The local government had no choice, and officials headed by Zhang Shun, the prefect of Jiangling, jointly signed to rescue Chen Qing. Only then did Zheng Ping urgently write to Jingzhao, requesting to send troops to support Jingnan Lake.

Zheng Ping's [-] troops had not yet arrived, but Yang Yuanqing's cavalry arrived first.

Liu Gui was one of the dozens of gangsters. He stood on the millstone and shouted viciously: "Master, you don't have to kill you. If you don't want to die, just listen. Our brothers want to eat and marry wives. Hand over the money and food honestly. If a young woman handed over, the money and food will be free. If I find out that you hide rice and money and hide women, then I'm sorry, I will chop off your heads and eat them with wine! "

As soon as the words were finished, a wolf-toothed arrow swished out, extremely powerful, and hit Liu Gui's throat, Liu Gui let out a muffled groan, and fell on his back.

There was a loud sound of horseshoes all around, and countless cavalry came, and some cavalry shouted: "We are the cavalry of the Western Army, all the people get down, you can live if you get down!"

All the people were so frightened that they lay on the ground, arrows rained down from all directions, and the bandits ran for their lives crying, but were shot down one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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