my bright sword career

Chapter 530 The Destruction of the 1st Brigade


A mortar shell exploded not far from Kong Jie. Although he was not injured, the huge explosion filled his ears with a buzzing sound for a while, making his body a little unstable.

"Captain... our reinforcements are here!"

Just when Kong Jie was a little dizzy, the chief of staff hurried over, with a trace of unconcealable joy on his face.

"What did you say?" Kong Jie shook his head and asked loudly.

"I said... Our reinforcements have arrived, it's a tank company." The chief of staff had to raise his voice.

"Can this still lie to you!" The chief of staff pointed and found that there were rumbling sounds from behind him, and seven or eight tanks were coming from behind his side, followed by dozens of soldiers from the Liantai militia.


Kong Jie, who had long been made a little impetuous by the muddy weather and stalemate battle situation, was overjoyed. With the help of tanks, the battle would be much easier.

Without hesitation, he pointed to the front and shouted: "Quick... let the brothers of the armored battalion quickly attack the devil's position, and then let the first battalion follow up, and you tell the first battalion commander... If he dares to lose the chain, I will retreat." killed him!"

After a while, there was a burst of shouts from the position of the first brigade.

"The chariot...the chariot of the Chinese is coming!"

"Boom boom boom..."

The tanks that came here were not polite to the Japanese. As soon as they came, they fired a salvo at the Japanese position, and the 75mm high-explosive bombs set off a burst of mud and gunpowder smoke all over the sky.

Amidst the gunpowder smoke, there were bursts of terrible rattling and thumping sounds. Several No. [-] tanks covered in mud had rushed towards the mountain. It is an Eighth Route Army soldier who charges with a cat's waist.

Seeing that the Eighth Route Army had begun to charge again, a large group of soldiers who had been squatting in the trenches immediately stood up and pointed their guns at the battlefield filled with gunpowder. I don't know whether it was because the uniforms soaked in rain made people feel cold or scared. , Their bodies are always trembling slightly involuntarily.

With a wave of Aoki's hand, two soldiers carrying heavy explosive packs jumped out of the trench and ran down the mountain.

The Japanese soldiers in the trenches watched them anxiously until they heard the roar of someone shouting in Chinese near the top of the mountain and the intensive gunfire, followed by two violent explosions, and they did not take their eyes back.


As some figures appeared in the gunpowder smoke, Major Aoki immediately shouted loudly, and at the same time drew out his command knife and waved it downward, and the Japanese soldiers in the trenches threw grenades one after another.

The grenade thrown condescendingly is more advantageous. Following Aoki's order, the Japanese soldiers in the trench immediately threw the grenade into the smoke and gunpowder smoke down the mountain.

The moment the grenade just exploded, Aoki heard bursts of roars, and then countless black spots flung out from the smoke screen, Aoki seemed to hear something hissing nearby.

He suddenly saw a second-class soldier next to him rushing towards the grenade.


All I saw was a big hole in the abdomen of the second-class soldier who was pressing the grenade, and then the whole person was even blown several meters away.

Before Aoki heaved a sigh of relief for recovering a small life, more grenades had exploded violently in the trench.

After rushing out of the cover of gunpowder smoke and smoke bombs, the soldiers of the New Second Regiment approached the Japanese trenches under the cover of tanks, and after throwing the first round of grenades, they were already approaching the Japanese front trenches under the command of the whistle.

Under the cover of smoke bombs, it was the standard field style of the Liantai militia to charge the enemy before throwing grenades to suppress it. The original Eighth Route Army did not have this habit.

But as the saying goes, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. After contacting the Liantai militia for a long time, the soldiers of the 129th Division also began to learn this trick.

After all, for soldiers, no matter what tactics, tactics that can eliminate devils are good tactics.

At this moment, Aoki saw an Eighth Route Army soldier who had already rushed in front of him raised his rifle and pointed it at him. He quickly picked up the Nanfang pistol in his hand, stood up and fired several shots at that person, only to see the Eighth Route Army soldier fell to the ground in response.

Before Aoki could be happy in the future, he saw a black muzzle aimed at himself, and then a flame flashed out of the muzzle, and Aoki fell heavily to the ground.

The moment Aoki fell into the trench, he heard dense machine guns, submachine guns, and the roars of the Eighth Route Army soldiers, mixed with more desperate howls and screams in Japanese Voice.

The position has been breached... This is the last thought in Aoki's mind.

The captain, Major Aoki, died, but the battle continued. As one of the most elite permanent divisions of the Japanese Army, the Sixth Division's combat will was also very firm, and it would not immediately collapse because of the commander's death. A squadron leader immediately took command and continued fighting.

But in the face of the absolute superiority of troops and firepower of the New Second Regiment, the resistance of the First Brigade was undoubtedly futile, and the gunfire on the position gradually became smaller as time went by.

In an inconspicuous crater, Ozawa cautiously exposed his head and glanced to the left, right and front. Except for some Huaxia soldiers in gray military uniforms, he never saw any people in tea-yellow military uniforms. It was obvious that he might be the last person alive in a large group.

50 meters ahead, soldiers from the Eighth Route Army or the Liantai Militia, wearing earth-gray military uniforms or iron-gray military uniforms, were carefully walking towards them, raising their rifles every time they passed by a dead body. Get ready, the other two shoot at the dead or wounded on the ground with rifles or submachine guns.

Seeing that the enemy was getting closer, Ozawa quickly picked up the rifle in his hand. Hearing the sound of the rifle being fired in the hands of Huaxia soldiers, Ozawa understood that maybe it would be his turn next.

At this time, a shell fell on the side of the crater where Ozawa was lying, and a pine tree that was blown up suddenly fell down, covering most of the crater and blocking Ozawa's sight at the same time.

"Mom... I don't want to die!"

Ozawa muttered in his mouth, it was Ozawa who had a sudden idea while shrinking his body into the crater, he glanced around, found a corpse next to him, and quickly pulled the corpse onto himself.

Ozawa's idea was very simple, he just wanted to survive and return to his hometown to see his relatives. After a few tens of seconds, Ozawa felt a noise above his head, and the gunshots around him seemed to have quieted down.

Through the gap between the pine trees, Ozawa saw several soldiers in iron-gray military uniforms walking towards him slowly. They were either holding rifles or short submachine guns in their hands. For some reason, Ozawa suddenly envied them. To be able to have this kind of automatic weapon that can fire continuously.

For a long time, there was no movement around.

Ozawa couldn't help thinking to himself, they should leave.

But just when he wanted to take a look, he stuck his head out and looked around, a grenade with green smoke rolled into the crater where he was hiding without warning...

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