
Chapter 785 Hesitating

Chapter 785 Hesitating
Zou Hong left in a hurry, and then Chen Qing asked the soldiers next to him who were hesitant to speak, "What's the matter?"

The soldiers hurriedly bowed and said: "Report to the county king, Yang Dutong invited the county king to go to the small martial arts arena!"

Chen Qing nodded, got on his horse, and led a group of soldiers towards the small martial arts arena to the east of the camp. When he arrived at the small martial arts arena, Chen Qing couldn't help being startled, only to see that there were hundreds of heavy armored cavalry , holding spears, are lined up neatly.

Seeing Chen Qing coming, Yang Zaixing hurried over, clasped his fists and said with a smile, "I'm reporting to the county king, I'm testing heavy armored cavalry!"

Chen Qing was really interested, so he urged the horse forward, and saw that the cavalry and war horses were all strong and tall, standing there on horseback, like gods and giants, giving people a sense of coercion.

"How to fight specifically?" Chen Qing asked again with a smile.

"I asked the soldiers, and they said that after wearing heavy armor, they basically couldn't move. They needed training to sit on their horses and hold their spears firmly. The fighting method was just one word, "Go!" "

"It's that simple?"

Yang Zaixing said with a smile: "Of course it's not that simple. Charge is the general outline, but there are many tactics for how to charge. These tactics don't have high requirements for soldiers, but they have high requirements for cavalry formation. They may gather or disperse, or form a row, or Grouped together, depending on the specific circumstances of the war, what they have to train is various formations."

After a pause, Yang Zaixing said again: "This kind of heavy armored cavalry is not very effective against Jurchen cavalry, but it will be very effective against the puppet Qi infantry formation."

"How many heavy infantry can be formed now?"

"Currently we have a full set of [-] sets of cavalry heavy armor. It depends on the horses. I made a selection in the afternoon. From the current [-] horses, it should not be a problem to find [-] strong horses. Cao Changchun's The war horses are sent here, they can be used as backup war horses, besides, I have another idea."

Chen Qing listened intently, but in the end Yang Zaixing stopped talking, Chen Qing smiled and said, "Why don't you continue?"

Yang Zaixing scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "This idea just popped up just now, I haven't thought it over carefully, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "This is called inspiration, talk about it!"

"Don't we still have more than [-] sets of iron armor from the Golden Army and Black Armor Army? That armor is exactly the same as this heavy armor, it's just painted black. I'm thinking, since there is no vest, then simply build a heavy armor infantry."

Chen Qing chuckled, "For heavy armored infantry, they need Mo Dao. We don't have Mo Dao."

"It is not necessary to use a Mo knife. It is also possible to use a three-pointed and two-edged knife. It can be chopped or stabbed. Guan Jian must be made of fine steel or iron. We seized [-] catties of fine steel in Xixia last time, which is enough to make it." Three thousand three-pointed two-edged knives."

Chen Qing thought for a while and said: "Preliminary consideration is okay, but I want a practical report. After you return to Chang'an, discuss it with the officials of the Ordnance Department and the master craftsmen. A complete recommendation report to the military department, and the military department will take the lead in doing this, understand what I mean?"

Yang Zaixing nodded silently, "I understand!"

Chen Qing patted him on the arm again, "It's not that I don't take care of your emotions, it's just that we are no longer in Yuezhou. Now that we have a complete government office and system, I don't even have the right to directly appoint the magistrate of Yangqu County." , I can only recommend."

Chen Qing was telling Yang Zaixing implicitly that whether it is to form heavy cavalry or heavy infantry, this is not the power of the general, but the power of the military department. He can make suggestions, but he cannot replace the military department to make decisions.

Yang Zaixing said with a smile: "The king of the county doesn't have to worry about the feelings of the humble officer. The humble officer understands that there are many details involved, such as the salary quota for the heavily armored sergeant, the allocation of fine steel, the manufacture of weapons, the allocation of money and rations, the establishment of a new military system, etc. I can finish it, and I will submit a proposal to the Ministry of War as soon as possible."

The ancestral land of the Wang family is in the Wang's Manor outside the city, but there is also a large house in Taiyuan City, covering an area of ​​[-] acres. Originally, the Wang family also had a house in the north of the city, which was razed to the ground after being forced by the Jin soldiers. horse.

When Wang Lianqing returned to the mansion, he seemed very preoccupied. He closed the study door and saw no one. At this time, his eldest son Wang Jian hurried to his father's study. Gently push the door open.

"Father, are you looking for me?"

The room was very dark, the thick curtains had been drawn down, and the setting sun outside cast thousands of rays without a trace entering the room. Wang Lianqing sat alone on a soft chair with a bleak expression, as if he had become very old all of a sudden.

"Come in!"

With a hoarse voice, Wang Lianqing pointed to a chair next to him, "Sit down!"

Wang Jian was confused, so he had to sit down obediently.

"How is the situation in Wenshui County?" Wang Lianqing asked.

Wang Jian was the magistrate of Wenshui County. Chen Qing dismissed all the officials in Taiyuan Prefecture, so Wang Jian had to go home.

"Father, I don't even know about the situation in Wenshui County."

"You go back tonight!" Wang Lianqing ordered.

"But the child is no longer"

Wang Lianqing waved his hand, "I know you are not the county magistrate, but you are the parent official of Wenshui County after all, and you have responsibilities to your people. , Catch criminals and leave them to Xinzhi County. Before Xinzhi County takes office, you can’t just slap your ass and leave. You are already thirty-six years old, so I shouldn’t let me teach you this kind of thing.”

Wang Jian was a little confused, it was obviously his father who asked him to come back, why did it change now?
"Father, why did you change again?" Wang Jian couldn't continue.

"Do you want to say that I changed the order day and night, that I asked you to come back, and now you are saying that you shouldn't come back?"

"Child dare not!"

"It was!"

Wang Lianqing smiled bitterly at himself and said, "I was confused. I didn't know that I was being used by others. I just realized it now."

"Father, what happened?"

Wang Lianqing sighed, "Zhang Yang and I went to see Chen Qing today."

Wang Jian said with a smile: "I should meet the gentry of Taiyuan Mansion!"

"Seeing that Chen Qing himself has no problem, when we talk to Chen Qing today, I also hope that Chen Qing will not dismiss all officials across the board, and also consider the feelings of the local gentry. He also promised to make Taiyuan Prefecture the same as other state capitals. Self-assessment first, there is nothing wrong with the meeting itself, the problem is that I did a stupid thing before, which suddenly turned the meeting into a threat to Chen Qing."

"What did father do?"

"I asked all the clerks and archers of the county magistrate to go back to work in the yamen, but none of the clerks in the government office were allowed to go back. This is to warn Chen Qing that Taiyuan government is under our control."

Wang Jian's expression changed, and he said in shock, "How could father do such a thing?"

Wang Lianqing sighed, "So I scolded myself for being stupid. I was used by Zhang Yang. It was obviously his idea, but he asked me to do it. Also, when we talked with Chen Qing, we said that we would test Chen Qing's attitude towards the officials of the Kingdom of Jin who surrendered." Attitude, Zhang Yang praised Chen Qing for being open-minded and tolerant, but I was a villain, saying that officials also had difficulties, etc. In the end, Chen Qing turned against me on the spot, saying that it was a matter of national integrity, and that he did not pursue it did not mean he Support surrender, you look stupid! This is what Zhang Yang wanted to say, but I said it out of my mouth, I blame me for being too stupid, this time I was cheated by Zhang Yang."

Wang Jian also felt that his father did something wrong, but he could no longer talk about his father, so he could only comfort him: "Father, my boy believes that Chen Qing will not draw conclusions after listening to a few words, and he will definitely send someone to investigate. Originally, our Wang family did not It's a big problem, and my father has long kept a distance from Zhang Yang, nothing will happen, father doesn't need to worry too much."

"Maybe I'm worrying too much. Well, you should hurry back to Wenshui County."

"The child is leaving first, father take care!"

Wang Jian saluted and retreated slowly.

Wang Lianqing was fidgeting, he finally took out a small wooden box from a box, opened it and looked at it for a while, then he sighed and put the wooden box back into the box.

(End of this chapter)

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