Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 125 is amazing

Chapter 125 is amazing
Emperor Chongzhen wanted to tell Liu Weichao the good news of fine steel smelting and share it with his friends.

However, what he never expected was that when he contacted Liu Weichao, the mobile phone rang a reminder: "Hello, the owner of the phone you contacted has turned off, please contact me later! Hello..."

Emperor Chongzhen was stunned for a moment, a little confused what was going on?

Since he has never encountered such a thing before, what does it mean to shut down?
Failure to contact Liu Weichao made Emperor Chongzhen a little panicked, so he quickly contacted again without thinking too much.

"Hello, the owner of the phone you contacted has shut down, please contact me later! Hello..."

The situation was still the same, but Liu Weichao couldn't be contacted anyway, which made him panic even more.

How could this be?
Could it be that we will not be able to contact Liu Weichao in the future?
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen panicked even more.

I'll contact you later. How long is this wait?

No one can answer him this question, even if he has a huge empire, there is nothing he can do!
The panicked Emperor Chongzhen kept in touch.

"Hello, the owner of the phone you contacted has shut down, please contact me later..."

keep in touch.

"Hello, the owner of the phone you contacted has shut down, please contact me later..."

keep in touch……


Unknowingly, Emperor Chongzhen was sweating on his forehead, but he didn't know it at all.

I don't know how long it took, but unexpectedly, this time the contact was connected immediately.

This time, he was stunned.

After recovering, when Emperor Chongzhen was about to speak, he heard Liu Weichao said to him in a suppressed voice: "Wait!"

Then, the communication was hung up.

But this time, Emperor Chongzhen did not panic.

He felt that it was because Liu Weichao was inconvenient to contact.He has encountered this matter once.

Not for any other reason!

The Emperor Chongzhen who breathed a sigh of relief realized that his forehead was covered with sweat, so he wiped it off with a wave of his hand. He was still focused on the phone, waiting for Liu Weichao to reply.

Soon, Liu Weichao really contacted him.But not video, but text.

"I got on the plane just now, and the battery was low, so I shut it down for a while."

"Now it's switched to flight mode. This hyperspace communication is really powerful. Ignoring the flight mode, you can actually contact me!"

"Oh, by the way, you may not understand, let me explain to you!"

"You can't make phone calls on the plane, and you can't connect to the Internet, at least not on the civilian plane I'm on. Because wireless communication may interfere with the flight of the plane."

"Oh, by the way, you may not understand this! It's just a simple sentence. During the time I'm on the plane, I can't use my mobile phone to contact people who are not on the plane. I'm contacting you now. If someone finds out, there will be complaints Therefore, I can only type with you, so that others will not find out."


Listening to Liu Weichao's introduction, although Emperor Chongzhen didn't understand it very well, he still knew the general meaning.He held down the phone, wanting to say "Got it" in reply.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized that if he spoke, would it cause Liu Weichao to be discovered?
However, if he didn't speak, he discovered that he couldn't use words!
This time, he was a little dumbfounded, not knowing what to do!
After Liu Weichao said a lot, he found that Emperor Chongzhen didn't reply, so he couldn't help being puzzled.

what happened?Logically speaking, Emperor Chongzhen should reply to the message immediately!

That's right, even if there is a big event, he will reply to his message as soon as possible!
However, now that I have said so much, Emperor Chongzhen didn't reply at all. What's wrong with him?
It has not been the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, and Li Zicheng has not entered the capital!

Could it be that at this very moment, someone wanted Emperor Chongzhen to drown and die because of what he had done before?
Thinking of this, Liu Weichao also became nervous.

Not to mention that he is just starting to start a business now, Emperor Chongzhen is the core value of his business, even if there is no such interest relationship, he does not want to have trouble with Emperor Chongzhen.

So, he quickly typed in a text message and asked, "Can you receive my message? If you see it, call me back!"

After sending it, I waited for a while, but there was still no response.

So Liu Weichao turned his head and looked at the passenger sitting next to him, probably because it was off-season, there was no one in the middle seat.The uncle who was seated across from him was resting with his eyes closed.

Turning around, Liu Weichao decided to secretly video contact Emperor Chongzhen to see the situation.

At this moment, the phone vibrated, but a voice message was received.

When Liu Weichao saw it, he suddenly became excited for no reason, and immediately pressed and pressed the voice, and then switched to text display.

"I don't know how to type words, and I'm afraid of affecting you when I talk to you, so I don't know how to answer you!"

Seeing this, Liu Weichao couldn't help laughing.

Really, I scared myself just now!
Of course he didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen's frightening himself was even more frightening than him!

At this time, Liu Weichao understood this, so he entered text and communicated with Emperor Chongzhen.

Liu Weichao: "It's okay, your voice input is done, I can convert it into text, it won't affect me!"

Emperor Chongzhen: "Ah, so it can still be like this, that's good, that's good!"

Liu Weichao: "You'd better study your mobile phone later, so as not to be stumped by such a very simple thing again!"

Emperor Chongzhen: "I thought about it, why don't you teach me how to type characters? I'm afraid that in some situations, when I have to use characters to type, I won't know how to use characters, so that's not good!"

Liu Weichao saw this message and thought it made sense.

But then a question was placed in front of him.

Text input, is it to teach Emperor Chongzhen to input pinyin, or Wubi typing, or something else?

He found that no matter what it was, it was difficult.

But Liu Weichao soon realized that he wanted to help Daming from another plane. Emperor Chongzhen also said that he also wanted the people of Daming to be literate!
Although it is just a mention, but if conditions permit, Emperor Chongzhen will definitely do it.

And if we want to popularize education, we must promote Pinyin and Putonghua...

This mandarin seems to be a bit reluctant, but if the mandarin is not standard, there will be problems with pinyin!

Thinking about it this way, it seems a little difficult!
Just thinking about it, Emperor Chongzhen sent a message: "What's the matter, is my request too much?"

Seeing this message, Liu Weichao made a decision, and told Emperor Chongzhen his thoughts. As for how he chooses, he decides for himself!

Thinking of this, he typed in words and told Emperor Chongzhen his thoughts.

Although Liu Weichao and Emperor Chongzhen can communicate, it does not mean that Mandarin is no problem.

It's a bit like Emperor Chongzhen is an old man in a remote mountain village. Although he can understand what he speaks, it takes a lot of effort. Asking him to learn Putonghua pinyin is tantamount to being blind and blind!

This difficulty is very high.

In addition, if the Pinyin of Putonghua is to be promoted nationwide, it means that everyone must first correct the pronunciation of Chinese characters before they can learn Pinyin, which is a very big and even very difficult task.

Therefore, after Emperor Chongzhen saw Liu Weichao's statement, he fell silent.

But just now he insisted strongly, and he was afraid that Liu Weichao would not agree, so now he wants to answer "Forget it, don't learn", and he is a little embarrassing.

Thanks to Liu Weichao, seeing that Emperor Chongzhen didn't respond after a while, he probably guessed it.

With an idea, Liu Weichao said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Adding pinyin to Chinese characters is very conducive to promoting the text. I feel that you can mark your own pinyin according to the pronunciation you use, and then promote it!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a plot in a certain time-traveling novel, so he added: "By the way, it seems that in your era, someone was already thinking about marking out a set of pinyin. When I got off the plane, When I'm free, I'll check it out for you, maybe you can use this person."

Seeing this, Emperor Chongzhen finally responded: "Is it true? That would be great! I said that the people of Ming Dynasty must be literate, and I will definitely not break my promise. When the world is peaceful, I will focus on it. Do these things!"

When Liu Weichao saw it, he wrote it down in his heart, and searched for it later, but he was a little worried and didn't know if it was true or not.

Just as he was about to explain, the stewardess came over suddenly, so he had no choice but to say to Emperor Chongzhen: "The guy on the plane wants to give away food and drink, it's not convenient to type, let's talk later!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was taken aback.

He didn't expect to be able to eat and drink while flying in the sky?Moreover, there was a fellow on the plane?
Imagine eating and drinking in the sky...

Amazing, really amazing.

By the way, since you can eat and drink in the sky, can you pull something?It turned into rain?

It feels a little weird!

Emperor Chongzhen really wanted to ask clearly, what would happen to eating and drinking in the sky?But since Liu Weichao said it, he had no choice but to hold back.

However, when he finally replied, Emperor Chongzhen still made a request: "If you are free, let me see the scenery in the sky?"

This is not considered a presumptuous request, it was agreed by Liu Weichao himself.

"it is good!"

After seeing this brief reply, Emperor Chongzhen put the mobile phone on the imperial table, and then stared at the mobile phone, thinking about it.

He already has a deep understanding of the importance of science.

If one were to say who supported science the most in the Ming Dynasty today, it would definitely be Emperor Chongzhen!Because he has seen the power of science, not to mention those of later generations, he has benefited endlessly from what Liu Weichao gave him, such as the method of smelting fine steel!

But if you want to study science and promote science, you can't get around the word.

The text given by Liu Weichao is all simplified Chinese characters.According to Liu Weichao, this is a trend, and simplified Chinese characters are easy to write and memorize, which is conducive to promotion.

So should I also standardize the Ming Chinese characters?

By the way, you don't have to worry about this matter yourself, just ask Liu Weichao to give him the full set of Chinese characters, and then issue it to the world!
The promotion from simple to complex must not simplify the complex to the simple!

At least I can quickly accept these simple Chinese characters!

Emperor Chongzhen thought about these things in his heart, so he made up his mind, it is better to use the method of later generations!
There is a very important reason why he can make a decision so quickly, which is that he is more disgusted with those scholars today.He wanted to re-select a group of scholars who he could satisfy, and this required a sufficient number of scholars.

But at this time in the late Ming Dynasty, not to mention ordinary people, even many soldiers and generals were illiterate.As far as the literacy rate is concerned, it is a little higher in the Jiangnan area, and it is too low in other places.

When Emperor Chongzhen was thinking about it, time passed unconsciously, and then the phone rang, but it was Liu Weichao who sent a message.

So, he quickly picked up his phone to check.

But Liu Weichao sent over videos one by one.

So, he quickly opened it and found that it was a video shot by Liu Weichao from a window.

Upon seeing this, he was immediately stunned.

This is heaven?Is it above the clouds?This is simply beautiful!
It's like being on thick white cotton, and you can't see the end at a glance.

To be honest, Emperor Chongzhen felt that it was possible to walk on the clouds?

Ordinary people can't, maybe immortals can, right?
Liu Weichao sent several videos to Emperor Chongzhen, and he was so yearning to watch it, he wanted to go up to the clouds to see it himself.

If there is such a chance in life to go to heaven, it is really worth it!

Unknowingly, he told Liu Weichao this idea.

When Liu Weichao heard it, he felt amused, because the foundation of the poor and white at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Emperor Chongzhen would never think about it in his life.

However, he soon thought of another situation, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Although you can't build an airplane, you can build a hot air balloon. You can also go up to the sky. Of course, it is impossible to be as high as me, to reach the height of the clouds." Up, but after all, it is God, you can try."

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was overjoyed, and then quickly asked, "Is this hot air balloon expensive?"

If it's too expensive, you'll have to wait until later.Although I have some money in my hands now, there are still too many places to use the money. You can't just spend money indiscriminately for your own preferences. That's a fool!

"It shouldn't be very expensive, right? I'm not sure about the situation on your side." Liu Weichao said hesitantly, "It's just a large Kongming lantern, which can hold people up."

After a pause, he added: "By the way, this hot air balloon is not just for fun. Standing high, seeing far, and paired with a telescope, it will be of great use in military affairs, especially Used to defend the city!"

Seeing these words, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly realized: "It turns out that it is a Kongming lantern. I know this! It is used to defend the city... By the way, Kaifeng will soon start a battle for several months. I will take a look at the situation and see if it is Can give some help to Kaifeng!"

Of course, he attached great importance to the matter of the Battle of Kaifeng.It's just that he wants to stabilize the capital's basic market, so the capital can only be given priority.Now that there is a simple way to support Kaifeng, he will definitely not stop doing it.

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(End of this chapter)

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