my bright sword career

Chapter 518 Wu Chengfeng's Ambition

Chapter 518 Wu Chengfeng's Ambition
No wonder Brigadier Wang was taken aback.

Although in terms of military strength, the 385th Brigade and the five battalions led by Wu Chengfeng together have about 6000 people, which is about the same as the enemy in front of them, but you must know that the opposite side is a division of the Japanese army.

A brigade against the previous division, if this kind of thing happens to other national army units, those who can withstand the pressure without collapsing can be said to be elite, but now this one is lucky, actually wants to eat them all in one go, you This is for God!

Seeing Brigadier Wang's surprised expression, Wu Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

"Brigade Commander Wang, I remember that our group once told us that dreams are always necessary. What if they come true? Taking a step back, even if they can't achieve their goals, even if they hurt them hard Great.

There is no one who is immortal in a war. If you always look forward and backward, you are afraid of this and that. It is better to go home and hold the child, what do you think? "

Brigadier Wang also smiled, "Good guy, Brother Ang, you are taking my army."

After all, he began to ponder.

Brigadier Wang is not a fledgling kid. As a general who has been in the army for decades, he certainly knows the risks of Wu Chengfeng's plan, but it also comes with high rewards.

As Wu Chengfeng said, once they succeed, even if they can't eat the 108th Division, as long as they can severely damage the Japanese army, they will not lose money.

As for the loss of troops, that's a later story. Just like what Wu Chengfeng said, there is no one who survives a war.

Is the Eighth Route Army short of people?No... What they lack is weapons and ammunition, and what they lack is food and supplies. As long as there are sufficient ammunition and supplies, it is not modest to say that the Eighth Route Army will be able to snowball into a million troops in less than a year.

And the weapons and supplies that the Eighth Route Army lacks most are precisely the strengths of the Liantai militia. Today, no one knows that Gao Hongming, the boss of Gao Hongming, is the most arrogant in China. The people or forces who have worked with him over the years have not made a lot of money. Bowl full.

Since someone is supporting him, what else is there to be afraid of?

Thinking of this, Brigadier Wang slapped his thigh: "Okay...then fuck the fuck!"


The torrential rain that had been raining for a whole day finally stopped. The consequence of this heavy rain was to turn the whole land into mud and swamps. The soldiers who had been fighting for a whole day finally stopped attacking, like two scarred beasts all returning to their respective places. The old nest licks the wound in order to find the right opportunity to deal a fatal blow to the opponent.

It was already six o'clock in the morning... the sky was just getting brighter, and no one of the Japanese soldiers who had worked hard all day saw a huge hot air balloon rising quietly on the right wing of the front line.

"Azimuth 326, distance 4360, fire plate timing 6, eight rounds of shrapnel shot rapidly."

The artillery officer wearing a headset received the distance reported by the observer on the calibration balloon, and then used the shooting meter vernier to calibrate the shooting elements of the shrapnel.The gunner who received the order then lowered the barrel of the 105mm howitzer, and the direction pointed by the muzzle was the position of the 108th Division of the Japanese Army.


As the gun bolt is opened, the loader drags the 105mm shrapnel and pushes it into the barrel, and closes the barrel at will. The two ammunitionists behind the gun position each hold a shrapnel, and are ready to hand over the shell to the loader at any time.


The officer holding the headset in his hand shouted angrily.

With the roar of the officer, the 27 M2 105 howitzers of the Fourth Pao Battalion roared at the same time. The black exploding smoke and orange-red muzzle flames, accompanied by the sharp piercing sound of shells, flew straight to the Japanese positions several kilometers away.

On the Japanese 108th Division's position a few kilometers away, due to days of fierce fighting and heavy rain, the Japanese defensive position has long been soaked into mud. Now the Japanese army is supported by those temporary foxholes and bunkers.

This also made the defense of the Japanese army extremely fragile. Many soldiers could only sleep in the trenches full of mud. Whoosh, whoosh, this is the roar of death.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

When the distance from the ground was still tens of meters, the howling shell exploded in the air before it hit the target. Dozens of explosions sounded in the midair of the Japanese position, and dozens of black explosive smoke rose up, which was produced when the shrapnel exploded. Explosive smoke.

There are more than four hundred steel bullets with a diameter of 105mm in each 17.5mm shrapnel. The very small amount of explosives in the middle of the shrapnel only explodes the thin shell wall and disperses the steel shots. Under the action of the projected explosives and inertia, more than four hundred The steel shots scattered into a barrage several meters wide and flew towards the target.

At the moment when the first round of 27 shrapnel shells exploded, more than 1 projectiles with a diameter of 17.5 mm formed a dense barrage of bullets, which were accurately shot at the ground. The bullet rain instantly covered the crude position of the Japanese army. The fragile body of the soldier fell into the tearing of the high-speed flying steel projectile, and the whole position fell into a burst of screams for a while.

The Japanese soldiers who escaped by chance looked around and saw the wounded and corpses hit by the shotgun, the skulls shattered by the bullets, the brains splashed, and the blood flowing out of the wounded and corpses on the muddy ground at this time Stained red, the wounded soldiers hit by the shotgun lay on the city wall struggling and howling in pain.

For a time, the entire Japanese army was in chaos, and the Eighth Battalion and Ninth Battalion of the Liantai Militia, which were in charge of the interspersed task, took the opportunity to go around behind the Japanese army.

The sudden shelling also woke Lieutenant General Torajiro Iwai, who was still sleeping in the tent, and the first thing he asked after he jumped up and rushed out of the tent was: "Where is the attack direction of the Chinese people?"

The staff officer on the side quickly replied: "Your Excellency, the division commander, the Chinese are attacking our 241st and 242nd wing positions, and there is no new news yet."

"Immediately order the front-line troops to strengthen their firepower, and must retreat the Chinese attack."


"Your Excellency, Commander, it's not good... The Chinese fired a gas bomb!" Suddenly, a staff officer stumbled over and shouted in panic.

"Nani...that's impossible?" Iwai Torojiro was stunned. "We have a tacit agreement with the Chinese. Neither side will use this kind of chemical weapon again. How dare they violate the agreement first?"

"But...but the 242nd Regiment reported that their position has been shrouded in smoke from the Chinese. Isn't that a gas bomb?"

"Investigate again immediately!" Tororo Iwai was anxious when he heard this. Since the Rentai militia used sarin poison gas in Qingyuan River to almost wipe out the 14th Division of the Japanese Army two years ago, the Japanese Army has also realized that chemical weapons are a thing. A double-edged sword.

Once the other party also used this method, the harm to their own side was also very great. Since then, the Japanese army stopped using chemical weapons on the Chinese battlefield and took back the chemical weapons that were originally distributed to the infantry regiment.

 The second child had a high fever for two days, and his body temperature soared from 37.8 to 40.2. Ah Ding was so busy that he didn't close his eyes for two days.Fortunately, the daytime finally came down today, thanks to the doctors in the hospital and those beautiful and kind nurses.

(End of this chapter)

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