
Chapter 829 Imbalance

Chapter 829 Imbalance
Wang Hao took the note from Lu Qingshan and told him about sending Han Zhengfu and Zhong Huan to Bashu.

He took out a thick letter, "This is just sent by Zhong Huan. Some descriptions of the situation in Bashu, I copied a copy and sent the original to the county king."

Chen Qing took the letter and asked: "Have Zhao Ding and Lu Qingshan gone?"

"I left a few days ago, took the coffin of the Supreme Emperor to Shangluo Road, and then took a boat from Xiangyang to Hangzhou."

"I see, continue to strengthen the guard to prevent the other party from being assassinated again, not necessarily me, maybe other high-ranking officials, such as Zhao Kai."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Wang Hao knew that the county king had let him off for the time being, but he was still negligent. The other party pretended to be a dredging boat and stayed outside the mansion for five days, but they didn't go to check.

After all, they didn't pay enough attention to the safety of the waterway. After this incident, he must strengthen the safety of the waterway, and there must be no third time.

There is also Zhao Kai, the king of the county actually mentioned protecting Zhao Kai's safety, it seems that the king of the county knows it well.

On the fourth floor of Qifeng Pavilion, Chen Qing stood in front of the window and looked at the sparkling water on the lake. He was still thinking about the matter of Bashu. He always felt that it was strange for the two governors to visit Zhao Ding. The support is right, it is not just now to come to find the support of the court.

Can Zhao Ding represent the imperial court?It can't represent it at all, and since it can't represent it, why did they come to Jingzhao from Hezhou all the way? When they have time, they can go to Lin'an.

Chen Qing had an intuition that these two people had set up a situation for Zhao Ding, which was most likely related to the struggle between Qin and Zhao.

But regardless of this situation, Li Yi's assassination was real. Chen Qing knew very well what Li Yi's assassination meant.
It means that Sichuan is about to lose its balance. This is an opportunity for him to abolish the contract and annex Sichuan in an all-round way.

If there is rebellion, let them rebel!The bigger the incident, the more reason to annex Sichuan.

At this time, Lu Xiu came to her husband with a cup of ginseng tea, "It's too late, my husband has worked hard all the way, go to bed early! I will let Yingluo accompany you tonight."

Chen Qing shook his head, "I'm not in the mood tonight, how about this! Let everyone sleep together on the floor in the lobby."

Lu Xiu was startled, "Will they still come?"

"Normally, they don't come, but this is precisely when we relax, and when we relax, there are loopholes."

Chen Qing looked at the dark hill outside the window, "I even suspect that there are more than eight of them, there may be others lurking in our palace."

"But the inner guards have searched several times, and the hounds have also come."

Chen Qing shook his head, "For professional assassins, these are not problems."

Chen Qing said to Lu Xiu again: "They ran to the old house to assassinate, they are too stupid, the lights are bright on the side of Xifeng Pavilion, all the guards and maids are here, don't they know?"

Lu Xiu was right when she thought about it, it was really unreasonable to go to the dark and empty old house to assassinate.

She covered her mouth in horror and said, "What does Husband mean to say that the assassination last night was a fake assassination, but tonight is the real assassination?"

Chen Qing nodded, "This is the most common technique used by assassins. It is very professional, but our internal guards are obviously not professional enough!"

"Then what should we do? How many children!"

Chen Qing hugged her into his arms and kissed her forehead, "Don't worry! It's their misfortune that I came back in time today."

Her husband's firm tone gave Lu Xiu an extremely strong sense of security.

She nodded, "I'll arrange it now!"

At one o'clock, in front of the hill in the northeast corner of the mansion, three black shadows quietly gathered together. The middle shadow pointed at the Qifeng Tower in the center of the lake, and raised four fingers to indicate that they were on the fourth floor. And go, there is no trace in the blink of an eye.

There has always been such a group of people living at the bottom of the Great Song Dynasty. They are highly skilled in martial arts, their whereabouts are uncertain, and they are at home everywhere. They disdain to join the army and defend their families. At the same time, they despise the law, but they have to rely on the government and the powerful to survive. .

The government's rewards and arrests are written for them, and the rich and powerful will find them if they want to deal with their enemies, and they can get rid of them even if something happens.

These people don't put other people's lives in their eyes, nor their own lives in their hearts. They only have money in their eyes, and when they get rewards, they will go to eat and drink, squander their money, squander all their money, and then go to find money .

These three assassins are professional assassins from the middle of Shu, they are tolerant, ruthless, and sure to hit with every blow.

Yesterday's eight people came to cover them. After the miss, the mansion was in chaos. Did the three of them know where the target was hiding?
Their goal is Chen Ji, Chen Qing's only son. Chen Qing's wives and concubines are meaningless, and Chen Qing's only son is of great value.

The three threw themselves into the lake and swam silently to the small island in the lake from three directions.

Thirty female guards have already been arranged. They hide in the dark and specialize in hunting down assassins who approach quietly.

And Chen Qing was sitting on the top of the Qifeng Pavilion, with a quiver on his back and a fixed-distance bow in his hand, and Fang Tian's painted halberd was beside him.

A small jug of sake was placed in front of him, and while he was sipping, he looked coldly at the surface of the water.

At this time, Chen Qing suddenly noticed a small black spot appeared in the sparkling light about fifty steps away from the shore, and when he looked closely, the small black spot disappeared, and soon appeared again forty steps away from the shore.

Chen Qing sneered, drew out an arrow, and shot it out with Zhang Gong. These assassins were trained strictly, every movement was honed, and he would definitely show up at thirty steps.

This assassin showed his head every ten steps, took a breath and then dived again. Just as he showed his head, opened his mouth to take a breath, an arrow blinked in front of him, and he couldn't dodge it. "Pfft!" The arrow shot into his mouth, and the arrow The tip protruded from the back of the head, and sank into the water without a word.

At this time, Chen Qing saw the second assassin, wearing a tight gray samurai uniform, lying on a gray boulder. The color of his clothes and the color of the boulder completely coincided, like a chameleon, he was observing the dark places around him. Lurking guards.

Without hesitation, Chen Qing drew another white feather arrow and shot it, "Pfft!" The arrow hit the back of the neck, without even a scream, the assassin's legs twitched for a moment, and he was nailed to the stone.

After killing two people, Chen Qing is looking for a third person, at least three people are needed to cooperate with each other.

But he searched around but found nothing. He didn't see the third person, so he turned around and looked to the other side.

At this time, he suddenly noticed that the little beasts in the corners of the eaves on the second floor were a little strange. There was a monster that warded off evil spirits squatting on each corner of the eaves, like Pixiu, Suanni, and the like, the size of a seven or eight-year-old child.

But there is only one squatting on the eaves in the northeast corner of the second floor, but there should be no small beasts in the northeast corner, so there is one more.

This third assassin is really powerful, and he escaped several lurking barriers.

Chen Qing drank the wine from the gourd and threw it at the little beast, "Get off!"

"Boom!" The gourd hit the eaves, making a loud noise, and the female guards also saw the strange little beasts.

"There, squatting on the eaves!"

Knowing that he had been spotted, the assassin jumped up, flew down like a bat, landed on a big tree, jumped up again, and jumped into the lake.

But the moment he fell into the lake, an arrow came first, "Poof!" It hit the back of the neck and pierced the assassin's neck, and the arrow tip came out from the throat. "Plop!" The assassin fell into the water .

When his body appeared on the shore again, it had turned into a corpse, with his mouth open, his eyes staring blankly at the sky, an arrow stuck in his neck, and the blood had solidified.

Another corpse in the water was also found by the guards and transported to the shore. There was also a corpse nailed to death on a boulder, which looked very funny, like a dried frog.

Chen Qing looked around carefully again. He was sure that there were only three assassins, so he went downstairs to the study to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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