
Chapter 779

Chapter 779
The Yangliang South Pass was finally captured by the Song army. This dangerous pass built on the mountainside was three feet high, and it was built on a high place. Looking up at it from the south, it was a full seven feet high. A rolling log and stone can Killing and injuring dozens of people can be said to be one man in charge, and ten thousand men can't open it.

Huyantong's army attacked for five days, with more than [-] casualties, but they couldn't overcome this dangerous pass, but it was finally conquered by the Song army who came from the north without any effort.

The reason still lies in the pass itself, which can only accommodate more than a hundred people, so most of the soldiers are stationed on the mountain road to the north.

Li Muqing led [-] Song troops to attack from the north. It was night again, and the enemy was caught off guard. In the chaos, countless soldiers fled to the pass, but the pass was too late. The soldiers inside couldn't resist the wolf-like Song army at all, and they were all killed in a blink of an eye, without even a chance to surrender.

Surprised, happy and ashamed, Hu Yantong led the crowd to rush forward, clasped his fists to Li Muqing and said, "Thank you Li Tongzhi for your assistance, otherwise this pass will be breached at some point?"

Li Muqing smiled slightly and said: "General Huyan doesn't need to blame himself. The county king also knew that this pass is difficult to attack, so he sent me to attack from the north. The county king ordered that General Huyan cooperate with General Niu Gao to stay in the south of the East Road, and the rest of the army will go north."

"Humble post obeys the order of the county king!"

After the Queshu Valley was completely opened up, Yang Zaixing and his men also captured Linfen City. They received Chen Qing's military order, and Niu Gao served as the military envoy on the southeast road of the river, and Hu Yantong was the deputy general. Yang Zaixing left the soldiers to Niu Gao's disposal He, Liu Cui, and Gao Ding led an army of [-] to march northward to Taiyuan Mansion.

At this time, Chen Qing's battalion was stationed in the north of Qingyuan County, Taiyuan Prefecture, about [-] miles away from Taiyuan City. At the same time, Chen Qing sent the commander Zhang Yun to lead an army of [-] people to occupy Pingding County and control Jingxing Pass.

Chen Qing was not in a hurry to attack Taiyuan City, but first controlled the counties around Taiyuan City, and finally he patiently waited for the reinforcements from the north to arrive.

At noon that day, Yang Zaixing and others led an army of [-] to the camp of the main force. Yang Zaixing and the others went to the camp of the Chinese army to meet the general Chen Qing.

"See the county king!"

The three of them knelt down on one knee and clasped their fists together to salute.

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "The three generals have worked hard, please get up!"

Chen Qing asked the soldiers to bring three stools and let the three of them sit down.

"I thought you would come a few days late, but I didn't expect to win Linfen County so quickly, which was beyond my expectation."

Yang Zaixing sighed and said, "Without the county king's heart attack plan, it would be impossible for Linfen County to be taken down so quickly. We didn't expect that after the plan was implemented, the enemy army would surrender. It was really unexpected. If we had known that we would still have Siege for what?"

Chen Qing smiled and said: "This kind of psychological tactics will not be effective all the time. If it is implemented a few days earlier, they will not surrender. The key is to have the weather, location, and people. Total breakdown."

Liu Cui leaned forward and said, "Can the king of the county explain in detail, what is the right time, what is the right location, and what is the harmony of people?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "The weather is the current situation. Wanyan Yinshu suffered a disastrous defeat in northern Shaanxi, and Wanyan Nianhan's entire army was wiped out. The opponent's soldiers have already realized that it is only a matter of time before we seize the Hedong Road, and the geographical advantage is ours." Captured the Queshu Valley and cut off their northward retreat to Taiyuan. Human harmony is also very important. They are all Han Chinese, and they are allied troops. Even the leader Han Chang is not a Jurchen. If they are like Wanyan Nianhan, they are all above The generals are all held by the Jurchen, and I am afraid that if the soldiers want to surrender, they will be suppressed by the Jurchen generals."

Gao Ding pondered for a while and said, "Just now the king of the county said that if it was implemented a few days earlier, they would not surrender. In fact, it refers to the favorable location!"

"Yes! It's the location."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "If the Queshu Valley is not taken down, the generals will still have a way out, and they will still have a chance. They will not think that this is the only opportunity in front of them, so I have not asked you to carry out scheming until I completely Winning Fenzhou and stopping their thoughts of going north, this is the opportunity to implement the offensive strategy, and the conditions in all aspects are mature, and they will succeed in one fell swoop!"

Yang Zaixing said with a wry smile: "I am ashamed of my lowly position! Only now do I understand the arrangements of the county king."

Chen Qing nodded slightly and said: "If you are good at learning and summarizing, you will gradually accumulate experience. I believe you will mature soon."

"Your Majesty, how do you fight Taiyuan City?" Liu Cui scratched her head and asked embarrassedly.

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said, "Taiyuan City is actually not difficult to fight, but I want to besiege the city and fight for aid."

"Does the king think there will be reinforcements?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "I had some hope before, but now I have realized that the possibility is not great."

Yang Zaixing hurriedly said: "The general who surrendered also told the humble officer that Wanyan Yinshu has the idea of ​​giving up Taiyuan, maybe he wants to give up Taiyuan City and concentrate his troops to defend Datong Mansion."

"It makes sense, but Wanyan Yinshu doesn't dare to give up Taiyuan, he has to get the approval of the court, but how can the Kingdom of Jin give up Taiyuan so easily, they would rather die in battle with Wanyan Yinshu than allow them Abandon Taiyuan."

Speaking of this, Chen Qing said indifferently: "So we must attack the city, but I am waiting for your warship, Yang Dutong, when will the ship I told you arrive?"

"Report to the county king, come in two days at the latest!"

There were indeed only [-] Jurchen troops in Taiyuan City, and their strength was so stretched that two voices appeared in the city. One side believed that a large number of young and strong Taiyuan should be recruited into the army to participate in the defense of the city, and the other side believed that the Han people were unreliable and could not be recruited.

Wanyan Yinshu is the representative of the latter faction. Even though the former faction has the upper hand, Wanyan Yinshu is determined not to give in and never recruits Han Chinese. When Han Chang sent the briefing on the destruction of Linfen City in Shangdang County with Eagle Letter Since then, no one has asked to recruit Han people.

Facts have proved the wisdom of Wanyan's silver tricks. If Han people are recruited as soldiers at this time, if they can't be made to die for the Kingdom of Jin, then they will definitely open the city and surrender like the Linfen defenders, and give Taiyuan City as a gift. To Chen Qing.

But being wise is wise, the weakness of Jin Bing is indeed great, there are only [-] troops, how can we defend Taiyuan City?
On the top of the city, Wanyan Yinshu sat on the soft couch and sighed lazily to Wanyan Ahu: "The biggest mistake I made was that I shouldn't have sent the live girl to defend Fenzhou!"

Wanyan Ahu was silent and speechless, he understood what the commander meant, if Wanyan's live girl was not in Fenzhou, he would not have to take the risk of attacking Chen Qing, and even his [-] troops would not be sent to Qi County, then there would be three soldiers in the city. With an army of ten thousand, it is much easier to deal with the Song army.

Wanyan Ahu was silent for a moment and said: "In fact, the commander can also ask General Ba Lisu to send [-] troops to Taiyuan, so Taiyuan will have [-] troops."

Yin Shuke shook his head, "Although Ba Lisu is my brother, I can't order him. He refuses to divide his troops, but instead asks me to give up Taiyuan and go north, and guard Datong Mansion with him."

"Actually, this plan is not bad. In this way, we can at least keep the northern part of Hedong Road, and we can go south to recapture Taiyuan City at any time. This can also restrain the Song army from marching towards Hebei. It is actually not wise to defend Taiyuan City."

Yin Shuke sighed, "I also know that this plan is good. Forty thousand Jurchen troops will gather in Datong Mansion. As long as the Song Army dares to go north, I will be able to fight the Song Army in the wild. I also have the confidence to defeat the Song Army. I also want to give up. Taiyuan is going north, but the court has been refusing to make a statement! Tarlan is also asking me to persevere, and if I persist, he will not let me go north, and I can't go north without authorization."

Wanyan Ahulan knows the difficulties of the coach, the coach is only the nominal coach of the East Road, the real coach of the East Road is Talan, and if Tarlan doesn't let go, the coach can't give up Taiyuan and go north.

At this moment, a soldier came to report, "Report to Marshal Zuo, Shangjing Yingxin!"

"Give it to me!"

The soldiers hurriedly presented the eagle letter to Wanyan Yinshuke. Yinshuke opened the eagle letter and read it carefully. It was Wanyan Tarlan's own handwriting. There were only four words on it, "Stick to Taiyuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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