Chapter 19 Japan Travel

This is Tokyo!The largest city in Asia, Lu Ming is not a tourist destination!

He sat in the window seat, his face pressed against the plane window, overlooking the industrial city with towering skyscrapers.

It took him only six hours to fly here. He told his aunt that he was going to Kassel College to report in advance, and his aunt and uncle also chipped in $500 for his travel expenses, but in fact, his plan was to travel in Tokyo for 15 days. Day, and then on the 25th and then transfer to the plane to the United States.

He has already made an appointment with Old Tang. On the 25th, Old Tang will pick him up at the New York airport, and the two fraternities will play until the first day of school.

The 11 US dollars given by the little witch was enough to support this trip. After reaching the legal age of 7 on July 17, he couldn't wait to apply for a tourist visa.

Uncle and aunt didn't know about it at all, this time he was the only one, he was free, he could go wherever he wanted.

"It's so beautiful!" Lu Mingfei praised repeatedly.

At night, this city that never sleeps is brightly lit, and a huge silver screen broadcasts beauty advertisements.

A red and white iron tower stands among the tall buildings. It is the Tokyo Tower, the tallest building in Tokyo.

The Tokyo Tower Observation Hall is divided into the Grand Observation Hall and the Special Observation Hall, where you can have a 360-degree panoramic view of Tokyo's cityscape, high-rise buildings, parks, temples and shrines, Tokyo Bay, distant mountains, etc., if the weather is fine You can also overlook Mount Fuji and Mount Tsukuba in the distance.

The brightest place is Ginza. It is said that when the real estate in Japan was the highest, the land value of Ginza could buy the entire United States.

He had read the travel guide a long time ago and recorded everything on his phone.

He is not worried about the problem of communication, he can understand Japanese, but he is not very good at speaking.

After getting off the plane and going through the formalities, Lu Mingfei took out his new iPhone: "Norma, help me navigate to the hotel I booked before."

"Norma is at your service anytime." A steady female voice came from the phone.

The artificial intelligence is really easy to use, and she can leave all the chores of booking air tickets and hotels to her. Lu Mingfei only needs to enjoy the evening breeze in Tokyo.

"We have arrived at our destination, I wish you a pleasant journey."

A luxurious hotel appeared in front of him, Lu Mingfei walked through the gate with his suitcase, and got the room card from the pretty waiter.

His room is on the 27th floor, with an excellent view. Sitting on the bed, he can enjoy the spectacular night view of Tokyo at will.

"Wuhu!" He picked up the ps3 handle on the big bed, and played Yakuza 120 on the 3-inch LCD TV.

This is a new game that was only released in February this year. After a while, he became fascinated by playing it.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, he finally killed the first boss, turned off the TV, took a bubble bath in the large bathtub, and connected his mobile phone to the bluetooth speaker in the room to play Jay Chou's "Nocturne".

"Do rich people enjoy it like this?" Wiping off the water stains on his body, he put on a clean bathrobe and lay down on the big soft white bed.

Use the remote to turn off the headlights, turn on the blue ambient light by the bed, and outside the window are neon lights and a big screen. The traffic coming and going on the steel-like road is like a firefly in the city.

After drawing the curtains, Lu Mingfei closed his eyes.

"I hope I can find something useful."

The next day, Lu Mingfei dressed lightly, wearing black beach pants, blue short sleeves, a pair of large black sunglasses and a yellow sun hat.

It was hot in August, and the venomous sunshine came as soon as I went out.

The first stop was Sensoji Temple. Under the leadership of Norma, he soon arrived at the destination.

A huge red lantern hangs at the entrance of the temple, with the word "雷门" written on it.

Wooden vermilion lacquered columns stand together and support the facade together with bricks and tiles. This is called a torii, which represents the entrance to the realm of the gods and is used to distinguish the realm of the gods from the secular world where humans live.

Stepping into the torii means entering the realm of the gods, and all behaviors after that should be paid special attention to
This is Kaminarimon-the gate of the entrance to Omotesando. The eight-legged gate is constructed by the cut wife. On the left is the statue of the god of wind, and on the right is the statue of the god of thunder.

Lu Mingfei sneaked in from under the lantern, and what he saw was a pedestrian street full of people, some selling souvenir dolls, and some selling snacks such as oden and taiyaki.

He had had breakfast at the hotel, and he didn't have any intention of buying souvenirs, so he walked straight in.

At the end of the pedestrian street is another door, this door is called Treasure Gate, and walking forward, he came to the main hall where the lottery was drawn.

The hollow hexagonal cylinder made of silver metal is filled with many bamboo sticks. There is only a small hole, shake it vigorously, and the bamboo stick that happens to come out of the hole represents your luck.

There will be a number on it, open the wooden box corresponding to the number, and you will get a fortune card with "good fortune" or even "great misfortune", and a Chinese poem will reveal your next trend.

One hundred yen is drawn once, and almost every tourist will draw lots when they come here.

It is said that on New Year’s Day, the number of tourists in Sensoji Temple can reach one million. It’s hard to know how much you can earn from the lottery business alone, let alone the pedestrian street and souvenirs outside.

The monks in the temple are really endless.

Lu Mingfei took out a 100 denomination Japanese coin from his pocket and handed it to the staff. After praying devoutly, he shook the tin box.

"number 66."

6 is considered an evil number in Western countries, and three 6s together refer to the devil, Satan and spiritual numbers, which is an unlucky symbol.

In the Bible, three "6"s are used to represent the symbol of the devil, representing the evil forces headed by Zadan.There is also a saying that "6" means imperfection, because God created the world in 7 days, so 666 is a taboo number in the West.

However, in China, 6 has no unique meaning.

Lu Mingfei followed the numbers and opened the corresponding wooden box, and took out a piece of paper.

"Bad, it seems that my luck is not very good."

The Chinese poem above reads:

[Send you back to your home country, and you will be sick in Chushan. 】

[You can only go with each other, how to stay alone. 】

It probably meant that he was about to send an old friend away recently, but he could only watch with watery eyes. The latter sentence should be a complaint, but in fact he probably didn't leave with the old friend.

He shook his head, folded the paper into a strip and tied it to a nearby branch.

Usually, tourists who draw good luck and good luck will take the note away, and those who draw bad luck or bad luck will leave the bad luck in the temple and ask the gods for blessing.

But this sign is really not very effective, Lu Mingfei can't think of any old people who have deep feelings for him, and if he can't meet him, he will lie in bed and sigh in the valley of Chu Mountain, which is too hypocritical.

In the past, he might have been lying on the bed half dead for ten days and a half months after seeing off Chen Wenwen and Zhao Menghua, but now he didn't have that kind of thought.

A pair of mandarin ducks have both entered Peking University. They are talented and beautiful, what's wrong with them?
(End of this chapter)

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