Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 113 Long live Lord is really amazing

Chapter 113 Long live Lord is really amazing

I only heard Emperor Chongzhen say to his courtiers in a serious manner: "The most important purpose of summoning the Qing and others today is also for this pimple disease!"

Upon hearing this, the civil servants and eunuchs below couldn't help being stunned, what do you mean?
Hearing what the emperor said, it seems that there is really a cure for pimple disease?

Thinking of this, they were suddenly a little surprised.

"This pimple disease, to be precise, should be called the plague! Why did I say that?" Emperor Chongzhen asked a question when he said this.

"I don't know!" How could the people below know, of course, even if there were guesses, they didn't dare to speak nonsense in front of the emperor, so they had to respond in unison.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen said lightly: "You don't know about it. Let me tell you that this pimple disease is actually divided into two types, but they are both transmitted from rats, so they are called plague. There was also a big plague in Xiyi. The disease spread on a large scale, and they called it the Black Death, and nearly [-] million people died, almost one in three people will die of this disease!"

Hearing this, everyone took a deep breath.

Although the disease did break out in some places in Daming, and one death would kill everyone, but the number of people who died was far less than [-] million!
However, they did not doubt Emperor Chongzhen's words, because the disease was too severe, there was no cure for it, and it was easy to spread to people around.

When Sun Chuanting heard this, he quickly asked: "Your Majesty, has Xiyi found a way to deal with this plague?"

Upon hearing this, the other courtiers probably understood that the emperor must have found out about the disease from Xiyi and found a solution, so he summoned them urgently to talk about it?

But who knows, Emperor Chongzhen shook his head and said: "The Xiyi don't know how to treat it either. They used bloodletting, which is completely wrong!"

In the [-]th year of Chongzhen, when the plague broke out in the capital, it was recorded that a Fujianese used bloodletting to practice medicine in the capital, which may be the reason why he heard that Xiyi used bloodletting for treatment.

At this moment, after hearing what Emperor Chongzhen said, Zuo Maodi asked anxiously: "Since the Xiyi don't know how to cure them, what will be the result afterwards? It's impossible for them to have this kind of plague all the time?"

At this time, there were already many Western Yi people who were active in Daming territory, and they had seen some of them, but they had not heard anything about the plague.

Judging from this point, the plague on Xiyi should be gone, why is it gone?

Many people thought of this, and they all looked at Emperor Chongzhen with anticipation, hoping to get an expected answer.

However, Emperor Chongzhen sighed and said: "Everyone who got the plague will die, and the plague will stop."

After a pause, he added: "In Xiyi, so many people died, the land suddenly became sparsely populated, and all the people who got the plague died, so the plague is gone!"

After he finished speaking, the Wenhua Hall was very quiet.

Because everyone was frightened, one of the three people was going to die, and after the death was sparsely populated, the plague disappeared by itself. What kind of horrible world is this? If it happened in Daming, it might be even more tragic!
Seeing them like this, Emperor Chongzhen took the initiative to say: "However, I have already understood the whole process of the plague. Although the plague cannot be cured like smallpox for the time being, there are still ways to greatly reduce the harm of the plague and control it. , so as not to poison most of the people of Ming Dynasty!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Wenhua Palace couldn't help being greatly surprised, and each of them expressed to Emperor Chongzhen the meaning of the emperor's might, and urged the emperor to explain to them what was going on with the plague and what to do.
Of course, in the middle, a lot of flattery is indispensable.

After listening to their words, Emperor Chongzhen was very grateful.

So, he explained to the courtiers in a cheerful mood: "I still remember that I said that there is a tiny world, a world that we cannot see with the naked eye. Do we need to use the microscope I invented to see it? And let mice or us people infect the world?" The culprit of this plague is a very tiny thing called Yersinia pestis. If you are interested, my glass factory will soon produce microscopes. You can buy one and go back and have a look. That tiny world!"

I don't know if it was because Emperor Chongzhen was eager for money, so he started selling his Chongzhen microscopes without knowing it, instead of directly rewarding the microscopes to these courtiers.

Here is an advertisement for a microscope, which may also be a subconscious behavior.Because Emperor Chongzhen went on to explain and did not count the number of people who bought microscopes: "Under normal circumstances, plague bacteria only exist in mice. However, if the fleas on mice jump to people and bite people, the plague bacteria can enter If it is in our human blood, we will get sick."

The people in the Wenhua Palace had never heard of Emperor Chongzhen's words before, but now they heard what Emperor Chongzhen said clearly and logically, so they all listened carefully.

"Of course, there is another way of transmission, that is, the way for people to be infected with the plague, that is, the hungry people eat uncooked rat meat. If the rat happens to have plague bacteria, then the hungry people will also be infected with the disease!"

After Emperor Chongzhen said this, he raised his voice a little bit, emphasizing the next words: "Attention, sir, you must pay attention. Before it spreads to people, this plague bacteria is not easy to spread. However, once a person is infected This disease can be transmitted through droplets. To put it more simply, it can be transmitted through the air. This means of transmission is very powerful!"

Hearing this, all the courtiers looked at each other, feeling a little unimaginable.

Because in their view, how could this Yersinia pestis spread through the air?
It is conceivable for them to spread it through flea bites, but this airborne transmission is really unimaginable!

It's not their fault. In the original history, Wu Youke, who wrote "On the Plague", was the first to discover the existence of the plague, that is, the plague can spread through the air.

After Emperor Chongzhen finished speaking, looking at the expressions of these courtiers below, he felt a little proud, which was similar to his expression when he heard Liu Weichao said that diseases would spread through the air!
Thinking of this, he pointed to the window of the main hall and said: "If you still don't believe it, you can go to the window and take a closer look. When the sun shines in, you can see the light between the gaps, and you can see it. We can't see it." In the intangible air, there are actually a lot of things, even without a microscope, you can see it!"

This word is really a bit unimaginable.

The shrewd Wang Chengen confirmed the expression of Emperor Chongzhen, and was the first to go to the window to check it according to what Emperor Chongzhen said, and then he started to make a fuss: "Long live, the slaves really saw it, there must be something in the air, long live Grandpa is really amazing..."

(End of this chapter)

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