
Chapter 999

Chapter 999
A strong feeling of uneasiness lingered in Li Qiong's heart. The spy he sent had not returned for a long time, making him wonder if something happened to the spy?

At this time, the deputy general Pan Gui said: "The humble officer has sent several scouts to investigate the situation. If there is any situation, we will be notified immediately."

As soon as the words fell, the ground began to shake, Li Qiong was startled, and looked to the north anxiously, only to see the dust flying in the north, and the sky turned a dim yellow.

"not good!"

Li Qiong yelled, turned around and shouted: "Run the alarm bell, the Song army cavalry is coming!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

In the woods, a rapid alarm sounded, and the soldiers who were resting stood up one after another, at a loss.

"The Song Army cavalry is here! The Song Army cavalry is here!"

A few soldiers ran wildly and shouted: "The Jiedu envoy has ordered you to retreat immediately!"

The [-] troops were in chaos, turned around and fled in all directions, some ran into the depths of the forest, and some ran towards Yingshui three miles to the east. Li Qiong got on his horse and ran towards the depths of the dense forest to the southwest, followed by countless soldiers. he.

Five or six thousand soldiers rushed out of the woods and rushed towards Yingshui three miles away. Yingshui was less than one mile away when Yingshui suddenly disappeared. .

The soldiers turned around and fled in fright, trying to escape back to the woods, but before they ran far, a cavalry rushed over and cut off their retreat. The soldiers of the Song Army shouted, "Surrender quickly, or you will be shot!"

Thousands of soldiers had no choice but to kneel down and surrender.
To the southwest was a hill, which was also covered by dense forests. Li Qiong ran for thirty miles with thousands of soldiers, fled to the hill, and was surrounded by the [-] Song army chasing after him.

Pan Guan led more than [-] people to flee to the south. They had just escaped from the forest and within two miles, they were surrounded by [-] cavalry regiments led by Tang Qian.

Pan Gui had no choice but to lead his soldiers to surrender, becoming the first senior general to surrender.

The sky had gradually fallen, and all the methods Li Qiong had considered in advance had no room to play against the powerful strength and speed of the cavalry. One of the most important reasons was that the woods where they rested were not densely populated, and the cavalry could still move quickly in the woods. Ben.

Groups of soldiers surrendered under the chase and encirclement of the cavalry, and even the cavalry became a little impatient, shouted three times and refused to surrender, and shot them with random arrows.

The cavalry are not nannies to take care of the children. They don't have that much patience. If the other party is given a chance, but the other party is hypocritical and refuses to surrender, then kill them directly. Fortunately, the soldiers are all human beings. When the cavalry shouted to two, one by one They even rolled and crawled out to surrender.

Li Qiong led more than [-] people and was besieged on a small hill covered with pine forests. Li Qiong sat on a big rock, his mind was blank, and he didn't know what to do at this time, but he knew in his heart that they would never Might have escaped again.

At this time, a soldier shouted: "General Pan is back!"

Li Qiong looked back and saw the deputy general walking quickly with a few soldiers. Needless to say, Pan Gui must have come to serve as a lobbyist for Chen Qing.

"Have you surrendered yet?" Li Qiong asked coldly.

Pan Gui replied calmly: "My humble parents are still old, I can't ignore my parents' life and death just to serve the Jurchens!"

Li Qiong was stunned for a moment, feeling an indescribable bitterness in his heart. He almost forgot that they are loyal to the Jurchens now. He is obviously a Han, but he would rather die than submit to the Jurchens. What will history say? Own?Out-and-out traitor!

Li Qiong never considered this issue. He always believed that the Song Dynasty was sorry for him, so he surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin without hesitation. Now when he was faced with the choice of life and death, this principled issue of right and wrong appeared before him again.

Pan Guan said again: "His Royal Highness King Yong regards the general very highly. He gave the general and his brothers a chance to expel the Tartars again. If the general surrenders, King Yong will no longer pursue the crime of surrendering gold to the general. If the general is willing to continue to join the army, The general will be appointed as the commander of the upper army, and he will continue to sit in Xuzhou, Pizhou, Haizhou, and Suzhou. If he does not want to be an official, he will be given the status of a civilian. The general can live anywhere with his family. The army will set fire to the mountain."

Pausing for a while, Pan Gui said again: "Please forgive me for speaking bluntly, if the general insists on being loyal to Wanyan Wushu, it is best to give the brothers a chance to choose."

Li Qiong glanced back at the group of helpless soldiers. They had parents, wives and children waiting for them to go home.

He sighed for a long time, and said to Pan Gui: "Please tell His Royal Highness King Yong, thank him for his forgiveness, I am willing to surrender!"

A quarter of an hour later, the desperate Li Qiong led more than [-] soldiers down the mountain and surrendered to Chen Qing.

Li Qiong was taken to a large tent at the foot of the mountain. As soon as he entered the tent, he saw His Royal Highness King Yong. Chen Qing smiled and said, "General Li, you are safe here!"

Li Qiong hurriedly knelt down on one knee and cupped her fists and said, "Li Qiong has wasted half his life, and today he finally meets the Lord of the Ming Dynasty, what a blessing for three lives!"

"General Li please stand up, please sit down and rest for a while."

The soldiers moved a simple stool, invited Li Qiong to sit down, and brought him a large bowl of herbal tea. Li Qiong was thirsty, so he drank the herbal tea in one gulp.

Chen Qing nodded secretly. He knew that Li Qiong was loyal to him in disguise!He drank the tea he gave him without any hesitation, no doubt it was poisonous, this was to show his loyalty.

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "General Li, do you know why I value you so much?"

Li Qiong shook her head, "The humble position is dull, please help your Highness!"

"Actually, our fates are very similar. We were both dissatisfied with the civil service system of the Song Dynasty, so I separated myself, and the general surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin in a rage. Am I right?"

Li Qiong sighed and said: "Your Highness is right. I understand it very deeply. Da Song Erlang is not greedy for life or fear of death. He has sacrificed his life to defend his family and country on the battlefield, but why is he repeatedly defeated in the face of the golden soldiers?" , Is it because the Jin soldiers are invincible? Really not, it is a matter of generals and commanders. When the two armies are facing each other, Wanyan Wushu and his son charge forward, how can the soldiers behind not follow desperately?

On the side of the Song Army, the main generals are all civil officials, and they are not in the front enemy at all. If they win, the credit belongs to him alone. The deployment of troops also had to be decided by civil servants. You must know that the two armies had to adapt to the battle, but the generals did not have the power to adapt. Every time the Song army was defeated, they were useless. "

Chen Qing pondered for a while and asked: "If the Song Dynasty invites you to surrender as a prince, are you willing to go back?"

Li Qiong shook her head, "I follow Your Highness loyally. Sooner or later, I will be a Duke instead of a prince. Gou'an's court is not worthy of my allegiance to it!"

"Okay! You continue to lead the army and sit in the five prefectures of Xu, Pi, Hai, Su, and Lianshui to prevent the Song army from going north to pick peaches. If the Yingtianfu Jin soldiers go south to attack, you send someone to notify me immediately, and I will send cavalry south to support. "

Li Qiong was so moved that she knelt down on one knee and wept, "Your Highness's trust, Li Qiong can only repay it with death!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Call your soldiers, I will say a few words to them!"

Not long after, the [-] soldiers who surrendered were summoned, Song Jun built a high platform in front, and Chen Qing led Li Qiong onto the high platform.

Chen Qing looked into countless pairs of eyes and shouted loudly: "Two hours ago, you were still golden soldiers, and you were still unworthy children who were ashamed of your ancestors, but now, you are no longer golden soldiers, you are Song Erlang who has turned back, you You are a member of the Sichuan-Shanxi Army, you are my Chen Qing's soldiers, you will follow me to drive out the Jurchen Tartars and restore the country of our Han people. You can stand in front of your ancestors again, and your descendants will be proud of you! "

Countless soldiers shed tears silently, some even bowed their heads and wept bitterly.

Chen Qing took a deep breath, and said loudly: "I know that you have suffered injustice, so you embarked on the road of rebelling against the imperial court. I, Chen Qing, also suffered injustice, and I also rebelled against the imperial court, but I will never betray my nation. I will never betray the ancestral blood that flows in my blood. You follow me, and we will fight together for thousands of compatriots oppressed by the Jin people, and fight to recover the land left by our ancestors. Brothers, from now on , I hope to gain your allegiance, and we will fight together for future generations to no longer be oppressed by alien races!"

"Loyalty to King Yong, fight for King Yong!"

I don't know who shouted, the blood of [-] soldiers was boiling, and they raised their arms and shouted together, "Allegiance to King Yong! Fight for King Yong!"

Li Qiong let out a long sigh in his heart. He knew that the [-] soldiers had returned, and even if he wanted to betray King Yong again, his soldiers would not do it again.

(End of this chapter)

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