
Chapter 827

Chapter 827
Bi Gui'an left with a dozen of his subordinates worried.

Chen Qing immediately divided his troops into three groups, and ordered Yang Zaixing, Liu Cui, and Gao Ding to lead [-] troops each to capture Suzhou, Guazhou, and Shazhou, and flatten the Hexi Corridor in one fell swoop.

The main force of the Xizhou Army is in Zhangye, and they have all been wiped out. The remaining sporadic troops can no longer resist the Song Army's iron cavalry.

Yang Zaixing was assigned the job of mopping up Hexi, while Chen Qing returned to Jingzhao City with an army of [-].

Chengdu Fu Narcissus Bridge, which is very close to the government office, is the only way for the government office to enter the prosperous area of ​​the city.

In the afternoon, a Baixi Troupe was performing under the Narcissus Bridge. The Baixi Troupe was an acrobatic and magic troupe in the Song Dynasty. It was very popular among the low-level people in the Song Dynasty. After a short time, it surrounded the inner three floors and the outer three floors, and the people continued to applaud .

At this time, an official sedan chair, escorted by more than a dozen horsemen, came slowly from the opposite side of the Narcissus Bridge.

Sitting in the official sedan chair was Li Yi, the prefect of Chengdu. Li Yi was Lu Wei's father-in-law. He had been an official in Chengdu for five years. He wanted to transfer Li Yi away, but was stopped by Chen Qing.

But in fact, Li Yi will also consider the interests of the court, and has been carefully maintaining the Sichuan agreement signed by Chen Qing and the court, which not only guarantees Chen Qing's tax benefits, but also maintains the dignity of the court, so that Sichuan has been in a balance for several years state.

Li Yinian is about fifty years old. He is very thin and capable. He plans to go to Jingzhao in the next two days to discuss the salt tax issue with Chen Qing. Forty Wen, but private salt is only [-] Wen per catty, or even lower, which has led to the flood of illegal salt in the Bashu area in the past two years, and repeated prohibitions have continued.

Li Yi thought that if the price of salt was reduced to [-] Wen per catty, which would benefit the people, and at the same time crack down on illegal salt, the salt dealers would lose more than they gained, and there would be less and less illegal salt.

This morning, Li Yi received news that the salt lord Wang Jian who was publicly executed two days ago turned out to be the nephew of Guozhou scholar Cao Wang Dongyuan. This made Li Yi suddenly realize that the problem of private salt might not be that simple.

The official sedan chair passed by the crowd of Baixi. There were too many people and it was very crowded. The attendants kept urging the people to make way.

At this time, a man passed by the sedan chair. He suddenly pulled out a military crossbow, pointed it at Li Yi in the sedan chair, and shot out an arrow. The arrow hit Li Yi's chest. Li Yi screamed and fell into the sedan chair. .

"There are assassins!"

The crowd suddenly became chaotic, stumbled in fright, and fled in all directions, Bai Xi and the assassin also disappeared among the crowd.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

The attendant shouted in grief and indignation, but there was a strong poison on the tip of the arrow, the poison entered the atrium and he was unable to turn back, Li Yi had already stopped breathing.

A quarter of an hour later, Zheng Ping led thousands of soldiers to the scene of the crime and surrounded the area around the Shuixian Bridge.

Zheng Ping's face was really ugly, Li Yi was the prince's son in Sichuan, he had no way to explain his death to the prince!

"The clues have been found, who did it?" Zheng Ping roared angrily.

County magistrate Yang Wenhui said to Zheng Ping: "Baizan has just investigated. Just now there were hundreds of operas here, which attracted a large number of people to watch, making the road very congested. This gave the assassin a chance. Beizhi believes that this hundred opera troupe creates conditions for assassins. Big suspicion."

Zheng Ping gritted his teeth and said, "Catch this hundred circus troupe immediately, and mobilize all the snakes and mice in Chengdu to search for the hundred circus troupe. Those who have clues will be rewarded!"

Snakes and rats are beggars, gangsters, rogues, and idlers. They hunt for food on the streets of Chengdu all day long. Once the government offers a reward to find someone, they are more active than anyone else.

Soon, an insider reported that this Baixi Troupe came from Chongqing Prefecture, arrived in Chengdu three days ago, and has now sailed south by boat.

Zheng Ping immediately sent two cavalry to pursue and set up checkpoints along the way to intercept the fleet.

The next morning, news came from Meizhou that they had found the boat, but all seven members of the Baixi Troupe were killed and their bodies were picked up from the water.

Zheng Ping calmed down at this moment, he suddenly realized that behind the assassination of Li Yi was a big gang.

He had to write a letter to report to Chen Qing immediately. Zheng Ping had just picked up his pen when someone from the hall reported, "Send to the governor, a team of about thirty or fifty people came outside, and the leader is said to be Jingzhao Neiwei."

The inner guard came, how could it be such a coincidence, he immediately said: "Please come in!"

After a while, two people came in, the leader was Han Zhengfu, followed by Zhong Huan.

"Refer to General Zheng for a humble position!"

Zheng Ping was overjoyed, "It turns out that Lao Han is here, long time no see!"

The internal guards were originally restructured from Zheng Ping's scout battalion, Wang Hao was still Zheng Ping's personal guard, and basically all the senior officials were once Zheng Ping's subordinates.

Zheng Ping happily invited Han Zhengfu in, looked at Zhong Huan and asked with a smile: "Who is this young hero?"

Han Zhengfu introduced: "This is our internal guard judge. He was born as a Jinshi the year before last and is very good at judging cases. He is called Zhonghuan."

Zhong Huan hurriedly saluted, "Report to the governor, my father Zhong Hong."

Zhong Hong was appointed Cang Cao in Chengdu, and he knew Zheng Ping very well. Zheng Ping laughed and said, "Old Zhong brags all day that his son has been admitted to Jinshi, so it's you!"

"Juniors don't dare to be!"

"They're not outsiders, come and sit down."

The two sat down, and Zheng Ping asked someone to serve tea again. Han Zhengfu asked cautiously, "Did you hear that something happened when I entered the city?"


Zheng Ping let out a long sigh, "I don't know that gang of gangsters assassinated Li Zhifu yesterday afternoon, and Li Zhifu unfortunately passed away."

Han Zhengfu and Zhong Huan looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces. They even went so far as to assassinate the prefect of Chengdu. Needless to say, it must have something to do with the Hezhou incident.

"Public Fushi, we came to Chengdu to investigate the case. Something big has happened, and it's just showing signs."

Han Zhengfu then told about the secret visit of the governors of Hezhou and Changzhou to Zhao Ding.

Zheng Ping slapped his thigh and cursed: "The shit, it must be them. The Baixi Troupe comes from Chongqing, and Hezhou and Changzhou are close to Chongqing."

Chong Huan pondered for a moment and asked, "Did the prefect Li discover something and they took action?"

"It's possible, because Prefect Li is going to go to Jingzhao these two days, and I'm arranging guards for him. I didn't expect something to happen yesterday."

Han Zhengfu thought for a while and said, "Why don't we divide our troops into two groups. I will go to Hezhou to investigate their gathering of troops, and Judge Xiaozhong will stay in Chengdu to investigate the assassination case of the prefect of Li. The two must have a great connection."

Zhong Huan nodded silently, he wanted to ask his father, what happened to the officialdom in Chengdu?


Zhong Huan's father is called Zhong Hong, about forty years old, and he is the official of Chengdu Mansion Cangcao, in charge of the logistics supplies of Chengdu Mansion. Order him to inherit the successor fireworks of the teacher's way.

After Jingkang, Zhong Hong fled to Chengdu with his whole family.

In the study, after hearing his son's question, Zhong Hong stroked his beard and said calmly: "Actually, we all know who killed Li Yi."

"Father, who is it?"

Zhong Hong put away his smile, and said with a serious face: "To be precise, it is a big force, the royalists of Bashu."


"This is their own name. Simply put, it is some wealthy gentry who are hostile to Chen Qing and demand that Bashu return to the court."

"Like Huang Linjiang?"

Huang Linjiang is a general judge in Bazhou, a well-known family in Bazhong, and a famous royalist in Sichuan. He has a marriage contract with the Zhong family. His youngest daughter will marry Zhonghuan as his wife, but Zhonghuan already has a princess of Xixia by his side. I just want to annul this marriage.

It's okay not to stop Huang Linjiang, but when Huang Linjiang was mentioned, Zhong Hong was furious, picked up the book and knocked on his head hard, "What's the matter with you, why did you want to divorce?"

Chong Huan covered his head and explained: "Father, I am different from Huang Jiadao and do not conspire with him. He only recognizes the emperor and resolutely opposes the county king. I can't say to go with them!"

"Fart, is this your reason? Don't try to fool me, who is that woman next to you?"

Zhong Huan rolled his eyes, it turned out that his father already knew.

(End of this chapter)

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