
Chapter 825 Fierce Battle

Chapter 825 Fierce Battle
Bi Angui also saw that the command flag above the third formation was constantly changing, and the enemy general must be inside the formation.

He shouted, "Boys, follow me to capture the leader of the enemy!"

With a cry of five thousand cavalry, they followed Bi Angui and charged into the third formation.

The leader of the third formation was Wang Jinqiu, the deputy commander. When he saw a cavalry team of thousands of people coming towards him from a slanting stab, he also shouted: "Concentrate your strength and don't allow the enemy to break through the outer formation." !"

Not every cavalry has to be put into the inner formation for extermination, it also depends on the specific situation, if it is a small team of hundreds of people, it is no problem to put it into the inner formation, but if it is a cavalry of several thousand people, then no matter what If you can't enter the formation, it will cause the inner formation to be defeated.

In particular, the third formation is the command formation, and the county king commands in the formation, let alone allowing any army to enter.

Thousands of spear soldiers gathered quickly, and a forest of spears pointed at the charging enemy army. The five thousand men led by Bi Angui were also the elite of the elite. They did not charge directly, but flowed from the spears like flowing water. The forest spread out on both sides, and not a single cavalryman crashed on the spear.

They bypassed the spears and charged into the formation from behind the spear team.

At this moment, there was a muffled 'bang—' from the city, as if the heart was about to burst.

Everyone looked back towards the direction of the city, and they saw a scene that horrified them. They saw the city wall ten miles away crashing down and dust flying.

The sudden collapse of the Zhangye city wall made the momentum of the Xizhou army stagnate, and the murderous aura of the soldiers began to fade quickly. You must know that every soldier's property and personal belongings are in the city. If the Song army enters the city, who will protect them? property.

Bi Guian knew that there would be no more results at this time, and the morale and morale of the army had completely collapsed. He gritted his teeth and shouted, "Get into the formation!"

All of a sudden, the formation of the third army was rolling like a wave, and they moved away to both sides one after another. A sharp army came out, about [-] people, each of them was tall and tall, wearing black armor and black helmet, holding three sharps and two blades. Knife.

The head is a general, about thirty years old, tall and burly, with a red horse under his crotch, a slightly elongated face, a tuft of short beard under his jaw, eyebrows like swords, and a pair of eyes that are as sharp as knives, as if piercing through people's hearts .

The chief general is Chen Qing. He holds a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, wears armor with a pattern of Shunshui mountains, and wears a phoenix-winged hood on his head. He is majestic and majestic.

Chen Qing waved Fang Tian's painted halberd, went straight to Bi Gui'an, and shouted, "The enemy will die!"

As soon as the halberd fell, the blade struck Bi Guian in an instant, and a gust of cold wind rushed towards his face, causing his skin to tingle faintly.

It was so fast that Bi Guian's heart almost stopped beating. Without hesitation, he tilted his body and hung his whole body outside the horse, avoiding the beheading blow, but saw a cold light flashing in an arc again, "Pfft !” The horse’s head was chopped off in half.

Blood spurted out, the war horse didn't even scream, fell to the ground with a thud, and Bi Guian also fell more than a foot away. Just as he was about to get up, his neck hurt, and the sharp halberd pointed against the back of his neck, and his skin was pierced Now, Chen Qing said coldly: "Dare to move, and pierce your neck!"

Bi Gui'an was too frightened to move, several soldiers rushed up and tied up Bi Gui'an.

Bi Gui'an's cavalry wanted to step forward to help, but three thousand heavy armored infantry rushed forward, and thousands of three-pointed two-edged knives shone coldly, killing the enemy army retreating steadily.

"Bi Gui'an was captured alive, Shuai Qi fell!"

Dozens of cavalry soldiers of the Song Army ran wildly and shouted all the way holding the wolf-headed banner. At this moment, the morale of the Xizhou Army completely collapsed. Cao Yuan led the Yellow-headed Uyghur Army to retreat northward first. Their escape led to the fleeing of the entire army. The enemy's offensive Suddenly collapsed, the Uyghur army was completely defeated, and they didn't care about entering Zhangye City, and fled desperately to the west.

The Song army chased after them, and the Uighur army was either killed or surrendered on their knees, but they didn't know that there were [-] Song army cavalry waiting for them in the north!
At noon, in front of the gate of Jingzhaofu VIP Garden, two middle-aged men walked back and forth, constantly looking inside the gate.

Their suspicious behavior aroused the suspicion of the gatekeepers.

"What do you want to do?" A soldier stepped forward and asked sharply.

"We came from Sichuan and want to find Mr. Zhao!"

Another added: "It's business!"

"Wait!" The soldier saw that the two were well-mannered and older, not like assassins.

They went in to report, and after a while, one of them came out and asked, "Who are you, and what do you want to do with Mr. Zhao?"

The two came forward and whispered a few words, took out another name sticker, nodded, and went in with the name sticker.

Soon, he came out again, said a few words to the soldiers guarding the gate, registered at the gate, and brought the two of them into the VIP Court.

At the same time, the gatekeepers also reported upwards. This was their duty. Although they could not stop visitors, they had to report upwards.

Lu Qingshan had just had lunch, and was taking a lunch break as usual, he has the habit of taking a short nap at noon.

But not long after he fell asleep, he was woken up by someone, and no one would disturb him at this time.

Lu Qingshan slowly opened his eyes, and saw that it was Lu Xiaowu, the family general. The family general is different from the mansion. The so-called family generals follow the Lu family from generation to generation. They are loyal to their masters.

Lu Qingshan knew that Lu Xiaowu would not wake up at this time, so something must have happened?

Just as he was about to ask, Lu Xiaowu'shh! With a sound, he waved his hand to tell Lu Qingshan not to speak. He said in a low voice, "There were two people who visited Mr. Zhao just now. I heard that they reported themselves in the courtyard as the governors of two prefectures in Sichuan. Xianggong led them into the study and closed the door."

Lu Qingshan turned over and sat up, it's a bit strange that Zhizhou from Sichuan came to Jingzhaolai!

Lu Xiaowu pointed to the neighbor and pointed to his own ear, meaning that he could eavesdrop, but only with Lu Qingshan's consent.

Lu Qingshan and Zhao Ding each lived in a small courtyard, but they were right next door, Lu Qingshan pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Be careful!"

There are also two powerful guards around Zhao Ding, so they cannot be found.

Lu Xiaowu nodded, opened the back window, looked at it for a while, and then stepped out, as light as a swallow.

After about an incense stick, Lu Xiaowu came back and said to Lu Qingshan in a low voice: "Two guards were guarding the study one in front of the other. I listened to it through the cracks in the roof. Zhao Xianggong said something, "Weapons can help you solve the problem, but is it possible to gather more troops? "

Lu Qingshan's face changed, and he guessed that the two officials were not friendly.

"What should I do?"

Of course Lu Qingshan knew his own position. His entry into the imperial court was the result of Chen Qing and Zhang Jun's negotiations on the status of Bashu. He should represent Chen Qing's interests in the imperial court, but the Lu family did not want to betray the imperial court, so they could only do their best Help Chen Qing.

And these two people should not represent the interests of the court.

Thinking of this, Lu Qingshan made up his mind, immediately wrote a note, and handed it to Lu Xiaowu: "You go to the palace now, and immediately hand this note to the palace, and hand it over to her. It cannot be transferred by anyone.”

Lu Xiaowu nodded, "Young man, go now!"

As soon as Lu Xiaowu jumped up, he walked away through the back window. At this time, Zhao Ding's laughter came from the next yard. The laughter was very hearty, but the voice was a bit loud, "Thank you two envoys for the local products, your request is not too much, But the imperial court doesn’t care about prospecting in Sichuan, you still apply to the Xuanfu envoy.”

"I'm going to apply for a humble job, I'm bothering my husband, I'm leaving!"

After the two left, Lu Qingshan walked out with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "Brother, do you still have guests in Jingzhao?"

"Ah! I'm sorry to disturb my brother's nap."

"It's okay, I just woke up."

Zhao Ding said with a smile: "These two sent over two baskets of oranges, knowing that I don't accept gifts, they are their local products."

Lu Qingshan smiled slightly: "Are there any oranges in this season? I'm afraid they were from last year! Beware of the gold and jade, but the rotten ones!"

"It shouldn't be that serious. One of them is Governor Wu of Hezhou, and the other is Governor He of Changzhou. The two prefectures want to work together to excavate the former official copper mine. As you know, the mining is under the jurisdiction of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfu Commissioner, but They were afraid that the court would be unhappy, so they came to me to explain it."

"I'm not interested in mining, but I'm a bit greedy for your two baskets of oranges."

Zhao Ding laughed loudly, "I'll get you a basket to satisfy your hunger!"

(End of this chapter)

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