
Chapter 805 Beijing News

Chapter 805 Beijing News
Chen Qing followed the two to the printing room, and saw a few guys printing something there, brushing ink on the engraving block, laying white paper on it, brushing it with a roller, and immediately changing a piece of paper, very skillful.

Yang Tianfang explained: "The "Beijing News" is printed intensively at night. Recently, the Guozi Administration entrusted us to print a batch of teaching materials, and hired a few people to be responsible for the printing of teaching materials during the day."

Chen Qing frowned slightly and asked, "But is it the same for you printing newspapers? Each person makes a woodblock version?"

Yang Tianfang was a little uneasy and said, "Basically it is like this."

Chen Qing shook his head and said: "Let me give you a suggestion. Put twenty engraving blocks together, and then cover them with a large piece of paper. The two guys use a big roller, which is two to twenty. If the movable type is There are enough engraving blocks, and one hundred engraving blocks can be laid together, and even can be printed by water power. Anyway, it is very boring to go back and forth, and finally use a knife to do everything. Isn't this very labor-saving?"

Yang Tianfang was stunned for a while, and said with shame on his face: "I understand the humble job, and I will improve it as soon as possible!"

Chen Qing waved his hands and smiled: "I'm here today, not to talk about printing, but I hope to add a page, food is the most important thing for the people, add a food page, and then remove the pages of various store information and print them on a single piece of paper , caught in the newspaper."

Yang Tianfang and Liu Zheng looked at each other, and they said in unison: "It's absolutely fine!"

Chen Qing nodded and said: "Actually, I still have an idea, can the current newspaper be split into two newspapers, one is dedicated to current affairs, economics and literature, and the other is devoted to clothing, food, parenting, stories and so on. Is it feasible?"

Yang Tianfang said with a smile: "That's what we did in the past. In addition to the "Beijing News", we also have a tabloid newspaper that hunts novelty. Both newspapers are very popular, but no one would have thought that they were actually published by a newspaper office. It can be done, it just takes a little time."

The three returned to the guest room. Chen Qing took a sip of hot tea and asked again: "I heard that Bianliang's "Beijing News" was actually sold in Guangzhou. How did you do it?"

"When the number of prints increases, it will spread slowly. It's just that the "Beijing News" in Guangzhou is a full month late, and the significance of current affairs is not great."

"Then is there a way to solve this timing problem?"

"There is a way!"


Yang Tianfang pondered for a while and said: "There are two types of newspaper content, one is very time-sensitive, such as current affairs news, and the other is knowledge content, which I can prepare ten days in advance.

Give an example!Jingzhao and Lin'an are ready at the same time. When the time comes, I will directly use the eagle to send the current affairs content to Lin'an. The Lin'an branch will immediately typeset and print. In the end, the "Beijing News" in Lin'an may be only one day behind ours. "

Chen Qing applauded and said with a smile: "This method is good. Although it is an example, I really hope that "Beijing News" will sell well in Lin'an."

Liu Zheng next to him said worriedly: "I'm afraid that the imperial court will not allow the "Beijing News" to appear in Lin'an."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, the late emperor will play a role in this aspect. Most likely, they will launch a newspaper to compete with us."

Yang Tianfang was a little embarrassed and said: "Then it depends on the novel written by Madam. In fact, we all know that the reason why "Beijing News" is so popular is that "Journey to the West" written by Madam attracted readers."

Chen Qing chuckled, "Don't worry about novels. After finishing Journey to the West, there are still ghost stories, and various martial arts. There are many more!"

It was almost noon when we returned to the official room, and Chao Qing was the only one left in the official room. He had to wait for Chen Qing to come back before he could go to eat. For fifteen minutes, Wang said he would come back in the afternoon!"

Chen Qing's face was really uneasy. During working hours, the leader went to handle private affairs. The newspaper was Chen Qing's private property and had nothing to do with the government.

He went to do some private business, and Zhang Miao waited for him for a quarter of an hour.

"You go to lunch! I'll go and see."

Chen Qing walked towards the Supervision Department in a calm manner. Zhang Miao held two positions. His main job was the Superintendent of the Supervision Department, and at the same time he was also the Chief Superintendent of the Intelligence Department. The imperial court's political adviser is actually the prime minister.

The Intelligence Department is quite special, it should belong to the military department, but Chen Qing made it independent, which can be regarded as a check and balance on the military department. , There is a staff room and an intelligence battalion under the Intelligence Agency, which are clearly led by Yang Jin and Hu Yanlei.

There is a small question here. Why should there be an intelligence agency in the middle if the intelligence department directly leads the staff room and the intelligence battalion?

This is because the chief inspector of the intelligence department also serves as the commissioner of the intelligence department. Whenever Chen Qing doesn't want the superintendent of the intelligence department to intervene in intelligence, he directly appoints a commissioner of the intelligence department and empties the intelligence department.

Chen Qing's official room was very close to the monitoring room, and happened to meet Zhang Miao coming out of the official room.

"Hey! Why is the county king here?"

"Please go drink a glass of water and wine, and bribe you, the supervisor."

Zhang Miao laughed, "I don't dare to be humble, but I have to drink wine, go to Anxi Restaurant to drink wine."

The two came to Anxi Restaurant diagonally opposite, sat down in the elegant room in the small courtyard that Chen Qing had reserved for himself, and told the bartender, "It's still the same old four, two servings!"

"Sit down, I'll be here soon!"

The bartender ran off to fetch food, and a maid brought them in tea.

Chen Qing took a sip of hot tea and asked, "What's the rush for me this morning?"

Zhang Miao hesitated, "Let's talk about it in the afternoon! The letter is not with me."

"It's okay, is it news about Liangzhou?"

Chen Qing is very concerned about the situation in Liangzhou now, and he guessed that Zhang Miao was looking for him for this.

Zhang Miao nodded, "It's indeed a matter of Liangzhou. This morning, the Intelligence Agency received an express letter from Wang Lun."

"What did the letter say?"

"There are gains and losses. I lost Liangzhou City, but I seized Dadou Bagu."

Chen Qing frowned, "How could Liangzhou City be lost?"

"When Wang Lun heard that Zhangye had been captured, he immediately led an army of [-] to Dadouba Valley and seized the pass. General Zhang Qu led [-] troops to defend Liangzhou City. Just at this time, a snowstorm came and a large number of herdsmen rushed A flock of sheep came to the city to hide, but Zhang Qu let them enter the city."

"The ones who came in were not herdsmen, right?"

Zhang Miao nodded, "The soldiers found it wrong. The herdsmen who took refuge should be old and young, men and women. It turned out that all the herdsmen who came were young. It was too late to find out that thousands of herdsmen had already poured into the city."

"and then?"

Chen Qing asked with a livid face, "How many brothers escaped?"

"Halfway escaped, guard Zhang Qu was unfortunately killed, and the [-] people who escaped also went to Dadouba Valley."

Chen Qing didn't say a word for a while. At this time, the bartender brought the food and drinks. Chen Qing poured himself a glass of wine, drank it down, and said heavily, "It's too deceitful!"

"How does the county king plan to deal with the change in Hexi?" Zhang Miao asked.

Chen Qing sighed softly, "At first I didn't intend to intervene. Xizhou Uighurs and Black Khan are two major barriers, preventing the Xiliao people from killing back to the east. If the Xiliao people come back, they will bear the brunt of Lingxia Road. Now we He didn't have the energy to attack the Western Regions. If he wanted to attack the Western Regions, it would be after the Kingdom of Jin was destroyed.

Therefore, if the Xizhou Uighurs do not touch Liangzhou, maybe I will acquiesce in the Xizhou Uighurs replacing the Yellow-headed Uyghurs, and sign a non-aggression treaty with them, but the Xizhou Uighurs are not greedy enough, and they want to occupy Ganzhou. In my Liangzhou, whether it is tolerable or unbearable, we must teach them a lesson. "


Chen Qing said coldly: "Chuchun, I will do it after the hostage exchange, but I don't want to startle the enemy, so I won't send troops to Lanzhou for the time being."

(End of this chapter)

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