my bright sword career

Chapter 406 What will we use in the future

Chapter 406 What will we use in the future

Under the embankment of a road two kilometers away from the Hutou stronghold, Brigadier Chen watched the attack on the Hutou stronghold with a binoculars. Behind him were the commanders of the 386 brigade, including Li Yunlong and Ding Wei. member.

When the crowd saw the two blockhouses covering several mu of land exploded into the sky amidst the sound of gunfire, they all burst into cheers, and many staff officers were so excited that they couldn't help hugging each other.

In the past, the Eighth Route Army wanted to deal with such a large stronghold without dispatching more than one regiment of troops and paying a painful price. It was impossible to take it.

This is not because the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army cannot fight, but because the Eighth Route Army is too poor.

It doesn’t matter if the local troops lack guns or ammunition, even the soldiers of the main force count their bullets when they fight, let alone heavy weapons. A regiment can have two mortars or a dozen throwing guns. The cartridge is already very powerful, and as for the towed artillery, I dare not even think about it.

But today, this situation has been greatly changed. After the Battle of Zhongtiaoshan, there will be more Japanese equipment captured.

According to statistics, more than 3000 Japanese 200-type rifles, more than 160 light and heavy machine guns, and more than [-] million rounds of bullets were seized in this battle. There are nineteen artillery pieces in total.

The Liantai militia naturally looked down on these Japanese weapons, so Gao Hongming gave all the captured weapons to the Third Army and the 386th Brigade with a wave of his hand.

The 386 brigade was assigned three Type 105 [-]mm field guns, five Type [-] infantry guns, and more than a dozen mortars, and this was the reason for this extravagant bombardment of the Hutou camp.

The reason why the Japanese army came up with this cage policy was that the Eighth Route Army lacked heavy weapons for attacking fortified positions. It was impossible to deal with the Japanese army hiding in the bunkers with ordinary machine guns and artillery.

Generally speaking, the time it takes for the Eighth Route Army to conquer a bunker ranges from half a day to a few days, and sometimes it even has to retreat with hatred due to excessive casualties.

The most typical example is the fierce battle at Guanjianao. At that time, a Okazaki detachment of more than 129 Japanese troops entered the hinterland of the Eighth Route Army base by mistake. A total of [-] troops from the regiment and the spy regiment surrounded it.

It stands to reason that 2 vs. [-], this battle can be regarded as anti-aircraft guns fighting mosquitoes. According to ordinary people's views, more than [-] people can drown the Japanese even if each of them urinates.

But the result of the battle was that, under the supervision of the deputy commander in chief, the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese army fought bloody battles for two days and nights. After paying more than [-] casualties, they still failed to achieve the intention of encircling and annihilating the Japanese army.

This is because the equipment gap between China and Japan was too large at that time, and the Japanese army occupied favorable terrain, and the Eighth Route Army's numerical advantage could not be brought into play at all. This led to the failure to win a decisive victory after paying such heavy casualties.

But this time, it took less than 10 minutes for the Eighth Route Army to attack the Hutou stronghold, which was also high in the city and deep in guns. The most fundamental reason was that the Eighth Route Army had a siege weapon... artillery.

After the battle, the Eighth Route Army hastily cleaned up the battlefield, and then continued to advance along the road to the base area.

After the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain, the 386th Brigade can be said to have completed a change from shotguns to guns. Facing the strong strongholds and bunkers that used to be piled up with human lives, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army were not afraid at all, and directly pushed the artillery to the strongholds for direct fire , only one or two shells are needed to solve the problem.

Along the way, the Japanese army quickly knew the strength of the Eighth Route Army that had just come down from Zhongtiao Mountain. After that, many Japanese troops in the strongholds along the way either fled in anticipation or were blasted into powder by artillery fire.

This situation lasted for four or five days. Before the large Japanese troops arrived, they entered the depths of the mountain, and then disappeared, which made the following Japanese troops jump their feet in anger.

However, although the 386 brigade's way of pushing all the way was arrogant, some people felt distressed.

"It's's really outrageous, what is the 386 brigade trying to can't make it through?"

Brigadier Li of the 115rd Brigade of the 343th Division of the Eighth Route Army patted the table in distress.

"Our Eighth Route Army was short of guns and artillery. This time we managed to get some heavy artillery and some shells through the Battle of Zhongtiaoshan. Fortunately, old Chen Mingming can enter the base area in a more concealed way, but now he is pushing all the way with such fanfare. Come here, wasting countless precious shells, what is he trying to do?"

Looking at Brigadier Li who was slapping the table, Brigadier Wang of the 385th Brigade took out a box of cigarettes with a smile and passed one over: "Old Li, calm down...Old Chen can't do anything like this." thing.

Don't even think about it. It is almost impossible for their team of more than 1 people to enter the base area without telling the ghosts. Since they have the strength to push all the way, why do they hide? You say yes no? "

Brigadier Li did not take the cigarettes, but unceremoniously snatched the box of Camel cigarettes from Brigadier Wang's hand, "Old Wang, don't speak for Lao Chen, this guy was studying at the Whampoa Military Academy When he was young, he was known as a prodigal, especially when he ripped off his classmates, he was never soft.

And for more than a year, the 386 brigade has been with the local rich man named Gao Hongming in Liantai County for a long time, and this problem has become more and more serious.Look at you, smoking American cigarettes, drinking American coffee, and using American lighters.

Good guy, this little life is more nourishing than that of a local rich man in Shanxi.Most importantly, it is the most unforgivable thing to not want to take care of the brother troops when you have good things! "


Brigadier Li's words drew a burst of laughter from the crowd, and the deputy commander pointed at him and shook his head helplessly while saying to the crowd, "Look, what is drunkenness is not about drinking...that's it!
This kid is obviously envious of the good life of the 386 brigade, but he still refuses to admit it, so he lost his temper with us by using the cannon. Do you think he is cunning or not? "

The words of the deputy commander-in-chief caused another burst of laughter. Who was there who was not killed in the battlefield for many years? The words Brigadier Li just cursed may not be false.

Because according to the principle that everything seized must be returned to the public, even the spoils captured by the 386 brigade must first be handed over to the headquarters, and then the headquarters will distribute them.

And these three Type 105 386mm field guns are destined not to be owned by the [-] brigade, and the biggest possibility is that they are directly under the headquarters.

But the problem now is that the shells of these artillery shells are one shot less, and now the 386 brigade has come all the way to use heavy artillery to open the way, which naturally aroused Brigadier Li's dissatisfaction.

Dude, you've run out of shells, what will we use in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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