Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 110 The Plague

Chapter 110 The Plague
After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was about to talk to Liu Weichao, so he quickly replied: "Nowadays, many officials from various yamens have started to go back to the yamen to work, and they should have handed over some money for corruption. But I think it is not enough. ..."

Hearing this, Liu Weichao was a little speechless.It seems that Emperor Chongzhen was crazy about money, don't say that things are always reversed, and repeated oppression is not appropriate in today's situation, right?

Thinking of this, he wanted to remind Emperor Chongzhen not to go too far.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Chongzhen then said to him: "... I have personally vaccinated in front of them, and everyone in the palace has also been vaccinated. What happened. Therefore, I am going to make an order that all those who come back to work must be officials who have been vaccinated for the simple reason that I don’t want to delay the affairs of the yamen because of smallpox.”

Speaking of this, after he paused, he looked at Zhu Cihong beside him, and then added to Liu Weichao: "The deeper reason is that I want them to spread the word that I took the lead in inoculating cowpox. I am now considered a I figured it out, how can I sweep the world if I don’t sweep a house, if the capital can’t control it, how can I control the world? They used to care about party disputes, and I have to let them obediently do things according to my will!”

After listening to these words, Liu Weichao understood that he had misunderstood Emperor Chongzhen.

He agreed with Emperor Chongzhen's idea, so he nodded and said: "Good job, this is also the beginning of reshaping your prestige, I support you by doing this, good job!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help laughing.

It was his original intention to reshape the emperor's prestige.

In the past, he issued several edicts of guilt in succession. Who did the emperor of Ming Dynasty do this?Let the world think that he, the emperor, is incompetent?

This is actually not something he can bear, but under the previous situation, he has no choice at all!

What is wrong is only the fault of the courtiers, the emperor can't make mistakes. In his case, the emperor stepped forward to take the blame, and the courtiers hid behind him.

I really can't see what responsibility those courtiers have!
Of course, there is a great possibility that this is the result of him appointing treacherous ministers as cronies and rejecting loyal ministers!
But no matter what, the past has passed, and now it's time to reshape the emperor's prestige!

According to reports from Zuo Maodi and others, the epidemic situation in various places in Ming Dynasty was actually very serious due to natural and man-made disasters.

And smallpox is also one of the plagues that have changed upon hearing the news.

Emperor Chongzhen took the lead in inoculating vaccinia to prevent smallpox. As long as it is proved to be true, his prestige will definitely be greatly improved; even if it is not true, the emperor will take the lead to increase his prestige.

And these are all the thoughts of Emperor Chongzhen.

At this time, after Liu Weichao finished speaking, he remembered something and reminded Emperor Chongzhen: "There is a very important reason why the capital was attacked by thieves. The soldiers are almost gone..."

"What?" Emperor Chongzhen was startled when he heard it, and quickly asked, "What plague?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao said, "The plague is the Black Death. It was spread by rats, so it's called the plague... Oh, wait a minute..."

As he said that, he remembered that the plague was called by later generations, and the Black Death was called by Europeans. Emperor Chongzhen didn't know it, so it's not surprising.

Therefore, Liu Weichao immediately googled it, and then continued to say to Emperor Chongzhen: "The plague is what you called pimple plague, pimple disease, plague gas, etc. at that time, and it is a very severe infectious disease. Intermittent nucleation, or death after vomiting light blood, not subject to bait..."

"Ah..." Emperor Chongzhen's face changed dramatically when he heard it, and he immediately interrupted Liu Weichao, "Yes, yes, there is this kind of plague, and now it appears in every province and government, and it is the most harmful to the people..."

According to historical records, the plague was rampant in the late Ming Dynasty, which actually started in the Wanli period.

Generally speaking, any severe drought is likely to be followed by an outbreak of plague.

The reason is that the drought led to less food, the mice were weak and their immunity decreased, and the drought and lack of water also caused the plague bacteria to multiply at a faster rate.And people eat mice, eat food in mouse holes, etc., which also speeds up the spread of plague.

The reason why Emperor Chongzhen was so excited was because he was frightened by the plague.

Not to mention the distance, just the past few years.for example:
In the thirteenth year of Chongzhen, Shunde Mansion, Hejian Mansion, and Daming Mansion all had major epidemics, and severe infectious diseases were prevalent. "The plague spread, and eight or nine people died."

In the fourteenth year of Chongzhen, in Daming Mansion, "there was no rain in spring, the locusts ate all the wheat, the plague was rampant, five or six out of ten people died, and the age was fierce."There are quite a lot of similar records in Guangping, Shunde, Zhending and other prefectures.

Not long after that, or in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, the provinces in North China were plagued by epidemics, and people died day and night.Even including the capital side, a large number of people died.

When the Black Death ravaged Europe, Europe fell into the ignorant Middle Ages.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the ravages of the plague in the East also destroyed an empire.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen asked Liu Weichao with a very expectant look: "Can this plague be cured?"

"I can rule in this era!" Liu Weichao replied after listening, and seeing Emperor Chongzhen's happy face, he had to beat him and said, "However, in your era, the level of science was limited, and there was no rule of law!"

Emperor Chongzhen was a little dumbfounded when he heard it, and he was very unwilling, so he asked quickly: "How come, why don't you talk about the treatment method, maybe I can do it here too?"

In the final analysis, he still had a sense of luck, hoping that Liu Weichao was wrong.

It is this kind of plague that is even more terrifying than smallpox.Often when one person gets this plague, the whole family dies, and the death rate is far higher than smallpox.

Seeing Emperor Chongzhen like this, Liu Weichao sighed and said, "In my world, the most important method of treating this disease is antibiotics. It is a very tiny microorganism that can destroy the Yersinia pestis that causes the plague..."

Speaking of this, he thought of something, and added: "It is the microscope, which should be able to see it with a higher magnification. Streptomycin was isolated from the soil, which is the most effective drug for treating this plague. In addition , as well as anti-infection penicillin, etc., all of which can only be separated by understanding the microscopic world..."

Liu Weichao roughly explained the concept of bacteria and some common understanding of bacteria.

(End of this chapter)

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