
Chapter 752

Chapter 752
"There is an enemy situation!" When the soldiers of the Union Army climbed up, they were immediately discovered by a soldier who got up at night.

Jiang Ying cursed angrily, and shouted: "Speed ​​up!"

At the beginning, soldiers climbed to the top of the city, and the soldiers on duty on both sides were startled and shouted, "Enemy troops are coming to the city!"

They shouted as they ran, "The enemy is coming to the city!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Alarm bells rang on Xicheng's head.

At this time, dozens of Xie Congjun soldiers smashed the lock of the suspension bridge with a sledgehammer, the suspension bridge was lowered with a clang, and the city gate was opened, waiting for more than [-] Xie Congjun troops to rush in outside the city.

The west gate had already been opened, and the Song army quickly retreated from the west gate. On the surface, the retreat was hasty. The barracks were in a mess, and many soldiers had no time to carry their personal belongings.

Yeluma rushed into Fushi City with five horses, and shouted: "Martial law is ordered, and anyone who dares to go on the road will be killed!"

At this moment, Jiang Ying brought Zhou in to see Yelu Mawu. Yelu Mawu knew that this was someone the commander valued more. He comforted Zhou Jin and asked, "How many subordinates does General Zhou have?"

Zhou Jin said ashamedly: "The humble officer was on duty tonight. There were originally [-] soldiers. The soldiers were scattered, and most of them fled while taking advantage of the chaos. Now we only have [-] soldiers in hand."

"Where are the soldiers in the barracks?"

"The barracks is close to the west gate, and the soldiers basically retreated from the west gate."

Yeluma Wu snorted and said, "You run really fast, how many soldiers are from this city?"

"Reporting to General Yelu, the army did not recruit soldiers in this city. There used to be militia groups, but now there are no militia groups."


"Fushi County is the only place where fire oil is produced. All the young and middle-aged people in this city must ensure the production of fire oil. Middle-aged men are responsible for making barrels. They used to make some leather. Now the production of fire oil is very high, and leather is no longer made. The whole city only has kerosene."

At this time, a soldier brought up the magistrate. The magistrate was called Wang Chuan. He was short and fat, with a smile all over his face. Promoted to county magistrate.

"My subordinate Wang Chuan is meeting with General Yelu!"

Seeing him smiling flatteringly, Yelu Ma Wu asked with contempt in his heart, "How much food and grass are there in the city?"

"Reporting to the general, there are three thousand shi of grain in the official warehouse and ten thousand dan of fodder. The lower officials in the military warehouse don't know, so I have to ask General Zhou."

Jiang Ying whispered a few words to Yelu Mawu, and Yeluma Wu nodded. At this time, the soldiers came to report: "Mr. Wan, the other officials have not been found."

Yelu Ma Wu frowned, and asked Wang Chuan dissatisfiedly, "Where are the other officials in the city?"

"Basically, they have all been dismissed from their posts. The new officials have not taken office yet, and there are only subordinate officials and some county officials."

Jiang Ying explained from the side: "It was the fire oil robbery incident. The other party could not find any internal response. Chen Qing was furious and ordered all the officials involved to be dismissed and taken to Jingzhao for interrogation. Empty."

Yelu Ma Wu glanced at Zhou Jin, then asked the county magistrate, "Is there a register of people in the county?"

"Yes! Yes! It was only updated last year."

"Go get it!"

The soldiers went with the magistrate.

Yelu Mawu immediately ordered, "Expell all the people from the city, then search the city thoroughly, and then check the roster one by one and enter the city. If they are not in the roster, give me a strict interrogation."

After a pause, Yelu Mawu said to the generals again: "Restrain my military discipline, I can get money, but I'm not allowed to murder, set fire and rape women. Fushi County Council is temporarily the base of Marshal Du, understand?"

Several generals agreed abruptly, and led the troops separately.

There was a commotion in the city, and the soldiers began to go door to door asking the people to come out of the city to assemble, and the government servants kept beating the gong and shouting: "Everyone save your life first, go out of the city and assemble!"

The people in the city did not dare to resist, and helped the old and the young to go out of the city to gather. After an hour, the city was completely empty, and the soldiers of the Xie Congjun began to search houses from house to house, and at the same time seized property.

The spring night in Yanzhou was still a bit chilly. Tens of thousands of people stood in the wilderness outside the city, shivering from the cold. At the gate of the city, every family was going through the trial to enter the city. Yelu Mawu stared at the people like an eagle.

At this time, a family of three came up, and a man in his thirties helped an old couple to come forward. The soldier asked, "What's the name of the head of the household, and where does he live?"

The old man said: "My name is Sun Licai, and I live in Liyuanwai Lane. This is my son Sun Daming and his wife Wang."

The soldiers quickly found Sun Licai, the address was correct, his son Sun Daming, and his wife Wang Shi were all right.

Seeing that the man was very tall and strong, Yeluma pointed at the whip and asked, "What do you do?"

The man clasped his fists and said, "Xiaomin is mining kerosene, and the second team of the fifth pit is the leader."

"Ever been in the military?"

"I worked as a village soldier for a few years, and then I have been in charge of oil production."

If it were another city, such a strong man would definitely stay and join the army, but Yelu Mawu also knew that collecting fire oil was very important, and young and strong men were needed, and the young and strong men in Fushi County were still unable to move.

He waved his horsewhip, "Let's go into the city!"

The man helped his parents into the city, and Zhou Jin next to him broke into a cold sweat. This Sun Daming was clearly the scout controlling Tang Qian!Fortunately, he can speak fluent northern Shaanxi dialect.

Seeing tens of thousands of people gathered outside the city, Zhou Jin could not finish the investigation in a few days. He stepped forward and advised, "General Yelu, it will be troublesome if the Song army counterattacks aggressively. It is better to let the old and weak, women and children advance." City, the rest are men, so soon."

Yeluma Wu was right when he thought about it, if the Song army attacked in a large scale and the city was lost again, the marshal would have to kill him.

He immediately ordered: "The old and the weak, women and children can enter the city, and all the young men go to the barracks for investigation."

In fact, this order proved to be redundant. Except for some merchants, more than a thousand people were from the county, and Yelvma Wu had to release all the backbone laborers for mining kerosene. The merchants were all older and had goods. , it could not be the defenders, so they had to release all of them.

At noon the next day, Wanyan Nianhan's army arrived at Fushi County, and Yelu Mawu led the crowd to meet him. After hearing the report, Wanyan Nianhan frowned and said, "How could one soldier occupy Fushi County without being injured?" , don't you find it strange?"

"Reporting to Marshal Du, thanks to Jiang Ying and others who responded at the head of the city, and thanks to Zhou Jin who only sent a small number of soldiers at the head of the east city, we did not encounter any resistance in seizing the city, and there were no deaths or injuries. This humble official thinks it is normal."

Wanyan Nianhan said dissatisfied, "I'm not talking about your army, I'm talking about the Song army. How could there be no resistance and no casualties?"

"This." Yelv Mawu couldn't answer.

Wanyan Nianhan asked Zhou Jin again, "You are General Zhou, you are the guard, tell me what's going on?"

Zhou Jin quickly said: "Report to Marshal Du, this is the consistent tradition of Chen Qing's army, if the enemy invades the city, give up the city and retreat!"

"There is such a rule?" Wanyan Nianhan really didn't understand.

"Reporting to Marshal Du, this is to preserve the strength of the army, and at the same time to avoid street fighting and protect the people in the city from being ruined. The Song Army has always ordered military orders like a mountain. Once the order to evacuate is given, all soldiers will quickly drop what they are doing and retreat. They trained repeatedly when they were recruits, so it is not surprising that the Song army has all withdrawn."

Wanyan Nianhan was still a little dubious, he asked his confidant General Ba Lisu, "Do you believe it?"

Ba Lisu pondered for a moment and said: "I don't believe in other Song soldiers, but Chen Qing may be true. He can have today's foundation, he must have something extraordinary, even a humble army can do it."

Wanyan Nianhan glanced at Zhou Jin again, if Song Jun was cheating, then Zhou Jin and Jiang Ying both had problems, obviously impossible, since Ba Lisu also agreed, Wanyan Nianhan would not pursue the matter any further , he asked Yeluma Wudao again: "Has the city been searched?"

"Reporting to Marshal Du, we have searched everything and checked every household. There is no problem."

Wanyan Nianhan nodded, and added to Chief Wan Yi: "Soldiers are precious, and my army will go south tomorrow morning. I will leave [-] Xie troops to defend the city for you. You don't need to worry about the Song army at the coal field." , They have no siege weapons, so they can only retreat westward, pay attention to receiving the food behind."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Yelu Ma Wu was a little worried: "My lord is going all the way south, how will we deal with the food?"

"I only need to bring dry rations for ten days. There are a lot of counties along the way. We will support our wars, and we will not be short of food. The key is to be fast. Before Chen Qing gathers his troops, I have to fight the battle within three days. Guanzhong, after entering Guanzhong, our cavalry will rule the world."

(End of this chapter)

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