
Chapter 974

Chapter 974 Broken Luo (Part [-])
Yang Zaixing didn't sleep well all night. In his more than ten years of military career, the pressure has never been as great as today. He repeatedly considered various details, various possibilities, and various countermeasures. Go to sleep.

The next day, Yang Zaixing discussed the details of the operation with Li Muqing, the deputy general. Li Muqing was not very in favor of this operation, but seeing that Yang Zaixing had put his heart and soul into it, he no longer objected, and began to fully cooperate with Yang Zaixing's plan.

Night fell again, the night was cloudy, a crescent moon passed through the clouds, and the earth was bright and dark.

Thirty thousand Song troops lay in ambush two miles away. Yang Zaixing personally led a thousand assault troops to crawl forward, about [-] steps away from the city gate, and could no longer move forward. The army is patrolling back and forth.

What Yang Zaixing was worried about was the horse-faced wall. From the horse-faced wall, you can see the situation under the city wall. Although not every city has a horse-faced wall, it is impossible for a big city like Luoyang, Xijing, not to have a horse-faced wall.

But no patrolling soldiers were seen on the horse-faced wall, which made Yang Zaixing calm down a little. He turned his head and waved his hand. Twenty soldiers were running around carrying a large box with an iron rhinoceros in it. It was because Hong Wu led the troops himself.

The twenty soldiers were divided into two groups, one in front and the other in the back. The five people in front carried the iron fire thunder, and the fifteen people in the back were to support them. If they missed, they would retreat quickly. The thousand people led by Yang Zaixing were the second wave of support.

Response is the key to Yang Zaixing's plan. As long as the response is timely and sufficient, even if the enemy finds out, Tie Huolei can be snatched back and will not fall into the enemy's hands.

"Wait!" Yu Hongwu called out to five of his men, and he unscrewed the waterproof wooden cover on the Tie Huo Lei, exposing the matchlock and Huo Lei's opening.

"If the situation is critical, start the fire immediately, no matter where it is!"

"Follow the order!"

The five soldiers agreed, and carried the wooden boxes and ran towards the moat a hundred steps away. The moon was covered by clouds and the sky was dark. They ran faster and gradually approached the moat. The moat of Luoyang City is very wide and deep. It was more than ten feet wide. A soldier slipped into the water gently, tested the situation of the moat, and swam back after a while. There was no problem. The others lifted the box and carefully prepared to put it into the water.

Yang Zaixing's heart was almost in his throat, at this moment, a flash of light flashed on the wall facing the horse.

"not good!"

Yang Zaixing immediately realized that something was wrong, and someone was watching over the wall.

I saw hundreds of soldiers standing up suddenly on the top of the city, and they all drew their bows and shot at several soldiers. Hundreds of crossbow arrows were shot down at the same time. The iron rhinoceros like a big wax gourd rolled out and rolled directly into the moat.

Seeing this, Yu Hongwu was heartbroken. He jumped up and rushed towards the moat desperately, but was thrown to the ground by several of his men. Dozens of arrows shot over their heads. A soldier let out a muffled cry, and he was shot in the leg by an arrow.

Yang Zaixing's heart sank into the ice cave with Tie Huolei, he stood up and shouted: "Follow me!"

A thousand soldiers followed Yang Zaixing and rushed towards the moat. Thousands of soldiers on the top of the city were waiting with strong crossbows in their hands. At this moment, a "Dang!"when!when!when! 'The sound of Ming Jin withdrawing troops.

Yang Zaixing stopped, looked at the moat feeling lost, and sighed, "Retreat!"

The whole army retreated quickly. On the top of the city, dozens of soldiers climbed the ladder to go down the city. After a while, they fished out the big winter melon in the moat, put it in a basket and hung it on the top of the city.

At the same time, Yang Zaixing knelt down in front of the big tent of the Chinese army to plead guilty. Soon, some soldiers came out and read the order of King Yong. Liu Cui was replaced.

Yang Zaixing cried bitterly. He didn't feel sorry for the relegation, but because he lost the chance to become the main general of the Eastern Expedition, and the soldiers persuaded him to leave.

Chen Qing then summoned all the generals above command to give lectures in the big tent of the Chinese army.

The big tent was brightly lit, dozens of generals gathered together, Chen Qing sternly said to everyone: "Everyone has seen that General Yang Zaixing has lost three battles and three defeats tonight, is our opponent too strong? Yes, he has rich experience and a clear mind, but he is still far from the word "powerful". If he is good, he should have rebuilt Xin'an County into a strong city. If he is good, we can't kill him from Mengjin Pass. It is even more impossible to capture Hulao Pass so easily, we lost three times in three battles, where did we lose? We lost here!"

Chen Qing pointed to his own mind, "We lost to ourselves, we underestimated the enemy, General Yang Zaixing is a typical example, when I lost the second time, I said that it is possible to have careful thinking, rich experience, and impeccable defense. It is so clear to send surprise soldiers to seize the city. General Yang just doesn’t believe it, but he still wants to try it? Now the result? Five brothers were shot and killed, and the most powerful iron fire thunder fell into the hands of the enemy. They imitated it What to do? What a serious incident this is.

Where are the roots?Why is General Yang unwilling to give it a try?The root lies in the word 'underestimating the enemy'. He looks down on the enemy army from the bottom of his heart. We were too smooth before, and we can succeed in everything. The enemy army is like an idiot, and the golden soldiers are vulnerable, so our sneak attack will definitely succeed.

So I didn't stop him and let him try. Now that I know how powerful I am, I finally know that I have underestimated the enemy. If I lose Tiehuolei, I must take responsibility. Demotion and dismissal are still the lightest punishment. If there is another time, then press Military regulations should be cut! "

Chen Qing glanced at the crowd again, and said slowly: "I did not summon you to denounce Yang Zaixing, but to tell you through his lessons. From today on, no one is allowed to underestimate the enemy. If you are defeated, you will be demoted and dismissed from office, and you will be beaten with a hundred army sticks, everyone hears that!"

Everyone bowed and saluted together, "Follow King Yong's order!"

Chen Qing said again: "I will announce another rule. I will not use the iron fire mine lightly any more. If I want to use the iron fire mine, I must get my consent."

"Follow the order!"

"Let's all go back! Liu Cui and Li Mu please stay."

Everyone dispersed, at this moment, Li Muqing brought Yu Hongwu up, Li Muqing said: "Your Highness, General Yu Hongwu wants to show His Highness something."

"What are you looking at?" Chen Qing turned his gaze to Hong Wu.

Yu Hongwu spread out his palm, on which was a wooden cover in the shape of a teacup.

Chen Qing recognized it at a glance. At this time, the wooden shell on the Tiehuolei mouth was made of jujube wood, which was hard and strong. It was usually inlaid on the matchlock mouth, and the bottom was waxed. The waterproof effect was very good. When using it, it must be hammered first. drop it.

"This is... the shell cap on that iron rhino? You unscrewed it!"

Yu Hongwu nodded, "It takes strength to unscrew the cover, and I was worried that when the situation was critical, they would not have time to unscrew it, so I unscrewed it for them in advance."

Chen Qing was overjoyed. Even if the enemy picked up the iron fire mine, it was still filled with water. The gunpowder and the matchlock were useless, and there was only one shell left. Even if they imitated the shell, it was useless.

Chen Qing heaved a long sigh of relief. What he is worried about now is that the other party will find a way to send the shell away if they find that they cannot imitate it.

Chen Qing made a decisive decision and sent [-] scouts to block all the exits from Luoyang City. No one was allowed to leave Luoyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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