
Chapter 897

Chapter 897
The chief general of the Jin army in Datong Mansion was Wanyan Helisa. He was released by the Song Dynasty and returned to the Kingdom of Jin.

Wanyan Helisa rode on a steed horse to inspect the soldiers and arrest the Han and Mughals. This was Wanyanchang’s order. Wanyanchang sent two orders. The Wu people, the second is to arrest the Han and Mughal people in the city, there must be spies in there.

Wanyan Helisa asked his staff Song Ying worriedly: "Chen Qing's army is gathering in the south, and the Mughals are watching in the north. Sir, teach me how to deal with it?"

Song Ying is a Han from the Liao Kingdom, one of Wanyanchang's staff, and his thinking is quite clear, so Wanyanchang assigned him to Wanyan and Lisa as his staff. In the past few months, Wanyan and Lisa have treated Song Ying quite well. Rely on.

Song Ying pondered for a moment and said: "It's mid-September now, and the first snow will fall on the grassland in a little more than a month. At this time, the Mengwu will not go south to harass them. Besides, they have to deal with Nianhan's [-] troops. So don't consider the threat from the Mughal tribe for the time being, but the Song army is likely to attack Chitang Pass in the near future, and the commander-in-chief should better strengthen the defense in the south."

Specifically how to fight, Wanyan Drinking Lisa does not need other people's advice, but needs to get advice on the general direction.

Song Ying's reminder was very timely, and Wanyan Drinking Separation also immediately thought of the weather factor, yes!It's going to snow soon, how can the grassland people come out?
It is understandable that the Han people do not understand the situation of the grassland nomads, but Wanyanhelisa is very clear that their Jurchen fishing and hunting peoples, like the grassland nomads, are tribal and not professional troops. Around, it will take ten days and a half months to gather troops.

After the sacrificial offering, it is often thousands of miles away from the target to go south, and it takes more than a month to reach the target. If there is heavy snow during this period, the army will be trapped in the vast snow, unable to go north or south, and the entire army will definitely be wiped out in the end.

Therefore, seasons are extremely important for nomads to start wars. Nomads never start wars in autumn and winter. They usually enter the war season after the lambs are born in spring.

Wanyan and Lisa wanted to slap himself, and he had forgotten this most basic common sense.

"Thank you for reminding me, sir. Let me ask you again, should I lead the army to the south? Or send [-] troops to the south?"

Song Ying shook his head and said: "The reason why Marshal Talandu ordered to abandon the Northern Expedition to the Grassland was because he was afraid that the Song Army would take advantage of the emptiness of Datong Mansion to make a sneak attack. This sneak attack army did not come from the south, but from the west. The governor must be careful of the Chen Qing faction. The cavalry came from the Hetao side, our [-] army is not many, if we divide our troops, it will be easy to be defeated by the Song army."

"I totally understand!"

Wanyan Helisa let out a long sigh, "Sir, don't tell me, I really didn't expect Song Jun to come from the west."

Song Ying said again: "There is one more thing I want to remind the governor. The people of the Mughal and Kele tribes are different from the Han people. The Han people will be obedient and patient, but they will not. They have a violent personality. Lock them up in the big camp. Inside, riots are likely to break out at night."

"Then according to Mr.'s opinion?"

"Let them go home to get a little food, and then drive them all out of the city. They can only return to the grassland. This saves a lot of trouble. The property they left behind can make a lot of money for the governor."

The last sentence was Song Ying's real intention, to take this opportunity to confiscate the wealth of the Mengwu merchants, and of course the big head went to the Jurchen generals, even if he couldn't eat meat himself, he would always have a few sips of soup.

Wanyan Drinking Lisa narrowed his eyes and laughed, this suggestion is really good.

Wanyan Helisa immediately ordered twenty catties of grain to be distributed to each person, and all the more than [-] merchants from the Mughal and Kelei tribes were expelled from Datong Mansion.

Of course he will not give them another chance to go home and collect the gold and silver.

East Road is basically covered by vast mountains, especially the two major mountain ranges running from north to south, the Taihang Mountains in the east and the Luliang Mountains in the west, but there are many small and medium-sized mountains distributed between these mountains, such as Zhongtiao Mountain and Taiyue Mountain in the south, Yunzhong Mountain and Xizhou Mountain in the central part, Wutai Mountain, Hengshan Mountain, Wuzhou Mountain and so on in the north.

Six basins are formed in these large and small mountain ranges, Yuncheng Basin, Linfen Basin, Shangdang Basin in the south, Taiyuan Basin in the middle, Xinzhou Basin and Datong Basin in the north, and millions of people live in these six basins Among them, East Road was formed.

The Taiyuan Basin and the Xinzhou Basin are blocked by Yunzhong Mountain and Xizhou Mountain, but there are two rivers flowing through the mountains, forming two valleys and becoming the main road running through the north and south. One is the Fenshui River Valley in the northwest, connecting Taiyuan Fu and Lanzhou, the other is the Lanshui River Valley, which just passes through the junction of Yunzhong Mountain and Xizhou Mountain, connecting Taiyuan Fu and Xinzhou.

Two well-known passes were built on these two river valleys. To the west is Loufan Pass, which is currently under the control of the Song Army. Back then, the Northern Song Army went to Lanzhou, Linzhou, and Fuzhou from here to fight against Xixia. cutting edge.

The pass to the east is Chitang Pass, which was built at the entrance of the Lanshui River Valley. It was at Chitang Pass that Chen Qing and Jin Guo exchanged hostages.

This morning, several teams of cavalry came out of Chitang Pass, each team consisted of about ten people, wearing leather armor, bronze helmets on their heads, bows and arrows on their backs, and spears in their hands. heading south.
This cavalry is the spies sent by the guarding army. They are all Han Chinese Congjun Army. On Wanyan Wushu's side, it has been renamed the Signing Army, but it has not been changed on Wanyanchang's side. It is still called the Congcong Army.

The chief general of Chitang Pass is Zhang Zhongfu, who is in charge of the capital, and at the same time he is in charge of Zhixinzhou affairs.

Zhang Zhongfu received an order from Wanyan and Lisa, ordering him to determine the position of the main force of the Song army within two days, and at the same time the defenders entered the first level of combat readiness.

The so-called first-level combat readiness is to launch a war at any time, and no one can enter or leave the pass, except for the spies sent.

Not long after several scout cavalry rushed out of Chitang Pass, one of the scouts was spotted by the scouts of the Song Army.

This Song army scout was like waiting for a rabbit. They had been waiting for the enemy's spies outside the customs. They had been waiting for five days, and they finally arrived.

The Song army scouted about fifty cavalry, led by a deputy commander of the scout battalion. The deputy commander was Li Sanghuai, a native of Chengji County, twenty-six or seven years old. He participated in the battle of Ganquanbao. Gong was promoted to deputy commander.

Fifty scouts rode on two horses and followed the enemy scouts all the way. After entering a forest, Li Sanghuai knew the terrain very well. He immediately divided his troops into two groups, ordering one captain to lead [-] scout cavalry to continue to follow, and he led [-] cavalry scouts to follow. A cavalry walked around to the front to intercept the enemy spies.

The ten Xie Congjun spies were not familiar with the road conditions. They walked along the official road, ran for more than ten miles, and came out of the woods.

"Du Tou, someone is following us!"

They were all spies, and they were all sharp. Suddenly, they noticed the figure of a cavalry not far behind them.

The spies were taken aback, and took down their bows and arrows one after another. At this moment, a dense burst of arrows shot from behind them. They were powerful and all aimed at their horses.

The horses of the ten spies were shot in the legs by arrows and fell to the ground. At least five soldiers fell from their horses.


With a loud cry, Li Sanghuai led [-] cavalry scouts to kill them, and [-] cavalrymen also rushed out from the opposite forest, surrounding ten scouts.

The three spies tried to break out of the siege, but there was no chance. The Song army scouts rushed up, stabbed them with random spears, and killed the three spies on the horse.

"We surrender! Surrender!"

The remaining seven spies shouted in fright and raised their hands.

Li Sanghuai ordered sharply: "Throw away all weapons and get off the horse!"

The last two cavalrymen dismounted, and everyone was terrified. They immediately threw away all their weapons and took off their armor.

Without armor and weapons, they are like porcupines with all their spikes pulled out, and they can only be slaughtered by the Song army.

Li Sanghuai ordered his men to tie up the seven spies from the Xie Congjun Army, ride them on horseback, and lead them to run towards the south barracks.

(End of this chapter)

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