
Chapter 875

Chapter 875
Chen Qing returned to Wuhu County in the afternoon. As soon as he arrived in Daying, he got the news that Zhong Huan, who was sent by Zhou Kuan to Lin'an, had returned, and brought back Dong Qun, the Lin'an intelligence leader.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Chen Qing received Zhong Huan and Dong Qun.

Zhong Huan bowed and said: "His Royal Highness, the matter of Zheng Dutong is very secret. The general officials don't know about it, and Dong Guanshi has never heard of it. Later, Beizhi met Zheng Dutong's father in the newspaper office, and he told Beizhi that the matter was true. Tianzi Langchao also interviewed him, saying that he was encouraging him to make persistent efforts to persuade Zheng Dutong to surrender, but in fact he was forcing him. Uncle Zheng Guo said that the pressure was very heavy, but it was really impossible, and he wanted to go overseas to hide.”

"With a newspaper in hand, why go overseas and hide?"

Chen Qing asked again: "How's the newspaper situation?"

"It's already normal. It's called Lin'an Beijing News. About [-] copies are published every day, and the number is still increasing."

Chen Qing nodded, "I'll write a letter later, and if you give it to him, he will know what to do."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Chen Qing asked Dong Qun again: "What's the news about Dong Yuhou?"

"The news brought by the humble job is about the negotiation between Song and Jin. Wan Yanchang has been in Lin'an for nearly half a month, and has been putting pressure on the court to ask Song and Jin to jointly destroy the Sichuan-Shaanxi Army as a condition for the two sides to reach a long-term armistice agreement. I heard that the emperor was unwilling to join forces to attack Sichuan and Shaanxi at the beginning, but I heard that Qin Hui, the queen mother, Zhu Shengfei and others had been persuading the emperor, and the emperor was a little shaken.

Zhou Kuan said in surprise, "It's really rare for the emperor to resist for more than half a month!"

Chen Qing sneered and said: "He is very sober, if he dares to be my enemy, the previous edict of abdication will be invalidated, and another Great Song Dynasty will appear."

Zhou Kuan pondered for a moment and said: "But Qin Hui and others persuade him again and again, and he will definitely compromise in the end. After half a month, he still hasn't come to a conclusion, which shows that the emperor himself is also hesitant. Your Highness, we have to help him. "

Chen Qing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and said to Dong Qun: "You take two letters back, one letter is from me to the emperor, you give it to Mr. Lu, he has a way to pass it on to the emperor, and the other letter, you hand it over to the emperor. Give it to the newspaper!"

Chen Qing said to Chong Huan and Dong Qun: "Don't worry about Zheng Dutong, it will take a month or two to see the results. You should focus on protecting the newspaper. Someone will threaten the newspaper, of course not." Officials, you have to be ruthless in your attacks, whoever dares to harass the newspaper will be killed without mercy, and if it is found out who attacked the newspaper, go back and show them some color."

The two bowed together and saluted, "Follow the order!"

Chen Qing immediately wrote several letters and handed them to the two to take away, and the two hurried away with their subordinates.

Chen Qing then said to Zhou Kuan: "Tomorrow morning, I'm afraid I'm going to go back, please stay in Dangtu for a month or two longer, and finish the affairs of Dangtu. In addition, please pay attention to Lin'an. , must not allow the Song-Jin alliance to be achieved."

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, I will do my best!"

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Qing led the army and finally left Wuhu. More than [-] troops divided into land and water marched towards the west in a mighty way. I went to Dangtu County and stayed in Dangtu to complete the cooperation with Zhang Jun.

In Lin'an, Xu Xiantu came to Lu Yihao's mansion early in the morning, and Lu Jin took him to the guest hall, where Lu Yihao was already waiting for him.

"I'm inconvenient in my legs and feet, so I can't go out to greet you. Please forgive me, Governor Xu."

"Where! It's really gratifying to see Duke Lu in good health."

The two exchanged a few words of greeting, and divided the guests and hosts into seats. Xu Xiantu asked with concern: "I heard that Qingshan is going to work in Sichuan and Shaanxi. Is it true?"

Lu Yihao said indifferently: "Is this what the officials want to ask, or is Mr. Xu himself interested?"

"The officials don't know about it yet, but I'm just asking."

Lu Yihao said calmly: "Qingshan is only in his fifties, and he is in his prime. Since the court does not use him, it is not bad for him to go to Sichuan and Shaanxi to find opportunities. But I heard that many officials who are sitting on the bench are going to Sichuan and Shaanxi. is that true?"

Lu Yihao's implication is that there are many idle officials going to Sichuan and Shaanxi, so don't just stare at Lu Qingshan.

Xu Xiantu sighed and said: "This time Chen Qing came to An, although it was not long and he left soon, it had a far-reaching influence. Many officials looked down on Chen Qing before, and always felt that he was a local warlord and could not be successful, but now many people They all suddenly became enlightened, and submitted their resignations to the Ministry of Officials one after another, and the whole family went to Sichuan and Shaanxi. As far as I know, if Qingshan is included, there are already [-] officials who have resigned, and the number is still increasing."

"What is the official's attitude?"

"No one dared to tell the emperor about this. The key point is that almost all the people who left were idlers. Everyone escaped from the north through untold hardships, but there was no real job for them. Some people have been sitting idle for six or seven years. With a meager salary and expensive house prices in Lin'an, I can only rent the cheapest thatched cottage to live in. I live in poverty, and I can bear it at first, but after a long time, no one can bear it, so I can leave if I want to! Everyone has a tacit understanding to affect the government, just turn a blind eye to this matter and pretend that you don’t know about it, you won’t tell the emperor, you’re asking for trouble.”

Lu Yihao drank the tea and asked again: "I heard that the Kingdom of Jin is going to return the Central Plains to the Song Dynasty. Is it true?"

"This is the new condition proposed by Wan Yanchang. If Song and Jin join forces to destroy Chen Qing, Jin will not only return Sichuan and Shaanxi to Song, but also return the Central Plains including Bianliang to Song."

"Then, are the officials tempted?"

"The official did not express his position, but he was firmly opposed to joining forces with Jin Guo to deal with Chen Qing before, but now he has not expressed his position. I think the official's attitude is obviously a little loose."

Lu Yihao pondered for a moment and said: "About the situation in the Central Plains, we have repeatedly discussed the situation in the Central Plains a few years ago. Everyone knows the situation in the Central Plains. It can't be worse. Can the government's finances afford it?"

"I have also persuaded the officials. The officials are not interested in the Central Plains. It seems that they are more concerned about Sichuan and Shaanxi."

Lu Yihao shook his head, "Even if Chen Qing is annihilated and Sichuan and Shaanxi are captured, will the Kingdom of Jin give Sichuan and Shaanxi to us? It's too simple to think, and I'm afraid the Great Song Dynasty will be in danger of destroying the country at that time."

Xu Xiantu sighed, "We all know this truth, but some people don't cry when they don't see the coffin."

Lu Yihao didn't talk further, he took out a letter, put it on the table, and pushed it to Xu Xiantu.

Xu Xiantu was startled, "This is."

"This is Chen Qing's handwritten letter to the official family. He entrusted someone to give it to me. Mr. Xu will give it to the official family for me!"

Only then did Xu Xiantu understand why Lu Yihao asked him to come here. It turned out that it was Chen Qingyou who sent the letter to the officials.

"Okay! I'll hand it over to the officials."

"Mr. Xu, please tell the officials that the letter is original. I haven't read it. I don't know what's inside."

"Understood! I will tell the officials."

Xu Xiantu picked up the letter and said goodbye
As Lu Jin sent Xu Xiantu away, a boy delivering newspapers came running over, "Master Lu, today's newspaper!"

Lu Jin took the newspaper, rewarded the boy with a few pennies, opened the newspaper and read it carefully in the sun, he suddenly said, "Ah! ' With an exclamation, he turned and walked quickly towards the mansion.

Walking to the atrium, I happened to see two young servants supporting his father to come out.


Lu Jinyang shouted today's newspaper: "You read today's newspaper!"

Lu Yihao told the boy to stop, and took today's newspaper. He was also stunned by the headlines on the front page.

The Song and Jin Dynasties discussed killing the righteous, and the father and son cried blood and said Jingkang. '

This topic was so eye-catching, Lu Yihao almost finished reading it in one sitting, and he knew that the Song and Jin joint efforts to destroy the Western Army were completely over, and this report was enough to turn the entire Lin'an upside down.

Chen Qing's move was ruthless enough.

(End of this chapter)

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