Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 156 One Life, a Clear Conscience

Chapter 156
When Luo Rucai heard this, he was immediately annoyed, and immediately retorted: "It's your own subordinate who brought back false news, and you blame me?"

"It's because you are timid. You dare not go when you hear about Sun Chuanting. Did you say that?" Li Zicheng was also annoyed after hearing this, and asked again.

When Luo Rucai heard this, he pointed at Li Zicheng and said, "If I hadn't saved you back then, you wouldn't be so arrogant now..."

Seeing the two chiefs quarreling, Song Xiance hastily persuaded: "Things have already happened, there is no point in arguing any more. They are all officials like Sun Chuanting. Now they dare to stay in Kaifeng alone. It is time to kill him for revenge!"

"Yes, yes, our two families will surely be able to take Kaifeng, capture that Sun Chuanting, and cut him to pieces!" Niu Jinxing also urged quickly.

The others listened and followed suit.

Seeing this situation, Li Zicheng was still a little annoyed, and immediately shouted: "Let's go, kill Sun Chuanting!"

After speaking, he ignored Luo Rucai and set off by himself.

This Luo Rucai has saved Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong's lives, and he has always had a good relationship with other thieves from all walks of life.

But gradually, he was no longer welcomed by Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong.

Because the ambitions of these two people have been fulfilled, they no longer just think about fooling around like this, but want to win the world.

In this way, how can a person who wants to be an emperor get along with Luo Rucai like before?
But Luo Rucai was kind to them after all, so he didn't turn his face immediately.

No, Luo Rucai was originally there with Zhang Xianzhong, and felt that they were not happy with each other, so he led his troops northward and joined forces with Li Zicheng.

He naturally would not have thought that Li Zicheng was more ruthless than Zhang Xianzhong, and finally killed him and annexed his troops.

At this time, Luo Ru saw that Li Zicheng was leaving with his troops, so of course he followed.

As a result, the army of thieves, known as [-], marched towards Kaifeng mightily.

When they arrived at the city of Kaifeng, due to the delay of a few days, the Kaifeng mansion successfully collected the grain.

Seeing the thieves densely packed outside the city, Sun Chuanting was not afraid at all.

The current result is much better than what the emperor told him at the beginning.

At least a large part of the old and the weak in the city have been separated out of the city, and the food outside the city has not fallen into the hands of thieves, but has been received in the city.

And in today's Kaifeng city, not to mention the grain he brought, the original grain reserves were also confiscated early and distributed according to wartime.

The historical deduction that the emperor told him could last until September, and finally it was because Kaifeng was flooded by the water of the Yellow River. Now, with his preparations, he will definitely be able to last longer.

As for the hidden danger of the Yellow River, the city has also strengthened the city defense to prevent the threat of the water of the Yellow River.

Thinking of this, Sun Chuanting suddenly became arrogant, and immediately pointed at the rogues outside the city, and shouted in a cold voice: "You guys take care, this battle of Kaifeng will be the last time when Li thief will be arrogant!"

Chen Yongfu and other generals on the side kept wanting to speak, but before Sun Chuanting was observing the enemy's situation with a telescope with a cold face, they didn't dare to speak.

At this time, upon hearing Sun Chuanting's words, Chen Yongfu was ready to speak.

However, before he could say anything, he heard Sun Chuanting say again: "Come on, open an arms bureau and distribute gunpowder!"

The Bingjue Bureau is affiliated to the Yumajian, and only the Military Weapons Bureau belongs to the Ministry of War, and it has been set up locally.

Therefore, before Sun Chuanting received all the gunpowder to the Military Weapons Bureau, and blocked the Military Weapons Bureau.

Now that the enemy is approaching, the gunpowder will naturally be released.

Chen Yongfu and others originally wanted to talk about this matter, but after hearing what Sun Chuanting said, they had nothing to say.

But at the same time, they were also a little curious.I don't know what happened to Sun Dushi collecting all the gunpowder?
Otherwise, it would be impossible to collect gunpowder for no reason, right?
After a while, when they received the gunpowder, they found that the gunpowder was different, it was not powder, but fine particles.

Immediately, they were puzzled, can this gunpowder still be used?

Sun Chuanting obviously knew what they would think, so he said lightly: "I have seen it with my own eyes in the military battle bureau. This kind of gunpowder is much more powerful than your original gunpowder. Don't worry, let your men use it well." !remember……"

Speaking of this, he pointed to the gunpowder being distributed and said: "Each piece of gunpowder is the amount of a firecracker shot, just tear open the paper bag when it is used! The same is true for the artillery!"

As for lead bullets, they were not included with gunpowder packs.

Because Sun Chuanting had inspected the firecrackers in Kaifeng Mansion, they were all of different calibers, so he couldn't uniformly equip lead bullets on his side.

The lead bullets of each gunner can only be the most suitable lead bullets prepared by each gunner himself, only in this way will the power be greater.

Otherwise, if the lead bullet is too large, it cannot be fed into the chamber; if the lead bullet is too small, it will not be able to meet the airtight requirements and affect the range.

At this time, Chen Yongfu and others also understood the benefits of using paper to quantify in advance, but they still had doubts about the power of gunpowder.

But seeing that Sun Chuanting is so confident and the enemy is in front of him, it is impossible to make any jokes.

So, looking at the gunpowder in front of them, they could only suspect that this was a new gunpowder ratio formula!

That's it, at the head of Kaifeng city, the defenders are waiting in full battle; outside Kaifeng city, the bandits are gearing up to attack the city relying on their strength.

The Battle of Kaifeng officially kicked off five days earlier than in the original history.


At the same time, there is also a group of rogues in the border of De'an Mansion. The banner with the word "Yuan" is flying, and they have just taken down a town.However, unlike other thieves, these thieves did not harass ordinary people, but only searched the landlord's house.

This branch of thieves is Yuan Shizhong's team, known as "Little Yuan Ying".

In the lobby of the landlord's house, Yuan Shizhong sat in the main seat, listening to his subordinates report the things found in the warehouse, very happy.

At this time, he saw his cousin Yuan Zhuangfei striding in. Instead of looking at the trophies, he said directly to Yuan Shizhong: "Brother, Cao Cao joined forces with King Chuang and went north. It is said that he is going to open the seal!"

Hearing this, Yuan Shizhong thought of his troubles, and couldn't help losing his good mood immediately.

Before that, he had worked under Li Zicheng's subordinates for a while.But he found that Li Zicheng was ambitious and wanted to make him obey his orders, not just the leader.

He was a little reluctant, and immediately led his troops south to seek refuge with Zhang Xianzhong.

After all, his team is not big, and because his method of leading troops is different from other thieves, he does not want to plunder the people, and he does not want to coerce the people, so he has not been able to grow.When encountering officers and soldiers, the number of them is getting smaller and smaller, and there is no way to consume them like this, so they can only find a backer.

As a result, Yuan Shizhong did not expect that he saw the same ambition as Li Zicheng on Zhang Xianzhong's side.The ideas were at odds, no, he ended up leading the army and doing it alone.

If in the original history, in the second half of the year, he heard that Jianlu had invaded again and poisoned Shandong, he would lead the troops to Shandong to fight Jianlu.Then, he had to join forces with Li Zicheng, but was killed by Li Zicheng and annexed his troops.

At this time, after Yuan Zhuangfei finished his report, he asked expectantly: "Brother, why don't we go too, I heard that King Zhou of Kaifeng is very rich!"

After finishing speaking, seeing that Yuan Shizhong was only silent, he continued: "We are fighting a small fight, and we have to run away when we see the court officers and soldiers. This is too aggrieved!"

At this moment, there are only less than [-] people in Xiaoyuan's battalion. Whether it is among the bandits or on the side of the imperial army, the strength of the troops is far inferior.People count troops in tens of thousands.

Liu Liangzuo, who is no matter how powerful among the imperial court's army, once chased them after him.

At this time, after hearing Yuan Zhuangfei's words, Yuan Shizhong still shook his head and said, "The city of Kaifeng is strong, and I heard that Sun Chuanting is in charge of it himself, so it is so easy to fight? If we go, maybe we will be driven by Li Zicheng to fill the trenches." ! Brothers follow me, I have to be worthy of them!"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Zhuangfei stopped talking.He knew that what the elder brother said made sense.

But after all, he was a little unwilling, so he asked Yuan Shizhong again: "Brother, is it possible that we have always been like this? Then sooner or later, we will either be wiped out by the government army or annexed by other rebels!"

"Alas!" Yuan Shizhong sighed when he heard this, and fell silent.

It's so hard to live in this troubled world!

Seeing him like this, Yuan Zhuangfei said again: "I know I'm probably still thinking about being recruited by the imperial court and returning to my hometown with honor. However, the imperial court doesn't like us with just this few people! It's not that we didn't go to the imperial court before. Contacted over there!"

There was a severe drought that year, and the land was thousands of miles away. Yuan Shizhong and others could not survive, so they had no choice but to rebel.

But in their hearts, they really don't want to live such a life of being scolded and precarious.

For this reason, I also secretly contacted the imperial court, but they didn't respond at all.

At this time, Yuan Shizhong shook his head after hearing what his cousin said, and said, "Forget it, let's take a step and take a step. Anyway, people live forever and have a clear conscience!"

Yuan Zhuangfei also sighed when he heard this. For now, it can only be like this.

However, at this moment, a leader suddenly ran in excitedly, and shouted loudly when he saw Yuan Shizhong: "The head of the family, a group of people came outside, and the leader said he was the prefect of Changsha, and he wanted to see the head of the house."

"..." When Yuan Shizhong heard this, he couldn't help but look at Yuan Zhuangfei, both of them were speechless.

what's going on?The prefect of Changsha has come here, and he still wants to see him, which is unreasonable!

You know, they are far away from Changsha. If the prefect of Changsha wants to come here, he must bypass Zhang Xianzhong's territory. As for it?
"Brother, could it be a fake?" Yuan Zhuangfei thought for a while, then asked Yuan Shizhong.

Yuan Shizhong heard this, thought for a while, then waved his hand and said, "Regardless of whether it's true or not, or why you're here, let's see each other first!"

(End of this chapter)

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