
Chapter 978 Enlightenment

Chapter 978 Enlightenment

In the back hall, Zhang Lu paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. He had to tell His Royal Highness King Yong about what happened in the city, otherwise King Yong would make unfavorable decisions, such as hastily attacking the city, etc. Of course, he also had a way to send the information to Going out, it's just that he has to think carefully, and can't let Zhe Keqiu have doubts.

At this time, Yu Shouzhong came back in a hurry, and Zhang Lu hurriedly asked, "How did the talk go?"

"I have explained everything to him, and he will arrange it so that Zhe Keqiu thinks he is a deserter."

"How did he arrange it?"

"He will go to the capital to ask for money in the afternoon. Without exception, he will definitely be beaten up, and then he will leave a few words to point his hatred at his boss."

The two were talking about Mu Chunfa, a subordinate who had sneaked into the enemy army. Mu Chunfa was a native of Luoyang. He encountered many infuriating things, such as the deduction of his military salary. He had not received his salary for three consecutive months, and was withheld by his superiors. He was beaten by his superiors because he could not pay filial piety.

These are all information. Mu Chunfa's personal experience represents the real state of the defenders in the city. Their morale is not so high, their morale is not so stable, and it is easy to lose their morale when they encounter a defeat. That's why Yang Zaixing is very concerned about the situation of the defenders in Xin'an County. The Wan army took the battle of attacking the heart and won a big victory.

Now, Mu Chunfa became the best candidate Zhang Lu sent to report the news.

At night, a group of dozens of soldiers was patrolling the top of the city. Suddenly, a soldier ran out of the line, jumped onto the top of the wall, and shouted, "The king bullied me, I quit! "

After shouting, he jumped into the moat with all his strength, and the soldiers stepped forward to check, and saw that the soldier had already swam to the opposite bank, and a dozen sentries raised their crossbows to shoot, but this soldier was very flexible, using the word 'Z' Running along the route, escaped the shooting of the crossbow arrows, and fled into the night.

The soldiers looked at each other, Mu Chunfa had become a deserter, they suddenly thought of something, and looked at Wang Shun, the head of the capital, Wang Shun's expression changed drastically, and he regretted it, he really shouldn't have beaten Mu Chunfa at noon, he knew he was going to Bad luck, the commander-in-chief will definitely track down the reason for the desertion.

There was no siege operation in the past two days, and the Song army was also fully prepared for the battle. The main craftsmen were assembling heavy trebuchets and thousand-step guns. They were all shipped from Jingzhao in parts and assembled in Daying. Easier, more difficult to assemble is the thousand-step gun.

As the name implies, the thousand-step gun can throw a thousand steps. With a weight of fifty catties, it can be thrown to a thousand steps, but if it is thrown at a weight of one hundred catties, it is only six or seven hundred steps, but this distance is also very impressive. It is more than double that of a heavy trebuchet.

At night, Chen Qing, accompanied by Liu Cui and Zhao Wenxin, deputy commander of the Ordnance Administration, inspected the assembly factory. The assembly factory is located in the southwest corner and covers an area of ​​about [-] acres. There are thousands of artisans busy here to repair, forge weapons, make shields, etc.

"How many heavy trebuchets are assembled now?" Chen Qing asked.

Zhao Wenxin hurriedly said: "Reporting to Your Highness, twenty-one planes have been assembled up to an hour ago, and thirty planes will be assembled before dawn tomorrow."

"Where's the thousand-step gun?"

"Five thousand-step guns have been assembled!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Five are enough, gather all the craftsmen of the thousand-step gun to assemble the heavy-duty trebuchet and the baffle, and try to assemble the forty-step gun before noon tomorrow."

"It should be possible, I'll make arrangements for the humble job!" Zhao Wenxin hurried away.

Liu Cui said to Chen Qing: "I went to see Yang Zaixing just now, and he is still very ill. The arrow wound in Xixia that year has been repeated again, but I feel that he is more of a heart disease. Your Highness, go and enlighten him!"

"Can't he figure it out?" Chen Qing asked lightly.

Liu Cui smiled wryly and said, "Your Highness knows that he is also a person who accepts death. How can it be possible if you let him figure it out for himself."

Chen Qing nodded, "He's right next door! I'll go and see him now."

Next door to the Ordnance Administration workshop is the Medical Battalion, where wounded soldiers are treated and recovered.

Yang Zaixing was also lying here. He fell ill the night he was demoted and dismissed. The arrow sore he had suffered in Xixia broke out again, bleeding heavily, and he was rushed to the hospital for treatment.

Chen Qing walked into the big tent and saw Yang Zaixing lying on the hospital bed, his face was pale, without a trace of blood, and his eyes were tightly closed.

"Is General Yang asleep?" Chen Qing asked the female medical soldier next to him.

There are [-] female medical soldiers in the camp. They have received special training to take care of the wounded soldiers. The effect is very good. The soldiers recovered quickly. At the beginning, many generals questioned it, but now no one has questioned it. They all agree they.

"General Yang just drank the medicine and may have fallen asleep."

At this time, Yang Zaixing slowly opened his eyes and found that it was Chen Qing. He groaned and struggled to get up. Chen Qing quickly pressed his shoulder, "Your arrow wound has exploded, you must not move!"

"Hey! It's a dull pain when it's raining. I knew it would be difficult to recover, but I didn't expect it to flare up again."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "It's normal. I was shot in the leg by Wanyan Huo in Linyou County back then, and now it still hurts in winter. I need to use hot water compresses, and it will probably be with me for the rest of my life."

"Humble position and underestimate the enemy, leading to"

Chen Qing waved his hands and said with a smile: "I'm here to enlighten you, not to criticize you, so don't worry about it!"

The female doctor moved the stool she was sitting on and asked Chen Qing to sit down. Chen Qing sat down, nodded to her with a smile, and said to Yang Zaixing: "You may not be able to figure it out. It's just an iron fire thunder. Why am I so angry?" ? Could it be an excuse?"

Yang Zaixing was taken aback, and quickly shook his head, "I don't dare to have such an idea."

Chen Qing waved to the female doctor and nurse, motioning for her to step down first. The female doctor and nurse blushed and hurriedly stepped back.

Seeing Yang Zaixing's eyes following the young female doctor, Chen Qing smiled and said, "When the war is over, I will make the decision. You can take her as your concubine!"

Yang Zaixing was not a lustful person, this female doctor and nurse served him with all her heart regardless of gender, which really moved him, and he also fell in love with this female doctor and nurse.

Yang Zaixing nodded and accepted Chen Qing's arrangement.

Chen Qing said to him again: "You may not know that if Wan Yanchang gets the iron fire thunder shell, Lu Wei's life will be in danger, and the strategic deception I set up will fail."

"Why?" Yang Zaixing asked puzzled.

Chen Qing briefly explained the matter of Lu Wei selling fake iron fire mines to the spies of the Kingdom of Jin, and said: "Now the firearms craftsmen of the Kingdom of Jin are desperately researching the fake fire mines. Iron Fire Thunder cannot be made."

"But...we launch iron fire thunders to blow up the city, there will always be dumb mines that didn't explode! Isn't it the same to be captured by the other party?"

Chen Qing nodded, "So I have ordered that without my order, no army can use iron fire mines. I will take back all iron fire mines. In the future, small iron fire mines will not be used. Only iron rhinoceros will be used." , and can only be used at critical moments, such as dangerous passes, etc., and ordinary sieges are not allowed to be used again."

"Is this too harsh?" Yang Zaixing whispered.

Chen Qing knew that the root of Yang Zaixing's illness was here. He only regarded the iron fire thunder as a tactical weapon, but did not regard it as a strategic weapon to change the fate of the country.

"Let me ask you, what would happen if Jin Bing created the Iron Fire Thunder?"

"They can also easily attack the city, and all our defenses will fail."

Chen Qing shook his head, "They will conquer the grassland nomads first, and their strength will triple, and they will become [-] to [-] troops to attack us in the south, such as Datong City, Taiyuan City, Lingzhou, Xiazhou, all the strong cities in the large Tie Huolei is vulnerable to a single blow, all dangerous passes will become empty, their cavalry will sweep through the pass, we will most likely be defeated and retreat back to Sichuan Road, and then they will continue to destroy the Song Dynasty, and finally surround us in the Sichuan Basin. "

Yang Zaixing turned pale, and stared blankly at Chen Qing. Chen Qing sighed, "Do you think I'm alarmist? Actually, think about it, the iron fire thunder is very effective when used in our hands and in the hands of nomads." It’s different. In the hands of nomads, the power of war will be magnified ten times, and their biggest siege shortcoming will be gone. Their powerful cavalry and powerful firearms cooperate, just like wolves with wings, enough to sweep everything. So I often think, I should completely destroy the Tie Huo Lei, so that it no longer exists, and there will be no such worries.”

Yang Zaixing nodded lightly, "Humble job really understands."

Chen Qing patted him on the shoulder, "Take a good rest! I will give you a chance to get up wherever you fall."

Chen Qing walked out of the tent, smiled at the female doctor and nurse, and signaled her to go in and take care of her. At this moment, a soldier stepped forward and reported, "His Royal Highness, the scouts in the city have sent someone to deliver a message."

(End of this chapter)

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