
Chapter 868 Strangulation

Chapter 868 Strangulation
Early the next morning, Chen Qing got on the big boat again, and the boat sailed to the big island of Penghu.

In the cabin, Zhao Yingluo was lying on the deck, staring at the big pearl in front of her with a pair of bright beautiful eyes, a little fascinated.

Chen Qing crossed his legs and read a book at the side, and asked with a smile: "Does your father not have such beads?"

Zhao Yingluo sat up and said, "My father has an imperial bead, which was a tribute from the Japanese envoy. It is exactly the same as this bead. I suspect that they are a pair of beads. They are so similar that even the luster is exactly the same."

"In the future, when I capture the Golden Palace, I will snatch that one back and make a pair with it. You accept this one first and give it to you."

"Is it really for me?" Zhao Yingluo asked in surprise and joy.

"It's nothing, it's just a big pearl."

Zhao Yingluo cheered, rushed forward and hugged her husband's neck and kissed her deeply.

She wanted to get up again but there was no way, she hugged her husband winkingly and said, "You bullied me for so long last night, and now it's coming again."

Chen Qing chuckled, "Alright then! I'll just forgive you once."

Zhao Yingluo refused, and leaned into her husband's ear and whispered, "Forgive me, husband, I also want to have a son."

Chen Qing understood, "Let's study how to have a son!"

When he got the words, he quickly peeled Zhao Yingluo into a big white sheep, and the cabin was immediately full of joy.

In the afternoon, the crew shouted outside, Chen Qing walked out of the cabin, and saw a black coastline in the distance, indicating that the big island of Penghu had arrived.
Penghu Island is just the name of the people. In the official documents of the Song Dynasty, it was called Ryukyu Island. Since the people of Quanzhou used Penghu Island as a springboard, they were basically concentrated in the south of Ryukyu Island.

The alpine aborigines on the island mainly live in the northern mountainous area, while the southern part is the small black people who crossed the sea from the Nanyang islands, posing a great threat to the Han people.

In a big house on stilts, Chen Qing and three old men sat on the floor, talking about the situation on the big island of Ryukyu. The three old men were the leaders elected by everyone. .

"Originally we have been living and working in peace and contentment. We have lived in more than [-] households with a population of [-]. But since three years ago, these little black natives have been attacking us continuously. Ninety-three of us have died, and many of them have died. It was miserable, after being killed, the meat was cut away."

Chen Qing's face darkened, "They actually eat human flesh?"

The three nodded, "This seems to be their custom. Eating the flesh of the enemy can make them stronger."

"When was the last attack?"

"During the spring plowing this year, three people died, and one of the women was taken away by them. When they found it the next day, there was only a set of bones left, and all the meat had been cut away."

"Did you not resist?"

"Why didn't you resist? If you didn't resist, they would have killed them all. We organized a militia group of [-] people, fought them more than a dozen times, and killed more than [-] of them. It's a pity that we don't have armor, otherwise we would be killed." Don't be afraid of their poisoned arrows, most of us died under their poisoned arrows."

"Since I am here this time, I will definitely give you the best equipment."

The three elders were overjoyed and said one after another: "Thank you so much, my lord!"

Chen Qing asked again: "Do you know where their stronghold is?"

"They have two tribes, and we know one tribe, which is the largest tribe, probably has more than a thousand people."

Chen Qing realized that he had made a mistake. This time he came to the big island of Ryukyu with only three large ships and [-] personal guards. The remaining [-] troops were all on Penghu Island.

He thought for a while and asked, "Do you have any boats to go to Penghu Island?"

"Yes! We have fishing boats to go."

Chen Qing wrote a warrant and handed it to an elder, "Send someone to Penghu Island immediately and give the order to the garrison leader General Yang Tai, who will lead the army to the island tomorrow."

The elder took the warrant to arrange the manpower, Elder Qiao said: "Tonight is the night of the full moon, the prince must be careful!"

"On the night of the full moon, they will hold a bonfire carnival, and then many men will come out in canoes to hunt for food in order to show their bravery. The three large ships parked in the harbor by the prince are likely to become their targets."

Chen Qing sneered and said, "I'm afraid they won't come!"

A full moon hangs high in the shadows. In the depths of the forest about a hundred miles away from the coast, a raging fire ignited in the dense forest clearing, and countless figures danced wildly in front of the bonfire.
At this time, a naked old man climbed to a high place, pointed a torch towards the sea, and shouted a few times, the crowd boiled up, and hundreds of little black men screamed, and they ran towards the river with spears, bows and arrows. Go, there are countless canoes moored by the river, and they paddled the canoes at such a fast speed that they rushed towards the sea like arrows.

There is a huge Wanshi warship moored in the bay, and the other two ships are temporarily evacuated, leaving only one big ship, which is like a huge bait, luring the wildness deep in the forest.

At dawn, countless canoes rushed out from the mouth of the river, as many as three or four hundred. The little black men on the canoes screamed wildly and rowed desperately, rushing towards the Wanshi ship like a pack of wolves.

This is a large merchant ship they have seen. There are countless supplies in it, which make them very coveted, but unfortunately they cannot sail into the depths of the sea. Shore, how could this not be a gift from the Moon God?
On the big ship, [-] soldiers were already waiting in battle. The [-] soldiers were all Chen Qing's personal soldiers. All of them were tall, skilled in martial arts, experienced in hundreds of battles, and equipped with extremely strong equipment. Every soldier was wearing mountain pattern armor. He wears a neck-protecting eagle helmet on his head, a sword on his waist, a crossbow in his hand, a short spear and steel spikes.

It was the first time for the soldiers to fight this kind of little blacks from overseas, but when they heard that these little blacks actually ate human flesh, the murderous intent filled the hearts of every soldier.

The soldiers squatted on the side of the ship, holding the god arm crossbow in their hands, aiming at the pitch-black body on the approaching canoe. They were all bare-chested, without any protection, and had leaves hanging around their waists.

Chen Qing squatted on the highest point of the big boat with a bow and arrow in his hand, while Fang Tian painted his halberd and put it aside. He found that these little black men were quite organized and surrounded the big boat from all sides, but everyone was shouting, and he couldn't see it. Who is the leader.

The canoe was getting closer and closer to [-] paces. Chen Qing hadn't given the order yet. He needed the little black man to get closer so that the soldiers could shoot a few more rounds.

After entering a hundred paces, the opponent suddenly accelerated, and Chen Qing shouted, "Shoot!"

Three hundred personal guards fired at the same time, and the powerful crossbow arrows shot at a black body; the power was so strong that it shot directly through the body, some were shot in the middle of the head, and some were shot in the chest, screaming, alone The canoe then capsized, with its bottom on the water.

One by one random arrows shot and killed one hundred and thirty little black men, and the arrows were all in vain, but many people were hit by arrows, and it was impossible to distribute them evenly, and each person was responsible for one person.

The bow and arrow Chen Qing uses is faster and more frequent. He shoots almost in a row of arrows. The soldiers only shoot one round of crossbow arrows, but he has already shot eight arrows. die.

The soldiers suddenly came to their senses, the opponent was naked, why did he use the god arm crossbow?Wouldn't this be killing a chicken with a butcher's knife? They also threw away the magic arm crossbow, picked up the bow and arrow, carried the quiver on their backs, and shot arrows at a faster speed like Chen Qing.

All of this happened in a very short period of time, and the little black people were in chaos immediately. Some people turned around and ran for their lives, while some continued to rush forward in ignorance.

"Teams [-] and [-] shoot those who escape, and Team [-] shoots those who come closer!"

Chen Qing yelled to deploy, and the soldiers began to divide the work. Two hundred soldiers shot at the fleeing people, and another hundred shot at the little blacks who were close to the big ship.

Bows and arrows are indeed much more efficient than god-armed crossbows. The soldiers fired four rounds and shot and killed [-] people one after another. Before he could pick it up, he died under the powerful arrows of the guards.

This is a regular army that the little black natives have never encountered, and it is the strongest army, but they have encountered it.

The remaining [-] little black men were scared out of their wits and fled to the mouth of the river in canoes desperately, but they never expected that three hundred militia soldiers who had just been armed were wearing leather armor and holding spears, bows and arrows. , lying in ambush on both sides of the river, waiting for their return full of hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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