my bright sword career

Chapter 327 Burning

Chapter 327 Burning

A 75mm high-explosive bomb fired from a tank landed on a machine gun position, and instantly lifted a firing Type [-] heavy machine gun into the air, and the shooter, deputy shooter and two ammunitionists also went up together. God.

Facing another sudden attack by the Liantai militia, the Ninth Brigade, which hadn't recovered from the previous attack, had a very difficult time resisting it.


The battlefield resounded with the wailing of Japanese soldiers carrying explosive packs and launching a meat attack. They jumped out of the trench and pulled the fuse with a delay of 20 seconds, and rushed towards the No. [-] tank that was coming towards them, expressing despair. The screaming Japanese soldier completely ignored the bullets flying across his face, and just a few seconds after being knocked down, accompanied by a violent explosion, the blood that was blown into pieces was mixed with mud and splashed everywhere.Coincidentally, a tiny piece of meat flew to the tank and blocked the tank driver's observation hole.

"Damn it!" Looking at the smoky meat in the observation hole, Qiu Youcai, who was holding the joystick tightly with both hands, was taken aback for a moment, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, cursed, and then poked the meat out with his fingers. Looking at the blood on his hands, he felt his stomach twitch, and quickly wiped his bloody fingers on his trousers.

"Qiu Youcai, go at full speed!" Accompanied by the roar of the captain Huang Jianhua from the earphones of the tank cap, Qiu Youcai quickly shifted gears, stepped up the accelerator, and pushed forward, watching through the observation hole. The Japanese charged with a rifle, although he knew that the No. [-] tank he was driving was thick and thick, and there were a large number of infantry brothers around him for protection, but he still felt a strong sense of tension.

Seeing a Japanese soldier with a white cloth strip on his head and carrying explosives constantly launching suicide charges towards the armored battalion being repeatedly killed by the parallel machine guns on the tank and the surrounding infantry, Qiu Youcai also felt angry from the beginning. , shocked, and finally puzzled and numb.

However, the doubts turned into doubts, duty is duty, although occasionally a bit of unbearable feeling arises in his mind, it does not prevent Qiu Youcai from driving the No. 10 tank to rush forward at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

Facing the tanks rushing up, and the infantry clustered around the tanks, the desperate Japanese soldiers rushed up with the [-]-type rifles with bayonets on them. After being swept down by machine guns, they were then crushed into meat by steel tracks. , Severed limbs and broken arms can be seen everywhere on the battlefield.

The Ninth Brigade, which was on the defensive side, was stunned by this sudden attack.

Especially the sudden shelling, followed by the tanks opening the way and the infantry attacking. As the defensive side, they could only struggle to support.

But the Ninth Brigade was not those garrison troops with a weak will to fight. They did not surrender in despair and fled in all directions, only further madness.

In a forest more than 20 miles away from Pingyang Town, this is the headquarters of the [-]st Regiment of the Ninth Brigade.

Hundreds of Japanese soldiers were dressed up and making final preparations, most of them were wounded soldiers who relied on others to support them.The commander of the regiment, Kakuhei Yamagami, and the chief of staff, Yuta Hara, looked at the surrounding soldiers with reluctance and ferocity in their eyes. The sound of machine guns getting closer and closer in front reminded them all the time that the Huaxia soldiers were getting closer and closer to them, and they could not delay any longer. down.

Shanshang Juebingwei walked up to the captain of the flag guard and stroked the long fringed fringe on the flag of the 101st Regiment with his white-gloved hand. The Japanese flag was similar to the Feng Jie in the hands of ancient Chinese diplomatic envoys. String tassels, the top of the wooden lacquered flagpole is gold-plated, and the 16-petal chrysanthemum pattern embossed gold emblem symbolizing the emperor.Kakuhei Yamagami unfolded the rising sun flag sewn on the tassel on the long section of the military flag with both hands, and the words "Aomori United" were written impressively in the lower corner.

According to the regulations of the Japanese Army, if the military flag is there, it will be compiled, and if the military flag is lost, it will be punished. Therefore, the military flag is very important to any Japanese army. It is necessary to select the best second lieutenant officer of the regiment as the flag bearer, and set up a military flag guard squadron. protect it.Even though reinforcements are urgently needed ahead, Kakubei still keeps a small team here to guard the flag.

Putting down the tassels and the Rising Sun flag in his hands, Jue Bingwei on the mountain sighed heavily, and had sent the last troops to buy time. According to the regulations, when it is judged that the entire army is in danger of being wiped out in the battle, the army flag should be burned.

Looking at the brand-new military flag, Chief of Staff Yuan You couldn't bear to say: "Captain, can we send someone to escort the flag of the regiment to rush out? It doesn't matter if we die in battle, but the [-]st Regiment cannot be destroyed in our hands." what."

Jue Bingwei on the mountain sighed lightly: "Do you think I think this way, but you should know that the Chinese people have already surrounded us, and the brigade commander asked us to hold on for another hour, but you look again, we still have to go Can it last an hour?"

Aihara Yu stopped talking. It stands to reason that the [-]st Regiment would not be unable to last for an hour, but who made their regiment suffer a severe blow in the battles of the previous few days.

Their regiment was originally full of 3800 people, but a few days ago the Ninth Brigade was attacked by the Liantai Militia and the Eighth Route Army. The [-]st Regiment suffered the biggest loss, losing nearly half of its troops. Not only did Chongkang not understand them, but he thought that the [-]st Regiment was not fighting well, so he deployed them at the forefront.

Just now, the Liantai militia launched another sneak attack on them. Their chariot troops launched a surprise attack under the cover of artillery fire. Under their onslaught, the [-]st Regiment was rushed to pieces. He retreated steadily with hundreds of remnants.

Originally, they wanted to get closer to the brigade headquarters, but they never thought that the back road would be outflanked by the Liantai militia, so that they fell to this point.

The hope of retreat was shattered, seeing that the [-]st regiment was about to be destroyed, but the flag of the regiment must not fall into the hands of the Chinese.

Kakuhei Yamagami stroked the flag for the last time, then turned to a second lieutenant not far away and said, "Let's get started, second lieutenant Kameda."


Lieutenant Kameda, who was holding the flag, immediately turned around and stood at attention. Under the guard of the flag bearers, he walked towards the high platform built with ammunition boxes two or three meters away. Kakuhei Yamagami, Yu Aihara and all the Japanese soldiers present saluted the flag.

After it lasted for three seconds, Kameda, who was holding the flag, took off the crown of the military flag with the chrysanthemum flower imperial pattern, then rolled up the military flag and walked down the ceremony stage. The general flag was held in both hands, and then it was handed over to the regiment leader, Kakuhei Yamagami, who took over the military flag Jue Bingwei on the mountain only felt that the military flag in his hand weighed a thousand ounces.

"All newly formed infantry and cavalry regiments of the Japanese army must be awarded the military flag by the emperor himself, as the core of the unity of the troops, and the spirit of the soldiers to the military flag is unparalleled in the world!" The military flag given by the emperor was burned.

That is to say, from now on, the [-]st Regiment will disappear forever from the Japanese army's sequence. The dignified Kakuhei Yamagami held the military flag with both hands respectfully and placed it behind the burning platform before taking three steps back. Finally, he drew out his command knife and lowered his finger, and lowered his head, as if in repentance.

A few seconds later, Kakuhei Yamagami, who put down his hands, stepped forward, struck a match and lit the burning table, and the burning table sprinkled with kerosene instantly ignited.It was quickly reduced to ashes in the ignited fire.

More than ten minutes later, when more than a dozen soldiers from the Liantai militia came to the woods, they found a large pile of corpses of Japanese soldiers lying here and there.

(End of this chapter)

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