
Chapter 976 Coercion

Chapter 976 Coercion
At night, when Wang Fuyuan returned home exhausted, his wife, Jia Shi, quickly supported him, "Why are you so tired?"

"There was a big burden on the top, and I was busy all day and all night."

"Is it done?"

Wang Fuyuan smiled wryly, "It's easier said than done. I was really tired, so I went home and had a rest."

"Then go to the study to rest, I'll make tea for you!"

Jia turned around and called out, "Erlang, help your father go to the study to rest."


A young man agreed, and quickly stepped forward to support his father, "Daddy, go slowly!"

Wang Fuyuan patted the youngest son's head affectionately, "Go and open the door and light the lamp for Daddy, Daddy can go by himself."

The boy ran to the front to open the door for his father.

"Officer, someone came to visit you this evening, saying that he is from your hometown." Jia said with a smile from the kitchen.

"My countryman?"

Wang Fuyuan was stunned for a moment, he is from Bianliang, there are too many Bianliang people in Luoyang, and the streets are full of fellow villagers.

"What is your name?"

"I didn't say anything, I just sent some local products from Bianliang. I said you were too busy and might not come back at night. He said he would come to visit another day."

Wang Fuyuan nodded, and went to the study full of doubts.

At the same moment when Wang Fuyuan came home, the people watching outside Wang's house immediately ran to inform Zhang Lu.

Soon, Zhang Lu arrived with a few subordinates. Zhang Lu's mother was from Bianliang, so she could be regarded as half of her hometown.

Zhang Lu knocked on the door, and the door creaked open, Jia was stunned, her husband just came back, he came, what a coincidence!
"Sister-in-law, brother is back!"

Jia Shi hesitated and said: "He just came back, but he didn't sleep all night and just rested, or...you can come back tomorrow!"

"We have a very urgent matter, which is related to your property and life, you should call him up!"

Zhang Lu's subordinates pushed open the door forcibly, and everyone went straight into the yard. Jia Shi angrily said, "Why are you so rude!"

"Lady, what's the matter?" Wang Fuyuan asked after hearing the commotion.

Zhang Lu glanced at him and asked with a smile, "Are you Director Wang of the Military Weapons Supervision?" "I'm Wang Fuyuan, who are you?"

"My surname is Zhang. I'm in the scrap iron business, and I came here just for the two iron shells you just got."

Wang Fuyuan's face changed, and he said coldly: "I don't have any iron shell, please please! You are not welcome in my family."

Zhang Lu smiled, and her tone turned cold, "Actually, you know who I am and why I came here. Even if you don't think about yourself, don't you think about the fate of your two sons?"

Wang Fuyuan was stunned for a moment, his tone began to soften, "What do you want to do?"

"This is not a place to talk, let's go to the inner room!"

"Go to my study and talk!"

Zhang Lu gave instructions to her subordinates, and followed Wang Fuyuan to the study.

I saw that there were twenty or thirty swords hanging on the wall of the study room. Zhang Lu picked up a sword on the table and pulled out a piece.

"Good sword!"

"That was the last sword my father forged and passed on to his descendants. Someone offered five thousand guan to buy it, but I didn't agree."

Zhang Lu put down her sword and asked, "Has the iron shell been imitated?"

Wang Fuyuan stared at him for a moment and said, "Are you spies from the Western Army?"

"That's right. I'm Zhang Lu, the intelligence chief of the Western Army in Luoyang. I don't want to embarrass you, but the matter is important. Please answer truthfully!"

"Although the material of the iron shell is crude, it has different thicknesses and the complicated structure of the conduit inside. I really don't know how the mold was made? We studied it all day and night, but we couldn't think of any way."

Zhang Lu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It took hundreds of top craftsmen of the Western Army six years to develop the iron fire mine. Even if you crack the iron shell technology, you still can't crack the gunpowder formula."

Wang Fuyuan sneered and said, "Since you know I can't imitate it, why are you nervous?"

Zhang Lu shook her head, "I just said that you can't develop it for the time being, but it doesn't mean you won't be able to develop it all the time. As far as we know, Jin Guo is also researching iron fire thunder. After many years of research, it is very likely that the iron shell in your hand will be sent to , they researched it, do you think it is impossible?"

Wang Fuyuan was silent for a moment and said: "It is indeed very possible. Its outer shell made us suddenly realize that we immediately understood a key point in making iron fire mines, that is, the quality of iron must be very poor. If Jin Guo can think of this, it will be very easy It might be developed."

"So you should know now why I came to you. You are a Han Chinese. If our great cause of expelling the Jurchens is finally destroyed in your hands, have you ever thought about the resentment you and your descendants will have to bear?"

Wang Fuyuan sighed and said, "How could I not know? At that time I discovered the secret of the outer shell. Zhe Ke asked me what I found, but I didn't dare to tell him. The matter was very important, and I was also afraid. I have mastered Tiehuolei, and I am really going to be a national sinner."

Speaking of this, Wang Fuyuan said to Zhang Lu: "I won't hide it from you, I can actually make this kind of iron shell. I have been a swordsmith for [-] years, and my father passed me many casting secrets. I saw it at first sight. This shell, I know how to forge it, but I dare not say, I am helpless with the craftsmen."

Zhang Lu's tone softened, and he asked again: "How many craftsmen have seen this iron shell so far?"

This question is very important, whether it is Zhe Keqiu or other generals, they can't understand what is so special about this iron shell, but the craftsmen do.

Wang Fuyuan thought for a while and said: "Together with me, a total of five people have seen it. I formed a group. These five people are all my apprentices. I told them to shut up and talk nonsense. They will lose their heads."

"Is Meng Xiaodong one of them?"

Wang Fuyuan's complexion changed drastically. This Meng Xiaodong was indeed one of them. He was his least worrying apprentice. He was lazy and liked to drink with a group of friends all day long.

"Is he one of yours?"

Zhang Lu shook her head, "He drank with others and leaked the information about you getting Tie Huolei. We bought your information from him."

"Bang!" Slamming his fist on the table, Wang Fuyuan gritted his teeth and said, "It's a pity that I treated him so well, and he actually betrayed me!"

"Aside from Meng Xiaodong, who else would betray the news?"

"Probably not anymore. In our line of business, tight mouth is the most important thing. Meng Xiaodong is good at first, but he has a problem. He likes to drink. I told him a long time ago that sooner or later he will fall into this alcohol."

Zhang Lu nodded, and asked again: "What if I ask you to come and force you?"

"I can imitate an iron shell with exactly the same appearance, but the iron quality will be very high. I will hand over the real iron shell to you, and then I will make a fuss about gunpowder, saying that the gunpowder formula takes time, and I will try to delay it , if it doesn’t work, just say that the gunpowder can’t be prepared.”

This method is not bad, if you replace the real iron shell, as long as you can hide it, you can get rid of the crisis.

"If Director Wang can give me the real iron shell, I will report your contribution to King Yong. As for that Meng Xiaodong, don't worry, we will never give him the chance to report you!"

Zhang Lu said goodbye and left. Wang Fuyuan sat in the study. He understood the last sentence of the other party. I'm afraid Meng Xiaodong's life would be worse than good, but if he didn't kill him, he and his family's lives would be lost in his hands. Meng Xiaodong had already After betraying himself once, he will definitely betray himself to Zhe Keqiu a second time.

At this time, his wife, Jia Shi, came in and said, "Officer, who are they?"

Wang Fuyuan sighed: "They are indeed here to save us. If they don't come, once the city is destroyed, not only my life will be lost, but my two sons will also be unable to lift their heads for the rest of their lives."

After leaving Wang Fuyuan's house, Zhang Lu said to several subordinates: "Get rid of that Meng Xiaodong, it's best to let him fall into the river and drown."

After a pause, Zhang Lu added: "Give another two hundred taels of silver to his family, tell them to shut up, and tell his wife, if she refuses to shut up, her son's life may be lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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