Chapter 553
"What... is this canned meat?"

The soldiers were stunned immediately, and then all of them blushed, and the squad leader's face was as red as a monkey's butt.

"Ha ha……"

I don't know who was the first to laugh out loud, and then it spread quickly, and finally everyone laughed together.

At this time, Teacher Lin also came over, picked up a can of meat, looked at it, and then laughed: "According to my estimation, the airdrops that Commander Gao dropped for us should be either guns or ammunition, and I don't even have mortars." It's strange, but I never expected that he would get us a batch of canned meat."

Commissar Luo joked: "Old Lin, don't underestimate canned meat. Sometimes this thing can even boost morale better than guns and ammunition!"

Master Lin smiled dumbly: "I forgot, it's your job to do ideological work to boost morale. But with this batch of canned meat, the soldiers can have a tooth-fighting sacrifice tonight."

"Well...the soldiers should eat better." Commissar Luo also nodded: "The soldiers have really worked hard these days. Pass my order. Tonight, all the officers and soldiers of the division will eat canned meat together!"


"There is meat to eat!"

All of a sudden, there was thunderous cheers on the battlefield, and the soldiers were all beaming with joy.

Looking at the excited soldiers who spread word of mouth, Political Commissar Luo and Master Lin also smiled and felt a little sad.

From 40 to 43, with the occupation of all the sea outlets in China, Japan imposed an all-round blockade on China, and the international aid to China could not enter China at all. It was extremely difficult, in view of the fact that Chongqing and the United States had to open up two channels for aid materials to China, the Hump Route and the Burma Road.

Although these two routes greatly supported the Anti-Japanese War, they were still too little for the huge demand for the Anti-Japanese War. The National Army itself was not enough, let alone the Eighth Route Army, which Lao Jiang regarded as a thorn in his side.

To tell the truth, not to mention ordinary soldiers, even the trainers in Yan'an hadn't eaten meat for some time. Hearing that Commissar Luo said that they could eat meat tonight, many soldiers were as happy as Chinese New Year.

However, as the division commander, Lin* couldn't just think about food like ordinary soldiers. He called the logistics director: "Go and count, and see what else the airdropped materials have besides canned food. I report."


An hour later, the head of the logistics department ran over almost jumping up and down. His face, which was dark and rough due to the long-term hard life, was now flushed with excitement.

"Master... we got rich... we got rich!"

Unlike Political Commissar Luo's empathy and benevolence, Mr. Lin has always been unsmiling both in life and at work. When he saw the appearance of the logistics director, he frowned: "Be careful, what a fortune."

"It's materials... materials... too many materials."

The director of the logistics department took a breath and said anxiously: "According to preliminary statistics, the airdropped supplies totaled 150 [-]-type rifles, [-] Czech-type light machine guns, [-] [-]-type heavy machine guns, and [-] million bullets. [-] hand grenades.

In addition, there are forty 60 mortars, ten 1-type infantry guns, [-] shells, and some canned meat and medicines. It can be said that with these materials, the strength of our division will increase. A lot of it.

With these materials, if we encounter devils' blockhouses and blockhouses on this road, we don't have to be afraid of them anymore, we can just lie down on them! "

Looking at the director of logistics who was squinting his eyes while talking, and couldn't close his mouth with joy, Mr. Lin didn't say anything, but just put his hand into his pocket, took out a small cloth bag, and took out a handful of fried soybeans from it. Put it in your mouth and chew slowly.

The Director of Logistics smiled even more when he saw the actions of his old chief. Anyone who knew Mr. Lin knew that he does not smoke or drink, but there is only one mourning, that is, he likes to eat some fried soybeans on weekdays, especially when he meets Even more so when it comes to happy things.

After eating a few fried soybeans, Master Lin suddenly put the remaining soybeans back into the bag and said, "You immediately allocate this batch of supplies to 343 brigade, in addition to distribute three base ammunition to them.

In addition, tell Chen Datou that I have already given him the things. If he can't rush to Ping'an County as planned, don't blame me, Lin, for not being sympathetic! "

Just as the 115th Division was desperately rushing to Ping'an County, the battle for air supremacy between China and Japan in Shanxi began to come to an end. Facing the heavy casualties of the Japanese Army Air Corps, even the tough-minded Neiji Okamura had to order The air force suspended its attack and waited for the arrival of the local supplementary forces before looking for fighters.

But the consequence of doing so is that the Japanese mixed Ninth Brigade and 385th Brigade, which are fighting fiercely with the 86th Brigade in Ping'an County, will be directly exposed to the planes of the Liantai militia.

On a Japanese anti-aircraft artillery position more than 30 kilometers north of Ping'an County, dozens of Japanese gunners were eating around four Type 25 [-]mm triple anti-aircraft guns.

Suddenly a roar reached their ears, and before they could react, more than a dozen black spots appeared in the air, and then rushed down from a high altitude towards the Japanese army's position.

Soon, more than a dozen bombs fell on the infantry positions of the Japanese army. The huge explosion surprised all the gunners. They almost watched the bombs fall on their own positions, but they had no time to make any response. .

"Damn's the plane of the Chinese!"

"Quickly enter the artillery position and shoot down the Chinese plane!"

The gunners dropped the bowls and chopsticks in their hands and ran towards the gun positions one after another.

But before they were ready, a P47 fighter jet roared down from the sky, and two 127mm rockets escaped from the guide slots and rushed to the ground.

Accompanied by the violent explosion, the antiaircraft artillery position was instantly swallowed by thick smoke and flames.

The attack of this P47 seemed to be a signal, and soon the remaining ten or so P47s also rushed down towards the target they were optimistic about. Countless rockets, aerial bombs, and incendiary bombs kept pouring on the Japanese positions. And those anti-aircraft gunners who just ran to the gun positions and fired a cannonball almost watched all this happen.

At this time, the entire Japanese position was filled with the painful groans of the wounded and Japanese soldiers running around to avoid the bombing.

Occasionally, some soldiers screamed in horror. On a position that was blown into ruins, some Japanese soldiers who were still alive were still running despite being covered in flames.

The air was filled with the smell of burning human flesh. These terrified Japanese soldiers never imagined that the human body would be so flammable. Just one incendiary bomb turned hundreds of soldiers into burning men.

(End of this chapter)

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