Chapter 146
To be honest, Emperor Chongzhen has been a little worried.

There are so many plants, Liu Weichao actually didn’t know many of them at all. Although he said that he took all the photos, he would give back a detailed document.

Emperor Chongzhen reckoned that Liu Weichao must have found someone to identify them one by one.

And this process will definitely take several days, and it may not be fully recognized.

Based on this idea, although he was anxious, he had no choice but to go to other things first.

Originally, he planned to call Wang Xiangjin to explain these plants after Liu Weichao got to know them.As a result, because of this, Wang Xiangjin was forgotten.

Thanks to Wang Chengen, who was waiting on the sidelines, seeing that Emperor Chongzhen seemed to have really forgotten Wang Xiangjin, he had to remind him.

Emperor Chongzhen was reminded, thought for a while, and passed an order to Wang Xiangjin, telling him to go back to rest first, don't get tired from the journey, and talk about those plants in a few days.

Unexpectedly, in the evening, the phone rang a reminder.

"Father, there is a document!"

The prince Zhu Cihong, who was still silently copying the chemistry textbook, saw it and quickly reminded Emperor Chongzhen who was reviewing the memorial.

"What?" Emperor Chongzhen was very surprised when he heard it.

Sending the document at this time must be the document that Liu Weichao said.

So, he immediately took back his phone and quickly clicked on the document to read it.

At first, he thought that Liu Weichao only gave a part of it, and he just roughly said what kind of plant it was.After all, it only takes half a day at most, and Liu Weichao is not a god, so he can be recognized by everyone so quickly.

Unexpectedly, after opening the document, Emperor Chongzhen was stunned.

This document is detailed, with pictures and texts, it is still a photo, not the kind of drawing. Anyone who reads it can understand this plant very well.There are even a lot of introductions in it, such as what is rich in vitamin C, which he still can't understand at all, and there are also introductions.

Emperor Chongzhen read several pages at a stretch, and then couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This is the treasure of the country!"

Since ancient times, China has put farming first.

The same is true for Shennong, who has tasted all kinds of herbs, and his status is very high.

And this document of Liu Weichao's help to farming is simply immeasurable.

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy and emotional when he saw it!

At this time, he couldn't help but contacted Liu Weichao, and asked in voice: "How did you do it, and even introduced all the plants to me, or is it so detailed?"

His words, of course, are mostly emotional.

After that, regardless of the answer, he hurriedly read it in detail as if he had found a treasure.

On Liu Weichao's side, he was just about to start eating. When the phone rang, he quickly looked down at the phone and found that it was the message from Emperor Chongzhen, so he looked up at the dining table.

Sure enough, seeing his parents and his younger brother, they were all staring at him.

So, he quickly explained: "Men."

No way, Liu Weichao found out that his mother wanted to have a grandson, so he had to explain, otherwise, it would be difficult to urge him to bring his girlfriend home!

Then, he turned around and quickly typed a sentence: "I'm eating, let's chat!"

Seeing him like this, Yu Genhua smiled and said: "Chao'er, you are not young, why are you hiding some things from me? I am your mother!"

"Eat, eat!" Hearing this, Liu Benyue quickly pointed to the food on the table with the hand holding the chopsticks and said, "When the child grows up, he can do everything properly, so don't worry about it!"

After finishing speaking, seeing that Yu Genhua was about to speak, he asked Liu Weichao first: "That dress has been sent out for a few days, how is it?"

Hearing this, Yu Genhua stopped talking, because she made the clothes, and of course she also cared about this matter.

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao quickly replied: "The customer is quite satisfied, and he praised the craftsmanship!"

When her mother heard it, she smiled proudly.

The matter of Liu Weichao's girlfriend was finally not mentioned.

But his father continued to ask: "Didn't you go home and start your own business? This is the only clothes you make, isn't it?"

At first, watching Liu Weichao's activities seemed to be very big, and he went to register the company, engrave a seal or something, but in the end he just made a piece of clothing, which made his father puzzled.

At the same time, I was also a little worried, fearing that my son would be hit by reality and the business would fail again.

Yu Genhua and Liu Weiyue listened to it, and they were very concerned. They stopped eating and looked at Liu Weichao.

Seeing him, Liu Weichao quickly explained: "My company does not only make clothes. Now the preliminary work is almost busy, except that the trademark is still going through the process and it takes time, and everything else is done. Next, I will I'm starting to get busy. There will definitely be custom-made clothes!"

Speaking of this, he saw that his parents didn't quite believe it, so he added: "Actually, before, there were people who wanted to make clothes worth five hundred yuan, but I refused!"

"Why?" Liu Weiyue said in surprise when he heard it, "[-] yuan is a lot of clothes!"

On weekdays, the clothes he buys cost around [-] yuan.Even when he was a child, he always wore his brother's leftover clothes.

When Liu Weichao heard his brother's words, he immediately smiled and said, "Don't even think about it. Our mother's craftsmanship is so good. It's only five hundred yuan. Excluding the cost of fabrics, how can this income be worthy of my mother's craftsmanship?"

When his mother heard this, she smiled happily, looking very happy.

But soon, I heard his mother say: "Chao'er, you praise Mom so much, Mom is very happy. However, the township officially issued a notice to stop the grinding of beads. As long as you can make money, you can make clothes. Mom is willing to do it, otherwise, where can I get the money to buy a house for you to marry a wife?"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard it, and kept his daughter-in-law in three words. It seems that this family is not easy to treat!

But at the same time, he was also a little moved.

So, he said to his mother: "Mom, don't worry, old man, marrying a daughter-in-law depends on the family, what is that? You look at it, after a few years, I will earn all the money from the house and the car." Now, I will show you my daughter-in-law again. Don’t worry, your son is very capable!"

Hearing this, his parents looked at each other, but they didn't insist.

The son is confident, although in their view, this is a bit of blind self-confidence.Houses and cars cost a lot of money, how can this money be so easy to earn?

But they didn't want to hurt their son, so let's not talk about it.

"Mom's craftsmanship, if it's less than [-] yuan, don't talk about it!" Liu Weichao was still thinking about his thoughts, "What if Mom gets tired, right?"

Rural people are honest, they don't want to procrastinate when they have work, they have to finish it quickly.

His mother finished the previous Hanfu in the evening of the second day.

While he was talking, suddenly, he heard another movement on the phone, so he hurriedly checked it, fearing that it was Emperor Chongzhen who contacted him.

As a result, he found out that it was his mobile phone software that had been put on the shelves.

Immediately, under the excitement, he immediately finished the meal in two or three bites, and then said to his family: "Come on, my software can be downloaded publicly, then I will go to work!"

After speaking, he hurried back to his room.

Seeing Liu Weichao disappear and hearing the hurried footsteps upstairs, his father told his mother: "When Chao'er is starting his career, even if we don't like him, we can't dampen his enthusiasm. Wait until he I feel that I can't do it, and when the work is good, we will tell him and give him a step down, understand?"

"It's up to you to say, I don't know?" His mother replied immediately after hearing this, "I thought there would be a lot of clothes for two thousand and four, but it turned out to be just one piece, so I knew it. This matter is blindfolded. Let him find out by himself, how can it be so easy to do business, or else, all of them will go to business!"

Having said that, she turned her head to stare at her younger son, and said, "Listen to what parents say, and don't go out and talk nonsense."

"Mom, everyone in the village is asking about my brother!" Liu Weiyue said quickly after hearing this, "Someone is already saying, what's the use of studying!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Benyue said to his youngest son, "Don't worry about it, your brother will rest at home for a year and then go out to look for a job. The salary is enough for them to envy."

"Oh!" Liu Weiyue was shocked when he heard it. He agreed and started to eat.

Of course Liu Weichao was unaware of these conversations after he left, excitedly returned to the room and started to implement his plan.

The business plan has been in place for a long time. The first step is to post posts on various Hanfu forums and post bars, mainly introducing Ming Dynasty dresses. Of course, I only selected a few pieces for detailed introduction.These pictures have his company's logo on them, not the ones for direct promotion, otherwise the posts will be deleted.

The second step is to upload the songs passed down by Emperor Chongzhen to major music software, and take a collection called "Guqu Mingfeng". If you like ancient songs, you may be able to search for them.

After finishing these tasks, Liu Weichao began to think about videos.

Whether it is pictures of Hanfu or ancient songs, in terms of influence, it must not be compared with videos.

If nothing else, let Emperor Chongzhen record the video of the song, and it will include the first two types.And because of the video, it can more intuitively show the beauty of ancient times.

Thinking about it this way, he did what he said, and immediately initiated a video communication with Emperor Chongzhen.

At this moment, Emperor Chongzhen was still looking at his document, when he suddenly saw the video communication Liu Weichao initiated to him, naturally he connected immediately.

Seeing Liu Weichao for the first time, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help asking: "How did you do it?"

"Database!" Liu Weichao said without thinking when he heard it, "You can understand it as a special plant library. Through scanning, this system can recognize what it is at a glance at a photo, and then display all the plants. Information about this plant."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help being very envious.

(End of this chapter)

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