Archaeologists at Hogwarts

Chapter 28 Editing and Checking Assignments

Chapter 28 Editing and Checking Assignments

After 10 minutes, Hermione could still vaguely understand the general idea.

Half an hour later, Hermione could no longer understand what Professor Highmore was saying.

Toby knew that this was the end of today's teaching, and it would be useless to continue.

"Well, that's about it."

Toby clapped his hands in front of Hermione, bringing the little girl back to her senses.

"But it's not your fault." He comforted by the way: "After all, this is a brand new course, which is very different from other courses. Even I am just guessing, and maybe I will never know that the level of magic power has decreased. The reason. You can write to this point is already very good."

Hermione didn't know how to react, was this a compliment to herself?
Toby put the parchment back in its place. He forgot about the fact that Hermione came to find him on his own initiative, and all his thoughts were on revising the paper.

He went back to the desk and sat down, brushed his hair back again, picked up a copy of "Ancient Magic", and pulled out a stack of parchment, and the shorthand quill immediately began to profusely.

"You can go, Miss Granger."

Toby said without raising his head.

He carefully recalled his experience in Loch Ness, thinking about what to write on the parchment, and the knowledge of the magic circle should be explained in more detail.

But just after writing the first parchment, Toby suddenly found that he didn't seem to hear the sound of the door opening and closing.

When he looked up, he found Hermione was standing opposite the desk, her upper body leaned over, carefully glanced at the contents of the parchment.

"Oh!" Toby was so startled that he leaned back: "What are you doing? Planning to engage in academic plagiarism?"

Hermione hurriedly explained in a panic: "No, Professor. I'm just curious, are you writing a new book?"

That's what happened.

Toby was relieved a lot, he didn't want to see his new book on the market in advance.

"That's right." He lowered his head again, there was nothing to hide.

"The content of "Ancient Magic" is not complete. I plan to publish a new textbook every year, so that you can better understand ancient magic."

Hermione couldn't help but get excited that she could finally see the sequel to Ancient Magic.

"Professor Haimer, when is your new book going to be released?"

"Well next year, the official textbook for the first grade will be released next year, just enough for Hogwarts freshmen to use."

"oh oh?"

Hermione always felt that there was something wrong with this order.

"And after that, Professor? What about the next book?"

"The next book will be the next year. Archeology. Well, the school professors are very busy with their work and don't have much time to spend on compiling new textbooks. I plan to publish books every year according to this rule. One book a year is just right. "

Hermione ignored Professor Highmore's slip of the tongue, she silently calculated the time and sequence in her mind——

When she was in the second grade, the new textbook for the first grade was published.

When she was in the third grade, the new textbook for the second grade was published.

"Then I won't be able to use new textbooks forever?!"

She yelled out loud all at once, and Toby quietly covered his ears.

"Oh, sorry, Professor."

"It's okay, just wait for me to think about it carefully."

Toby stared at Hermione who lowered his head for a while, and he quickly calculated the result.

"It seems that this is really the case."

He shook his head regretfully: "It's a pity, but fortunately, the new students can still use it in the future. I hope they like it."

Hermione didn't have the heart to care about the new students in the future.

Now she is a new student!

She stood unwillingly for a while, and Toby looked up at her in confusion: "Why haven't you left yet? You can leave, Miss Granger. It's only a week since school started, and I'm just helping you with your paper It’s just a problem in the middle, and there will be time to change it in the future, so there is no need to rush.”

"Well, can I ask another question, Professor?"

"what is the problem?"

"Why did the Egyptian paragraph disappear halfway through?"

"That's because I just returned to China, and I don't have time to continue writing."

"What about the werewolf in the Himalayas? Why did he suddenly disappear?"

"That werewolf is a friend of mine. He was living in a very difficult situation, so I thought of inviting him to take an adventure together and give him some rewards. But I didn't expect that he couldn't stand the cold and escaped halfway, so don't call him a werewolf again. , should add the title of pampering—perhaps I should add this idea to the new book."

"So that's the case. What about Angela? What happened to her afterwards?"


Toby looked up suddenly, and he looked directly into Hermione's eyes.

Hermione quickly looked away, pretending to be interested in Al who was flying around on the flying carpet.

Toby lowered his head slowly, but before writing two words, he looked up again.

Hermione had moved quietly to only a few steps away from the door.

"It's you!" Toby exclaimed.

"It's not me!" Hermione shook her head quickly, her long brown hair dangling back and forth.

"It's you!" Toby stood up, then sat back all of a sudden, with a look of horror on his face.


He said word by word.

Five minutes later, the two sat facing each other with a thick desk in between.

Hermione lowered her head deeply, explained the reason of the matter, and silently waited for Professor Highmore's punishment.

As for Toby, he maintained the posture of leaning back, pressing his back tightly against the armchair, and he still hasn't recovered completely until now.

So that book fan is just a first-year freshman?

Is the first grade so crazy? !
Toby didn't know whether to be grateful or distressed.

Al sat on the flying carpet and flew to Toby's head, mumbling a few words in a low voice.

"You have a point."

Hermione heard Professor Highmore say, "Our time is really tight."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"Yes, teaching takes up a lot of time, not to mention homework."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"You mean the revision of the new textbook? Well, let me ask—Miss Granger."

"Yes, Professor." Hermione immediately pretended not to eavesdrop.

"Hmm" Toby thought about it and said, "So you are eager for the new textbook to be published as soon as possible?"

"Of course." Hermione said expectantly, she really hoped to see the new textbooks as soon as possible, so that she could preview the next semester's courses as soon as possible.

As for this year's, she has already memorized all the textbooks.

"Very good." Toby smiled kindly: "Then I'll give you the next draft for review, that is, some revision work."

"Revision?" Hermione didn't understand: "What are you responsible for?"

"It's very simple." Toby's smile became more and more kind: "That is to check for typos. You can't judge other content anyway. There are no reference materials. All the knowledge is in my head."

"Just checking for typos?" Hermione felt slighted, even though she wished she could read the new book sooner.

"To thank you for your hard work." Toby continued: "I will add a special acknowledgment for you in the new textbook, how about it?"

"Leave it to me, Professor!"

Hermione couldn't wait to reply, her eyes were shining, as if they were full of stars.

This is a textbook for Hogwarts. I don't know how many people will see their names on it.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"Well, I know there are too many people to thank, it's okay, just a few words at most, the worst thing is to get rid of Wicky, what kind of thanks does a bar owner want—ah, Miss Granger."

Toby noticed Hermione's suspicious eyes, he immediately stopped whispering with Al, and held out his palm solemnly.

"Then, happy cooperation."

The palms of the two shook lightly. Hermione was not sure what she had just heard, but it seemed to be related to the number of people thanking them.

Just as she was about to open the door to leave the office, the Quidditch team members of Slytherin happened to pass by in the corridor. They ignored Hermione, and some of them just looked at her with disgust.

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, Toby's shout came from the office: "Is that Marcus Flint who just passed by? Miss Granger, please call him in, and if there are other Slytherin students, please call in too. "

Hermione complied immediately, and Marcus Flint led the players into the office in bewilderment.

"What are you going to do?"

"It's Quidditch practice, sir."

"Training at the beginning of school now? Have you written your ancient magic homework?"

"Not yet, sir. We just finished our first class yesterday."

"Yesterday? Shouldn't you start doing homework yesterday after class yesterday?"

"Mr. First"

"Now! All of you stay in the office and do your homework! Write now! Don't leave until you finish!"


"It's nothing to worry about! If you have any questions, just ask your dean to come to me! I will have a good talk with Severus about your time allocation. You just need to remember-"

"In the future, there will only be players who miss training because of ancient magic, and there will never be students who miss ancient magic because of training!"

(End of this chapter)

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