Chapter 128

When he was in trouble, Sun Chuanting finally played a serious role to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, if the deduction is really based on the treasure bestowed by Emperor Taizu, the battle of Kaifeng is a very important battle, and it is definitely not a matter of Kaifeng alone. ! The bandits conquer Kaifeng, and they will be able to occupy the land of the Central Plains. They can move south and north, and expand west and east. They can attack and defend freely, and it will be very difficult to put down the bandits!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being surprised.

He didn't tell Sun Chuanting the situation in Chongzhen sixteen years after the Kaifeng War, but Sun Chuanting said it all at once, which completely matched what he heard from Liu Weichao.

In the sixteenth year of Chongzhen, Li Zicheng's thieves would break into Guanzhong, establish the Dashun Kingdom, and then fight from Qin to Jin, and then enter Gyeonggi to conquer the capital.

In this process, the imperial army is no longer the opponent of Li Zicheng's gangsters at all!

If Emperor Chongzhen wanted to save Kaifeng before, it was still limited to the Battle of Kaifeng, but now Sun Chuanting said so, and his understanding of the Battle of Kaifeng has been raised to another level!
In other words, the Battle of Kaifeng must not only be defended and cannot be defeated, but it is best to be won. Only in this way can the situation in the Central Plains be greatly improved!
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen remained silent, hesitating a little in his heart.

Seeing him like this, Sun Chuanting thought for a while, and then continued to play: "Your Majesty, if you send other people there, even if you know what the bandit is going to do next, I'm afraid it won't be of much help. Only the humble minister will go in person. Only then can we order the Quartet, make overall arrangements, and use the information given by His Majesty to fight this battle well!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he felt that it made sense.

Today, among all the civil servants in command of the imperial court, only Sun Chuanting has the best record!Now that he is reused by himself, as Minister of the Ministry of War, if he comes to the front line in person, his prestige cannot be replaced by others.

And if Sun Chuanting goes, it also means that the imperial court is very concerned about the battle of Kaifeng, which will give Kaifeng more confidence and make them feel that the imperial court will not abandon them, which will also help boost morale!

However, Emperor Chongzhen was still a little hesitant, looked at Sun Chuanting and said: "However, in this battle of Kaifeng, the thieves are powerful, and Kaifeng is bound to win. It can be said that it is very dangerous if I send Qing to sit in Kaifeng. A city is broken..."

Hearing this, Sun Chuanting did not hesitate at all, but immediately took up the topic of Emperor Chongzhen, and replied seriously: "If the city is broken, then the minister will die and die for the country, and repay Your Majesty's kindness!"

Obviously, he has long realized the danger of the Battle of Kaifeng, but he still insists on going, and he is ready to die in battle!

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen stopped talking, and looked at Sun Chuanting with great remorse in his heart!
Such a loyal minister, I put him in prison for several years, how could he be blind before!

Sun Chuanting saw that Emperor Chongzhen did not speak, so he misunderstood a little, and then played again: "As for the rectification of the Beijing camp, I think it can be reorganized by imitating the Yongwei camp! Your Majesty has the expanded Yongwei camp, and we will deal with it temporarily. It is also correct. Compared with this, the battle of Kaifeng is ten times more important!"

Hearing that Sun Chuanting was still thinking about these things for him, Emperor Chongzhen was very moved, and said, "Okay, then Zhunqing will play it!"

After a pause, he added: "I will dispatch another hundred elite guards from the Yongwei Battalion to serve as your personal guards, equipped with new-style armor."

Sun Chuanting had seen the new type of armor before.In the past, those who used this kind of equipment were all at the general level.One hundred such followers is really a very strong team.

He was naturally very happy about this.

Later, Emperor Chongzhen discussed with Sun Chuanting how to fight the Battle of Kaifeng.

The monarch and his ministers had been discussing until the evening before it came to an end.

Seeing Sun Chuanting's back disappearing at the entrance of the hall, Emperor Chongzhen sat for a while and then contacted Liu Weichao.

Picking up the phone, he suddenly found that no matter what, the phone couldn't be turned on, or in other words, it didn't turn on. He was shocked immediately.

I looked left and right, up and down, but I didn't find any damage to this phone!
But why is there no response at all?
If it were the previous Emperor Chongzhen, he would definitely be scared to death.

This is his biggest reliance on Zhongxing Daming, even if there is nothing else, he can't live without this!
Fortunately, he has already scared himself once today, and if he is too scared, he will become a little numb. In other words, he has gained experience, and it is estimated that something happened that he does not know. Wait and see, maybe it will be all right again. !
He also knew that Liu Weichao was going home at this time, or that Liu Weichao would contact him at night.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen felt a little uneasy, and went to work on the Battle of Kaifeng first.

He wants to send an order to Zhou Yuji to pick people, and also to send an order to Fang Zhenghua to build a hundred sets of armor as soon as possible.

In terms of firecrackers, Liu Weichao said what kind of bed he would give, and it would be easy to make firecrackers if he had that, and he would have to wait for contact with Liu Weichao to know how to do it.

According to the previous experience in building firecrackers, it must not be able to keep up with the Battle of Kaifeng, so let's not consider it for now.

In short, he has a lot of things to do.


Besides, Liu Weichao finally got in the car back to his hometown.

The people in the car included people from other villages as well as fellow villagers. He felt very cordial when he heard them talking in their own dialect.

After two years, it's finally time to go home!
Thinking of this, Liu Weichao became nervous again.

It's not that I'm going to see my parents and younger brother, but motion sickness!

Shaking, shaking, shaking to the top of the mountain, and then shaking to the bottom of the mountain, even if you take motion sickness medicine, it will be useless!

Sometimes, he really doubted that when he first had a car in his hometown when he was a child, he chased the car and smelled the exhaust, so he suffered from motion sickness?

Thinking about the fear of Xueshuiling, Liu Weichao took out his mobile phone, wanting to relieve himself, and by the way, checked the information on the Battle of Kaifeng and sent it to Emperor Chongzhen.

Maybe while chatting with Emperor Chongzhen, you may forget about motion sickness!
As a result, he took out his mobile phone to check, only to find that it was out of battery!
Liu Weichao was a little dumbfounded, but there was nothing he could do.

When I went out today, it was fully charged, but I used my mobile phone all the way, and the power of my mobile phone had to be provided to the shadow mobile phone.It is equivalent to two mobile phones sharing one battery.

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao immediately remembered that Emperor Chongzhen's cell phone might run out of battery.

I don't know if he will be scared again if he finds out that the phone is dead?
But no matter what, Liu Weichao has no choice at this time, so he can only charge it when he gets home.

Perhaps in the future, if it is inconvenient to go out, it is better to bring a power bank!

Without his mobile phone, Liu Weichao began to close his eyes and meditate, thinking about his own business, going through it again in his mind, trying to immerse himself in it, and it is best to forget that he is in a car.Maybe when you sit and sit, you forget about motion sickness!

With such a fluke mentality, Liu Weichao was completely immersed in his thoughts on how to start a business.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly heard the driver shouting over there: "Xueshui Village is here, do you want to get off?"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao was shocked, and then he was very happy. He quickly opened his eyes to see, did he really get Xueshui Village?

If this is the case, then I have a way to deal with motion sickness!
Sure enough, he saw Xueshui Village in front of him, the first village under Xueshui Ridge.

Immediately, Liu Weichao laughed happily and said, "Haha, we have already crossed the snowy water ridge!"

As soon as he said this, the few remaining passengers around couldn't help turning their heads to look at him.

One of the uncles looked at him and asked with a smile in local dialect: "Young man, haven't you been back for several years?"

Liu Weichao also used local dialect, so the old man knew that he was from his hometown, so he said this.

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao nodded and said, "Yes, a little more than two years!"

Hearing his words, several passengers couldn't help laughing.

It was the same uncle who smiled and said to Liu Weichao: "The Xueshuiling Tunnel has been opened to traffic since last month, so there is no need to go around Xueshuiling anymore!"

"Ah!" Liu Weichao couldn't help being a little dumbfounded when he heard it.

In the past, he had indeed heard that it seemed that the government was going to build a tunnel.

But he didn't take this kind of thing to heart.After all, my township is so poor, who would take the effort to really open the tunnel!

It turned out that I really had to get through the tunnel, so don't go around to the top of the mountain, and then go back down again?
If you really want to come this way, the traffic will be much more convenient!
To be honest, if it was the winding mountain road in the past, not many cars from other places would dare to drive.

In addition, it is dangerous to go around the mountain road in snowy days or rainy days.

Thinking of this, the excited Liu Weichao immediately turned around and looked behind him, but found that he couldn't see anything, probably because he turned a corner after exiting the tunnel.

But no matter what, it must have crossed the Snow Ridge, and that is absolutely true.

In the future, there is no need to go around Xueshuiling, which means that you will not vomit when you go home in the future!
Liu Weichao, who was very excited, couldn't help humming a nonsense folk song in his heart. He was really happy: "The mountain road here has eighteen bends, and the girls here..."

Looking out of the car window, passing one familiar or unfamiliar village after another, and seeing the elementary school where I had studied before, everything is so kind!
In the evening, when the sun was setting, Liu Weichao finally arrived at his village.

As soon as Liu Weichao got out of the car with a big bag on his back, he stepped on the solid ground when he suddenly heard a very familiar voice: "Chao'er, are you back?"

"Brother, give me the bag!"

Hearing the sound, Liu Weichao was a little dumbfounded, because he found that his parents and his brother were all waiting for him at the entrance of the village.

what's going on?Come back by yourself, the family should not know!

 Thanks to Xiaobinghe for the reward of 2000 starting coins, thanks to the book friend 20210903223235276 for the reward of 1600 starting coins, thanks to Feng Xingzhe, Thought Stamp T, and promises to reward you with 1500 starting coins, thank you YANGE, Meizhilin, there is another ten Eighty-nine 500 starting point coins reward, thanks to Princess Zhaoren, Doudoubao, Xuanyuan Ahu, and Mammoth Little Loach for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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