
Chapter 994 Good News

Chapter 994 Good News
Wan Yanchang immediately ordered that the deputy capital marshal Wanyan Helisa be the main general, and lead [-] Jurchen troops and [-] Han signing troops to march towards Jingxing in an attempt to pass through Jingxing and enter Taiyuan Mansion.

Wanyan Chang's troops were not many, and without the [-] troops, he would no longer be able to support Wanyan Wushu, and the alliance between the two to fight against the Western Army would be completely shattered.

At present, Chen Qing is still sitting in Xiangcheng County. He is not in a hurry to expand the stall, but wants to take it step by step and erode the opponent's territory step by step.

This morning, Chen Qing received news from Hebei spies that about [-] enemy troops, led by Wanyan Helisa, were marching towards Jingxing in mighty force.

This news really made Chen Qing feel excited. It means that the alliance between Wanyan Chang and Wanyan Wushu has been substantially bankrupt. Wanyan Chang's army has already used [-] troops to attack Taiyuan Mansion. How can he have army support? Complete Yan Wushu.

Standing in front of the sand table, Chen Qing smiled at Gao Ding, Liu Qiong, Tang Qian and other generals: "Shao Long and Shao Jichun and his son have led [-] troops back to Taiyuan Mansion, but they will not enter Taiyuan City, but directly Going to Jingxing Pass, it is impossible for Wan Yanchang's army to enter Taiyuan Mansion, so let's train with them on Jingxing Road."

"Your Highness, will Wanyan Wushu send troops to support Yingchuan Mansion?"

"This is inevitable, either the Jurchen army in his hands, or the Huaixi army in Quduan, but now the time is ripe for us to attack Yingchang Mansion."

Speaking of this, Chen Qing came to another sand table, which is the sand table in the Central Plains. He said to everyone: "Now we have three dispatch points, one is Hulao Pass in the north, one is the current Xiangcheng County, and one is the In Tangzhou in the south, Li Cheng currently has about [-] troops, and they are basically concentrated on the front line of Xuchang. In this way, Caizhou, Chenzhou, and Yingzhou will be empty, so I consider sending [-] troops to attack Caizhou first. , to test Jin Bing's reaction."

Liu Qiong hesitated for a moment and said: "Now the humble officer is still a little confused about the strength of the two sides, please Your Highness clarify the confusion!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Needless to say our military strength, we dispatched [-] troops, the northernmost one is Niu Gao's [-] navy troops, the Henan Prefecture Liu Cui and Yang Zaixing's [-] troops, and my [-] troops here. I just want to ask you, how is the conversion of Li Cheng's [-] surrendered troops?"

Gao Ding hurriedly said: "The [-] soldiers who surrendered from the humble position transferred [-] people, and the other [-] people wanted to go home, so the humble position was released."

"What about you?" Chen Qing asked Liu Qiong again.

Liu Qiong bowed and said: "Reporting to Your Highness, about [-] people have been transferred from humble positions, and the rest want to go home, and the humble positions have also been released."

"That is the new force of [-] troops. Our army in the Central Plains has actually reached [-] troops, while Li Cheng and Zhang Zhongxiong alone have lost [-] troops. Luoyang can expect to lose [-] troops there. This means that the [-] army is gone.

But the opponent's strength is still good. Wanyan Wushu has [-] Jurchen troops stationed in the four prefectures of Bianliang, Yingtianfu, Yunzhou and Qizhou, of which [-] Jurchen troops are stationed in Bianliang.

Then there are probably more than [-] signing troops, Li Cheng's [-] troops and Li Qiong's [-] Huaixi troops. Li Cheng's army is in Xuchang, and Li Qiong's troops are distributed in Bozhou, Suzhou, Xuzhou, and Pizhou. I don't know exactly how they are distributed, but I know that Li Qiong's military office is in Fuli County, and there are [-] troops stationed there. General Liu understands now! "

Liu Qiong nodded, "I understand the humble position, so His Highness plans to send [-] troops to Caizhou. In fact, he is testing Li Qiong to see if he will come to support Li Cheng, or protect his own territory?"

"It's not wrong at all. If Li Qiong doesn't respond, we will capture Chenzhou and Yingzhou again. If Li Qiong's army comes to help, we will retreat to Caizhou, then storm Xuchang County, and besiege the city to help!"

Everyone understood Chen Qing's strategy, and Tang Qian immediately asked Ying to say, "I am willing to lead [-] cavalry to attack Caizhou!"

Chen Qing said happily: "You know to use cavalry, which means that you understand my intentions. Yes, I will give you [-] cavalry, and the logistics will be handled by General Hu Yanyun."

Tang Qian and the logistics controller Hu Yanyun bowed together and said: "Follow the order!"

The news of Wanyan Chang's army marching into Jingxing also reached Wanyan Wushu's ears through some internal channels. This news immediately made Wanyan Wushu furious. He waited impatiently for Wanyanchang's tens of thousands of troops to come to support him. Now that the support army has not been seen, Wan Yanchang has gone to attack Taiyuan Mansion, and he agreed to put aside the past and join forces to fight against the Western Army?

Wanyan Wushu didn't wait for Wanyan Wushu to write a letter to question, Wanyanchang's letter was delivered, and the letter was very polite, describing in detail the reasons why he decided to send troops to Taiyuan Mansion, and also mentioned that attacking Taiyuan Mansion was actually assisting the Central Plains war. Invading Taiyuan Mansion, Chen Qing will inevitably withdraw his troops from the Central Plains, especially when he mentioned that the Song army blocked the Yellow River, and his army could not go south. This is a very good reason.

"Look, how many people can talk!"

Wanyan Wushu handed the letter to Fan Gong with a full face of sarcasm: "He wants to attack Taiyuan Mansion, but instead of helping me indirectly, there is no compromise between favor and benefit."

Fan Gong shook his head and said: "My lord, I have been thinking about this matter, and now I feel more and more strongly that the emptiness of Taiyuan Mansion is a bureau made by Chen Qing. Niu Gao withdrew his troops, Taiyuan Mansion was empty, and Niu Gao's army returned. Blocking the Yellow River, do you need so many troops to block the Yellow River? [-] troops are enough, there is no need to make Taiyuan Mansion empty! From the humble point of view, this is clearly a trick to lure troops."

Wanyan Wushu pondered for a moment and said: "It is indeed very possible, but what is Chen Qing's intention in doing this?"

"Actually, the intention is very obvious. It is to destroy the alliance between the prince and Marshal Tarlandu. In fact, Chen Qing has already succeeded, and the alliance no longer exists."

Wanyan sighed for a long while, "If Talan is really sincere, why is it so easy to be alienated?"

Without Wanyanchang's assistance, Wanyan Wushu could only face the attack of Chen Qing's army alone. He immediately ordered the [-] Jurchen troops in Yingtianfu and Yunzhou to be transferred back to Bianliang, bringing the number of Jurchen troops in Bianliang to eight. Ten thousand.

Wanyan Wushu listened to Fan Gong's suggestion, and did not easily lead his army to leave Bianliang and go south to support, in order to prevent the Song army from Henan Province from directly killing Bianliang.

At the same time, Wanyan Wushu started a large-scale conscription across the Central Plains, and he wanted to recruit back the [-] Puppet Qi army that he had disbanded before.

In Lin'an, the "Beijing News" released the latest news about the Sichuan-Shanxi Army on the front page headline, "The Western Army is full of enthusiasm, and Luoyang was captured in the First World War in the Central Plains", officially announcing the good news of the recovery of Luoyang.

The people of Lin'an were overwhelmed, and countless people took to the streets singing and dancing to celebrate the victory of recovering Xijing.

The four capitals of the Song Dynasty, Bianliang in Tokyo, Daming in Beijing, Yingtian in Nanjing, Luoyang in Xijing, and Luoyang in Xijing became the first deputy capital to be recovered, which of course made the people extremely excited.

Gongs and drums were beating in Lin'an City, and it was very lively, all the teahouses and restaurants were discussing this matter enthusiastically.

In the Liuweiju teahouse, Wang Mu was drinking tea while flipping through today's newspapers. There was a lively discussion in the teahouse, all discussing the next move of the Western Army.

"It is impossible for the Western Army to attack Henan Prefecture only. Troops will definitely be sent to the south of Henan Prefecture. From Shangzhou to Dengzhou along Danshui, troops will definitely be sent along this road. We can bet if we don't believe it."

"Actually, I'm worried that the Jin soldiers from Hebei are going south. I heard that Wanyan Wushu and Wanyanchang have formed an alliance. Two families will fight against one family. The Western Army's battle in the Central Plains will be very difficult."

"If the Hebei Jin soldiers dare to go south, then send a cavalry out of Jingxing and attack Hebei. This is called besieging Wei and saving Zhao. After watching Yan Chang's army, they will not come back!"

"Wan Yanchang can divide his troops, but he may not necessarily withdraw his troops!"

The teahouse was noisy, and Hu Yun, who was sitting opposite Wang Mu, smiled and said, "Brother Shaofu, let me give you a suggestion for the newspaper! Create a prediction column for the war in the Central Plains, and then invite a few celebrities to interview to ensure that the entire Lin'an City It’s all being discussed, every teahouse is discussing.”

"Okay! I'll tell Mr. Hou this afternoon, but you are the special envoy of King Yong, so you have to provide the latest news about the battle situation!"

Hu Yun smiled slightly and said: "There is an latest news. That person just now is right. Xiao Liudu led [-] troops to the south, captured Dengzhou and Tangzhou through Shangluo Road, and defeated Zhang Zhongxiong's army. Fight for Ruzhou with Li Cheng's army."

Wang Mu said happily, "Is the news reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable!"

"Okay! I'll go back and talk to Mr. Hou right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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