Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 116 What do you think

Chapter 116 What do you think
"When the sun rises, the river flowers are red and the fire is better than the fire. Can you not remember Chongzhen?"

Liu Weichao thought happily, and couldn't help contacting him in another world.

The video was connected quickly, and when he saw the Emperor Chongzhen on the phone, he couldn't help saying in a little surprise, "Haven't you slept yet?"

It can be seen that Emperor Chongzhen should still be dealing with government affairs, at least the background is not on the bed.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he smiled and said, "Aren't you up too?"

Liu Weichao smiled, and quickly told Emperor Chongzhen the good news: "I have a good thing, I can't help but want to tell you! Although to you, this kind of thing is insignificant, but to me, it is the most important thing in my life." worth commemorating!"

The first order, and it was the first order that could solve a lot of his stress, it will definitely be remembered for a lifetime!
When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help being very interested, and quickly asked: "What's so good about it? You attach so much importance to it, it will definitely not be insignificant to me!"

Having said that, he paused, and said with a serious expression: "I really want to know!"

Feeling the attention, Liu Weichao was very happy, and immediately replied: "My company hasn't opened yet. A friend introduced me to my first business. I have received [-] yuan. Just wait for me to do it." Deliver the clothes!"

"Two thousand four hundred yuan? How much is this?" Emperor Chongzhen was indeed very interested when he heard it, but it seemed that his focus was a bit wrong.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao didn't think too much about it, but felt that this question seemed difficult to answer, so he tried to explain: "Two thousand four hundred yuan, it's not too much, it's not too much. Well, you can buy A similar mobile phone, or in other words, enough to feed me for two months."

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen still had no idea.

To buy a mobile phone, it seems that two thousand or four hundred yuan is a lot.However, if you eat for two months, it seems that you don't have much money?

For a moment, he was a little puzzled.

Seeing his expression, Liu Weichao probably understood what he was thinking, so he went to the computer to operate, and then said to Emperor Chongzhen: "If calculated according to my current silver price, about 2400 yuan can buy about 10 taels of silver. .”

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen had an idea, and immediately praised: "That's okay, 10 taels of silver can probably buy 8 shi of grain..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and then said to Liu Weichao: "Eight stones of grain, you can eat it for a year, why can't you only eat it for two months?"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he also felt something was wrong.

Logically speaking, modern productivity is far from comparable to that of the Ming Dynasty, and prices should be cheaper than that of the Ming Dynasty!
Thinking of this, he explained: "I said it takes two months to eat rice, plus vegetables, not just white rice every day!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Weichao simply said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Wait a minute, if you only eat white rice, let me see how much it is!"

After that, he immediately searched for the price of rice, which was 2.5 yuan per catty. After removing this with 2400 yuan, he got a result.

Now that he was doing the calculations, Liu Weichao simply searched for the prices during the Chongzhen period, then converted them, and got a result.

Then, he was a little dumbfounded.

Because Liu Weichao discovered that in terms of rice prices, it was indeed cheaper during the Chongzhen period!

Even if this is just Mao Guess, such a result is a bit unacceptable to him.

Where does this increase in productivity go?
This is not scientific!
His mobile phone was vertically leaning against the computer. Emperor Chongzhen couldn't see anything else, but he could see Liu Weichao's expression.

Therefore, after seeing the change in Liu Weichao's face, he asked a little curiously: "How did it turn out?"

Hearing the question, Liu Weichao picked up his phone again, and replied truthfully with some helplessness: "It seems that you can buy more rice for the same money. It's a bit strange!"

Emperor Chongzhen knew so much, and when he heard this, he asked a little strangely: "What's so strange?"

"How can the price be more expensive than yours!" Liu Weichao couldn't figure it out. After talking to himself, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he added a little joy, "I forgot, the income It’s different! You see, my previous monthly salary was nearly 8, so I calculated it as 34. If you think about it, it should be about 34 taels in silver. Your monthly income is [-] taels , what is the income probably?"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised, and immediately replied: "This is probably the salary of a third-rank official position. Is your income also the top among you?"

"..." Liu Weichao was a little speechless when he heard it, and immediately shook his head and said: "My industry is higher than other industries, but my income level is not high. After all, I have only graduated for a little over a year. Those monthly salaries High, tens of thousands are ordinary!"

Speaking of this, he finally thought of something again, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Remember, your salary in the Ming Dynasty is notoriously small. By the way, don't you want to fight against corruption from time to time? If you If you give your officials such low salaries, they will be corrupt even if they don’t want to? I’m a bachelor, and all your subordinates have to support their families!”

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was a little embarrassed, and immediately replied: "This matter is under discussion, and I also want to give them some more salaries, but I don't know how much it should be, and we are currently discussing it!"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao thought for a while and said, "If you want me to tell you, you'd better confirm this matter early, so it's not easy to delay. If my boss asks me to work again and doesn't give me a salary increase, just a little money, I've already jumped ship and left!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought of Liu Weichao's former boss whom he scolded as blind, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.No matter what, I can't be like that person!

Another point is that Emperor Chongzhen knew Liu Weichao well, so there is nothing to say about his character.But even so, Liu Weichao said he was going to leave, so those of his courtiers all betrayed him in the end, is there also a reason for this, that he felt that he had treated them badly?
But it seems that the situation is different!
Emperor Chongzhen was thinking about this, and Liu Weichao said to him again: "Besides, it seems that the officials on your side have no salary, right? These are civil servants. If you don't give them money, they will definitely think about it." Find ways to use the power in your hands to make money! So, I suggest you, it’s best to set a salary for them. The market at the time of the founding of the country, after two or three hundred years, must no longer be applicable! What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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