my bright sword career

Chapter 386 Meet the Impact

Chapter 386 Meet the Impact
Hearing the voice of the Chinese pilot from the headset, Harry hurriedly said: "This is Red Eagle One, this is Red Eagle One, we need help!"

"Who are you, you are not the radio contact Nick, please tell me your identity?"

"I am Professor Harry, the U.S. Special Commissioner. The liaison officer and co-pilot have been killed, and now I am the liaison officer."

"Mr. Special Commissioner, what can I do to help you?"

"Our plane is badly damaged, can you help us guide the plane down?"

"No problem, I have already contacted the company's flight team, and they will guide you. Please allow me to transfer your call channel to the company's flight team."


It didn't take long for Red Eagle One to finish speaking, and accompanied by a rustling sound, a young voice rang through the headset: "I am Captain Huang Kebiao, captain of the First Battle Squadron of the Liantai Civilian Flying Brigade, and I have been ordered to come to support you.

Mr. Commissioner, I observed it outside. Your right wing is constantly leaking oil, and the tail rudder has received a lot of bullets. Now it looks like a sieve, and it may fall off at any time. It seems that it won't last long. , I hope you can stick to the temporary airport in Yangping Town. "

Harry looked around: "I think if it's only four kilometers, our plane should still last."

"But... well... I can only say good luck to you, please follow me now!" The pilot named Huang Kebiao seemed to be hiding something in his words, and he just said something briefly, and then the pilot in the cockpit Everyone in the crowd heard a roar, and saw a fighter plane painted in sky blue roaring past the passenger plane and flew in front of the passenger plane.

Harry quickly shouted to the pilot: "Hurry up and catch up with that fighter plane, he is guiding us."

"Understood!" The pilot agreed while struggling to control the plane.

As the altitude of the plane got lower and lower, the group of people finally saw the earth, but when they saw the situation on the ground, everyone's heart was half cold.

I saw dense black spots on the ground in front of me, as well as groups of tanks and armored vehicles. There was an artillery position farther behind, and white smoke kept rising. It seemed that a row of artillery was being fired.

The infantry and various vehicles on the ground dragged billowing dust, and looked like dozens of long steel dragons in the air.A little further away is the sky full of gunpowder smoke and countless black smoke columns, and the sound of rumbling explosions in the distance can't be covered up by the sound of roaring engines.

Colonel McLaren couldn't help exclaiming: "My God, they are fighting!"

"Fly over!"

Gao Si couldn't help it anymore, and shouted at the driver.

I don't blame Gao Si for being so out of control. The fight below is so fierce. Once their plane makes an emergency landing on the battlefield, let alone whether it can make an emergency landing. To be devoured.

But Gao Si obviously forgot that there is an old Chinese saying that misfortunes never come singly.

Just as he finished speaking, the engine on the right exploded, a cloud of black smoke emerged from the cowling of the engine, and then tongues of flame began to spray out from every gap in the engine, and the plane seemed to be stepped on. It sank down like a kick.

"Damn it! Damn it, how could something happen here."

The pilot yelled loudly while trying to control the plane: "Mr. Special Envoy, our engine is on fire, we must make an emergency landing immediately!"

"Forced landing... right here?"

Looking at the fierce battle below, everyone's scalps were numb.

"Yes, Mr. Special Envoy, we can only pass through the enemy's position. Judging from the direction, the southeast direction should be the Chinese army. This plane can't last long.

The worst part is that our tail rudder has been disabled, I can't change the course, the fuel tank is empty, and the left engine will stop at any time.Now I can only move forward, I have no way out.God bless our plane to stick to the Chinese position and land, right? "

While speaking, the automatic fire extinguishing device of the engine on the right side of the plane has been automatically turned on. With the continuous injection of white carbon dioxide, the flames are also slowly extinguished, and a long white smoke trails behind the engine.

While talking, the pilot pushed the throttle of the left engine to the bottom, and then began to dive with a small slope. The plane must maintain sufficient speed, otherwise the plane would stall and crash immediately when the left engine stopped, without even a chance to glide.

The altitude of the passenger plane is slowly descending, and several P-40 and P47 fighters on the side are also closely following it.

It didn't matter that the passenger plane made an emergency landing, but it shocked the two sides who were fighting fiercely on the ground.

The Japanese soldiers on the ground heard the roar of the plane's engine and looked up...and saw a passenger plane with the Stars and Stripes painted on its wings dragging a long white smoke towards them, beside it Followed by a group of fighter planes painted with the Chinese emblem.

Seeing the Japanese army here suddenly became chaotic, the infantry who were fighting with the Chinese army were looking for cover to hide, while the officers waved katana swords and shouted loudly at the plane, ordering the soldiers to stand up and resist, and soon Several machine guns began to shoot into the air one after another, and the hiding soldiers seemed to regain some courage after hearing the gunshots, and began to raise their rifles in twos and threes and started shooting into the air.

Although the air-to-air shooting on the ground seemed chaotic, it cannot be said that it had no effect at all. As the altitude of the plane continued to drop, Professor Harry and others in the cockpit could even see tracer bullets whizzing past the porthole. You can even hear the clang of rifle bullets hitting the aircraft's hull.

The pilot tried his best to control the plane which was becoming more and more uncontrollable, and shouted with all his strength: "Quick...Professor... Hurry up and tell the escorting plane to open the lane, we are going to make an emergency landing!"

In fact, there was no need for Harry to report through the radio. The remaining three P-40 Tomahawks and more than a dozen P-47 Thunder fighters had already swooped down first. Flying over, leaving a field of mutilated corpses at the tail of the plane, followed by a passenger plane trailing white smoke behind these fighter planes.

"Everyone, sit down quickly, fasten your seat belts, and prepare for the impact!"

At this time, the left engine had also stopped running, but fortunately, the plane still had a certain speed and could still maintain a certain distance. On the ground below, many Japanese soldiers also stared dumbfounded at a big, silent plane. Passing over their heads silently.

"Quick... There is an open space ahead, prepare for the impact..."

(End of this chapter)

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