my bright sword career

Chapter 375 Pull the Trigger

Chapter 375 Pull the Trigger
Since the B-25 bomber entered the service of the flight brigade, the status of the Stuka has become a bit embarrassing. Compared with the B-25, the Stuka, which has a maximum bomb load of only 500 kilograms, seems to be outdated. With a range of 600 kilometers and a top speed of 320 kilometers per hour, Stuka is out of date.

But Gao Hongming paid no heed to this call.

On the surface, the performance of the Stuka is indeed a bit mediocre, but compared with the B-25 medium bomber, the biggest advantage of the Stuka dive bomber is that it can carry out precise bombing, especially for armored and ground troops. Fixed-point removal, this is unmatched by the B-25.

Just like today, it is still the first squadron of Stuka bombers who take the lead. When twelve Stuka dive bombers that screamed screaming dived to the ground at a vertical angle of nearly 90 degrees, the Japanese air defense forces on the ground almost There is no way to make an effective counterattack.

The main anti-aircraft firepower of the Japanese Army is the Type 20 20mm cannon, which is a copy of the famous Oerlikon [-]mm cannon.

From the data point of view, its rate of fire is 120 rounds per minute, which seems to be not bad, but I don’t know what the designer thought at the beginning. The magazine will be empty after ten seconds of resistance, which is very fucking.

At the same time, this also led to insufficient firepower density and limited air defense effect.

For example, now, facing the group of Stukas that swooped in at a nearly vertical angle in the sky, the gunners of the Japanese army found that they could hardly lock the planes coming from above their heads, and could only barely rely on the predicted advance to fire randomly into the sky. .

"Dong dong dong... dong dong dong..."

As the scattered shells exploded in the sky, the Stuka fleet also entered the bombing height. When the Stuka was about 400 meters above the ground, almost all the drivers pressed the bombing switch, and the suspension The four 4kg high-explosive bombs under the wings broke away from the hook and fell towards the ground according to inertia.

Under the guidance of the fume cans, most of the bombs dropped by the Stuka fleet hit the target.


A 20-kilogram bomb exploded less than ten meters away from a Nissan truck. The shock wave generated by the explosion vacated the five-ton truck several meters before it fell heavily on the ground. The Type 20 heavy cannon weighing more than [-] tons behind it was blown into several pieces, and the barrel was bent into an arc when it landed. It can be said that this truck is worth more than [-] The [-]-yen heavy artillery instantly turned into scrap iron.

Looking at the billowing smoke and overturned vehicles, and listening to the sound of explosions one after another, Nishikawa Kangnai standing on the hillside was heartbroken. While ordering the air defense brigade to deploy for air defense, he ordered the United The garrison brigade directly under the army rushed to arrest those traitors who came in under the guise of others.

"Traitors... these traitors, all deserve to die!"

At this time, Kannai Nishikawa's eyes were red, and an endless annoyance reverberated in his heart. He hated himself for not questioning those people carefully this morning, which caused a catastrophe.

As for why he insisted that he was a traitor and not a Chinese who sneaked in, he had already told Major Miura about the reason.

"We must kill all these traitors and leave none behind!"

When Nishikawa Kangnai's roar echoed in the mountains and forests, the air bombing did not ease at all because of his anger. The first batch of Stuka dive bombers had arrived above the heads of the Japanese army.

The second batch of Stukas carried not ordinary high-explosive bombs, but a huge round drum weighing [-] kilograms.

This time they did not conduct dive bombing in pursuit of accuracy, but started to drop bombs horizontally at an altitude of 1000 meters.

When these barrel-shaped objects fell in the form of free fall, they became bigger and bigger in the eyes of the Japanese soldiers who were not in a hurry to dodge on the ground, and finally passed over their heads at an extremely fast speed and crashed down on the road. .

When it was still hundreds of meters away from the ground, the iron shell of the circular iron barrel was suddenly exploded, and then it was disintegrated into 19 small bombs that scattered like celestial maidens.

Different from ordinary bombing, these bombs did not make deafening explosions in the traditional sense after they landed. Although the bombs continued to land, the continuous explosions were not even as loud as the sound of pulling the bolt.

"Hiss... hiss... bang bang..."

But then, these bombs were detonated immediately when they hit the ground, and then a fire dragon more than 300 meters long was ejected, and the napalm blocks ejected instantly fell on the road and around the Japanese camp, and the original Japanese camp instantly changed. It became a sea of ​​flames. It turned out that this batch of bombs was actually solidified incendiary bombs.

Many Japanese soldiers in the camp were hit immediately. The napalm splashed on people was like lard paste, thick and resistant to burning. Big, and their hands also burned.Some people who couldn't bear the pain tried to roll on the ground to put out the fire, but they got burned all over their bodies.

In the entire camp of the Heavy Artillery Regiment, Pyromen screaming in the flames can be seen everywhere. Those Pyromen struggled as if they were in a sea of ​​hellfire with their last ounce of strength and even rolled on the ground to relieve the pain, but in the end they put their bodies on the ground. The burning oil and the human oil were thrown onto other people and vehicles around.

Soon, more and more Japanese soldiers were on fire. The staggering Pyroman knocked down the surrounding objects and ignited many vehicles. Some even ignited the truck full of ammunition, and then the most terrible thing happened.


An earth-shattering explosion sounded into the sky, and a truck loaded with three tons of high-explosive shells was killed. The shock wave generated by the explosion instantly blasted vehicles and artillery within a radius of 100 meters into the sky, with the explosion point as the center None of the Japanese soldiers within 300 meters was spared, and even the Japanese soldiers who were not affected by shrapnel were shocked to death by the powerful shock wave.

Suddenly, explosions and flames surrounded the entire camp of the Japanese army, and the cries for help from the Japanese army also came and went.

In the sky, the Stuka fleet triumphantly twisted their buttocks and flew towards the way they came from after dropping the bomb.

But you thought the matter was not over, and then twelve B-25 bombers emerged from the clouds under the cover of more than a dozen P-47 fighter planes, and the 75mm cannon installed under the nose flashed Chilling light.

Looking at the fleet of aircraft emerging again, Kannai Nishikawa standing on the hillside showed despair in his eyes. He slowly raised the Nanbu pistol in his hand, pointed the muzzle at his temple and pulled the trigger...

(End of this chapter)

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