
Chapter 802 Westward Journey

Chapter 802 Westward Journey
The convoy traveled at night along the official road to the northeast. The route determined by the government was the Northeast Official Road, which passed through Bianliang County, Fengqiu County, Changyuan County, Weicheng County, and Baima County, and then crossed the Yellow River in Baima County. There is a checkpoint in the county. After crossing the Yellow River, you must continue to walk along the prescribed route.

Basically, every checkpoint has to be dealt with, and one or two pennies will be given to the interrogating officer. Of course, he will not close his eyes and let him go. He will not accept any necessary procedures, but his attitude will be better. You won't point to a small bag and say that there are spears and prohibited weapons in it.

Yang Tianfang was confused by two questions. They walked eastward, and the distance from Shaanxi Road would only get farther and farther away. What's going on?

Second, Hu Yanlei said that he brought more than a hundred men, why did only ten guards follow them, what about the others?
Hu Yanlei used the name of Bianliang Changrong Martial Arts Academy. The martial arts gym has a guard business, and the martial arts guards can ride horses, carry bows and carry knives. Long weapons are not allowed, but whistle sticks are allowed. Zaomu whistle sticks are not as powerful as iron The stick is bad, one stick can kill a person.

Arriving in Fengqiu County in the early morning of the next day, after passing the second checkpoint, Yang Tianfang finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"General Huyan, we are going further and further away. What is the reason? The craftsmen are all questioning, and even suspecting that I am deceiving them."

Yang Tianfang's tone was a little dissatisfied. Of course, his craftsmen would not question it, he just used the craftsmen as an example.

Hu Yanlei smiled slightly: "Since Proprietor Yang wants to know, let me tell the truth, our goal is to go to Baima County, but it is not Baima Ferry, but to go to another place to board the boat."

"Get on the boat?" Yang Tianfang was stunned.

Hu Yanlei nodded, "We have three big boats in the Yellow River, and my men are waiting on board, and then we will go west by boat."

"But...but, what if you encounter golden soldiers in the Yellow River?"

Hu Yanlei chuckled, "Our three ships are warships. How can those small sentinel ships of Jinbing be our opponents, and they don't have any big warships. I dare not say on land, but on water, we are unimpeded. "

"But it's November now! It's all west wind, and if you go against the current, can someone pull the tow? If it is to pull the tow, the golden soldiers will kill the tracker." Yang Tianfang still couldn't figure it out.

Hu Yanlei laughed and said, "Does Master Yang know that there is a warship called a chariot?"

Yang Tianfang shook his head, Hu Yanlei smiled mysteriously, "I can't explain it, Master Yang will know it when he sees it with his own eyes."

Since the procedures are legal, the main thing is to spend money all the way, and the journey went smoothly. This morning, the team passed the Baima County checkpoint.

They have spent more than [-] guan in management fees along the way. Basically, they bought [-] guan for each level to buy a safe journey. It's bought with money, the more money you spend, the safer it will be. If the money is not in place, then you'll have to suffer, it's better to take the risk of taking the path.

The next checkpoint is the Baima Ferry checkpoint, which is guarded by golden soldiers and must be strictly searched, money is useless.

Came to a fork in the road, which was still [-] miles away from the checkpoint, walked along another trail for about two miles, everyone got off, Hu Yanlei gave each ox cart driver five taels of silver, and asked them to go back. Bianliang was taken away together with the rented horses.

The coachman guessed that they wanted to cross the wilderness and escape the Jurchen's search, and they must be carrying some prohibited items, but for the sake of money, no one said anything, and the ox caravan turned around and left.

More than a hundred people, old and young, stood in the wilderness, and there were a lot of boxes beside them to salute. The crowd looked eagerly at Yang Tianfang, while Yang Tianfang looked at Huyanlei in a panic. There was no village in front of this place, no shop in the back, and it was getting late now. What if a group of robbers come?
Hu Yanlei smiled slightly, took out an arrow, tied a thin gunpowder cartridge with a rope, lit the matchstick with a torch, and when it burned to the end, the arrow shot into the sky.

'Snapped! 'The gunpowder arrow exploded in the sky and could be heard clearly for miles.

About a quarter of an hour later, a large group of black-clothed men ran out from the woods not far away, there were as many as fifty or sixty people, each with a weapon in their hands, the legs of the large group of old and young were trembling with fright, and their faces were pale.

A moment later, a large group of men in black rushed forward, and the leader saluted Hu Yanlei, "See control!"

"Is everything normal?"

"Reporting to the control system, everything is normal, and the previous movable type and other goods have been boarded."

Next to Yang Tian let go of his heart, and immediately saw hope in front of his eyes.

"General Huyan, who is your subordinate?"

Hu Yanlei laughed and said, "Don't Master Yang wonder where my one hundred and twenty men are? They are there, and the rest are on the boat."

"I can rest assured that!"

Hu Yanlei waved his hand, "Help carry the luggage, and lead the way!"

Fifty or sixty strong men easily carried their luggage and walked forward.

Hu Yanlei smiled at the hundred elders and children: "Everyone, let's go! Walk about ten miles and we will be there."

There is still one mile away from the Yellow River, here is a wild ferry, at this time, the sound of horseshoes faintly came from behind.

Huyanlei's face changed, "Oops, I met a patrol!"

He immediately ordered: "Wang Wu, you take the young and old to board the boat first, and the other brothers stay with me to stop the enemy!"

He shouted again: "Put down the luggage first, and send it back to the ship."

Everyone was terrified. At this time, no one cared about their luggage. Under the leadership of Yang Tianfang, the old and the young all stumbled and ran towards the Yellow River with a Song soldier.

Hu Yanlei led his men to deploy quickly. They didn't have crossbows, but they had bows, arrows and knives, and each had a fine steel short spear, which was enough.

What came was a group of Jurchen cavalry, about [-] of them. They were the cavalry patrolling along the Yellow River, and they were specialized in arresting civilians who secretly crossed the Yellow River.

Just now when they encountered an empty ox convoy, they became suspicious and killed one driver. The other drivers were terrified and told the truth one after another. There were about a hundred people who were going to sneak across the Yellow River. Most of them were old and weak women and children.

The coachmen told the truth, but they misled the Jurchen cavalry. They were not vigilant and thought they were smuggling civilians as usual.

Not everyone can afford the exorbitant money for migration and checkpoints along the way. If you want to go to Hebei, you can only rely on smuggling. Some fishermen will pick up passengers to cross the Yellow River privately.

Hu Shahu, the head of the Jurchen Wanfu, ordered to organize more than a dozen cavalry teams to inspect wild ferries and stowaways along the way, and this cavalry team was one of them.

In the darkness, the Jurchen cavalry faintly saw figures running and flickering in front of them. They swung their whips and whipped their horses, speeding up. Thirty war horses galloped along the official road. The horses crashed into a ball.

Hu Yanlei's eyes were fixed on the cavalry, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Bows and arrows are ready, listen to my orders!"

In the darkness, thirty Jurchen cavalry shouted loudly, urging their horses to gallop like lightning. At this moment, Hu Yanlei gave an order: "Shoot!"

More than seventy arrows were shot together, and the arrows were dense and powerful. In just twenty steps, the Jurchen soldiers screamed and fell off their horses. Half of the thirty people were shot dead. Fallen soldiers.

Huyanlei shouted, "Short spear throw!"

The subordinates brought by Huyanlei are all masters of short spear throwing. More than seventy fine steel short spears are thrown vigorously, stabbing at each other like black lightning bolts. The lethality is much stronger than that of arrows. The remaining ten Of the six Jurchen cavalrymen, none left disappeared. All of them were pierced by short spears and nailed to the ground.

Song Jun drew out his saber, killed several soldiers who were not killed by the arrow, and took away his short steel spear, regardless of the enemy's corpse, he picked up his luggage and ran towards the river.

More than a hundred people were boarding the boat, and three large warships of three thousand shi were moored in the river. There was no plank road wharf here, and only a few small boats could be used to send people into the river, and then directly climbed the ladder to board the boat.

Yang Tianfang looked at the big waterwheel-like wheels on both sides of the big boat in surprise, he finally understood what a boat looks like.

"Master Yang, is everyone here?" Hu Yanlei asked loudly,

Yang Tian put it on another big boat and shouted: "Everyone is here!"

"Wang Dutou, where are the brothers, are you all here?" Hu Yanlei asked again.

"Reporting to the general, they are all here, and there are quite a few of them."

Huyanlei shouted, "Let's go!"

The wheels on both sides rolled, and there were white waves, and the three big boats sailed towards the center of the Yellow River.
(End of this chapter)

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