Chapter 173
As the number one eunuch in the palace for many years, how could Wang Dehua not know that among those salt merchants who can get big, there is no one behind them?

Otherwise, it would have been eaten long ago!
It is impossible for those big salt merchants to get their money so easily!

However, the emperor set his sights on the wallets of those big salt merchants, not only asking them to pay taxes, but also wanting to swallow them in one gulp. Wang Dehua actually understood this!
Although he has never been to the Bingzhan Bureau, he has always heard the wind and knows that it is expanding in scale.

And the emperor expanded his army with such fanfare, and even reorganized the Beijing camp. These are the most expensive things!
How much money the emperor has, he definitely knows it in his heart!

Since the first two months, the emperor ransacked the house and found a sweet spot, thinking of a way to get money quickly, then this ransacking the house couldn't be easier!
In the capital, they ransacked the homes of those ministers, even those of Wu Xun, and even those of wealthy Shanxi merchants, and now they are targeting the big salt merchants in the south, which seems to be a matter of course.

This matter is really difficult, no wonder the emperor let himself do it!
However, Wang Dehua thought so, but there was nothing he could do.

He is a servant of the royal family. If he is not as good as the emperor wants, he will be killed directly by order, and there will be no waves.

He didn't know where he offended the emperor. If he refused at this time, Wang Dehua knew what would happen to him, and he might be killed immediately.

Years of eunuch career also allowed Wang Dehua to develop the ability to respond to crises.He knew that he had no choice.

So, after these thoughts flashed through his mind, Wang Dehua immediately replied to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your servant complies with the order, and my servant will definitely copy those big salt merchants!"

Emperor Chongzhen stared at Wang Dehua, seeing that he quickly agreed to his request without hesitation, and couldn't help feeling a little complicated.

This eunuch whom I once trusted the most, at least in the past few months, is still satisfactory to me.

But, who made him do that in another plane?

However, these things did not happen!Is it a little unreasonable for me to resent him so much?
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen stared at Wang Dehua, and suddenly said coldly: "You have to do this well, I want money, but don't let anyone gossip, can you do it?"

Hearing the emperor's tone suddenly turned cold, Wang Dehua didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly played respectfully: "Don't worry, Lord Long Live, this slave will definitely handle this matter well, and share the worries for Lord Long Live!"

Seeing his obedience, Emperor Chongzhen finally softened his heart when he remembered the years he had been with him, and said coldly: "Okay, as long as you finish this matter, I will let you go to Zhongdu to retire."

Logically speaking, if such a big matter can be done well, it would definitely be rewarded in general.

However, Emperor Chongzhen clearly told Wang Dehua to stay away from the center of power. He was neither in the capital nor in Yingtian Mansion. of.

However, when Wang Dehua heard it, he cried excitedly, and quickly knelt down to play to Emperor Chongzhen: "This old slave thanks the Lord Long Live!"

It can be said that he knew Emperor Chongzhen very well.Before that, Emperor Chongzhen didn't say anything, but he knew that he fell out of favor and was still hated by Emperor Chongzhen.

For this reason, he couldn't find the reason, but he was always worried that the knife hanging above his head would fall down at some point.

Daily fear is daily suffering!
But now, Emperor Chongzhen rewarded him like this uncharacteristically, and Wang Dehua immediately knew that as long as he did this well, the emperor's resentment towards him would disappear!

In other words, the knife hanging over his head was finally about to be lifted.

After thinking about this, Wang Dehua was greatly relieved, so he happily accepted to go to Fengyang for the elderly, it was better than being killed!

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen felt a little touched when he saw him like this, so he asked coldly: "Speak, do you have any requirements for doing this well?"

He must get the money from the big salt merchant.

After hearing this, Wang Dehua raised his head, and instead of wiping away his tears, he played with tears all over his face: "Long Live Lord, if this matter is to be handled safely, it is best to have other things to divert the attention of the south!"

"Huh?" Emperor Chongzhen listened, but didn't understand what he meant, so he snorted.

As soon as Wang Dehua heard it, he immediately played: "The squires in the south of the Yangtze River have a lot of illegal things. The officials who go to work there, nine out of ten, are in collusion with the squires in the south of the Yangtze River. The slaves think that they can make the Metropolitan Procuratorate patrol the place with great fanfare. The monthly investigation of official corruption is an excuse. In this way, slaves and maidservants will also go to Yangzhou, so they can take advantage of the opportunity!"

In the past, the corruption investigation found that the officials in the capital did not dare to go to the official office, and finally handed over the money for corruption, and then let the past go, and the crime will be severely punished again.

However, locally, there was no impact.Now Wang Dehua suggested that the Metropolitan Procuratorate inspect the place, which is also a matter of course.

That's a good idea!
As for the place, Emperor Chongzhen really wanted to check it!

Nowadays, there is chaos everywhere anyway, so it's okay to be chaotic, at least the name of the court's righteousness is occupied.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen said coldly: "Okay, I will follow your instructions, and I will order the Metropolitan Procuratorate to do it in the next few days!"

Wang Dehua was overjoyed when he heard it, not only because the emperor agreed to the matter, but also because the emperor listened to what he said.

So, he felt even more determined, and hurriedly wiped away his tears and left.

But to be honest, Wang Dehua hesitated for a while before leaving.

Because he knew that the distance between him and Emperor Chongzhen was the closest at this time, he really wanted to ask, what did he do to make the emperor so annoying before?
Although neither of them said anything at this time, they were actually open and honest.If you ask now, you are most likely to find out the reason.

However, Wang Dehua was very afraid that if he asked such a question, he would make the emperor angry again!In the end, even the possibility of retirement is gone!

In the end, Wang Dehua could only sigh in his heart, thinking of the famous saying "Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger", he didn't dare to ask, and retreated holding back the biggest doubt.

After returning to Dongchang, he immediately summoned his capable generals and said to them: "Our family has an opportunity to make a fortune here. If you do it well, you won't have to make money in your life. Do you want to do it?"

Hearing this, his subordinates were all delighted, but also hesitant.

After all, the anti-corruption storm of Emperor Chongzhen is still in sight, and besides their East Factory, there are also Jinyiwei and West Factory, it is not the time for them to do it at will.

Thinking of this, some subordinates expressed their concerns: "Master, everyone likes making money, but we are afraid that if we don't get the money, we will lose our lives!"

How could Wang Dehua not know what they were thinking, and immediately said: "Don't worry, this is according to the order!"

He knew very well in his heart that if he wanted to stay away from the capital to inspect those big salt merchants, he had to make great efforts from these subordinates, and it could not be done casually, so he had to arouse their enthusiasm.

When his subordinates heard that they were acting according to the order, they were all overjoyed immediately, saying that there was no problem.

Therefore, Wang Dehua said to them: "Okay, so you choose the elite and go to Yangzhou with our family to check those big salt merchants!"

Hearing this, his capable men were stunned for a moment.

Like Wang Dehua, how could they not know that there are people behind the big salt merchants.Those salt merchants' money is not easy to get!

Seeing them like this, Wang Dehua sneered and said: "The people behind the salt merchants, no matter how powerful they are, they are bigger than the Lord Long Live? Even if something happens, our family will take care of it. What are you afraid of?"

Hearing this, his subordinates came back to their senses, and they were all overjoyed for a moment.

That's right, the people behind the salt merchants, no matter how powerful they are, they can surpass the emperor?To slaughter such a fat pig, even if a little bit is left out for them, that would be a huge sum!
Thinking of this, his subordinates immediately jumped up and said that they were all at the factory's command.

Therefore, Wang Dehua asked them to order elite soldiers and strong generals to go to the south of the Yangtze River with him.

Besides, on Emperor Chongzhen's side, he was determined to get the money from those big salt merchants.Although he didn't like Wang Dehua, he was seriously considering Wang Dehua's suggestion.

When I was thinking about it, I heard Huang Daozhou, the censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, begging to see him.

Emperor Chongzhen thought in his heart that he came just in time, so he summoned him immediately.

After a while, Huang Daozhou arrived at the Wenhua Palace. After seeing the ceremony, he immediately played with an extremely serious expression: "Your Majesty, I heard that your Majesty is going to set up some military equipment hall, and he will personally serve as the sacrificial wine. I don't know if there is such a thing." ?”

This matter itself was sent out by Emperor Chongzhen on purpose.Although the Wubei Hall has not yet been established, the rumors should have spread throughout the capital.

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen would not deny this, and immediately nodded and said: "There is indeed such a thing!"

When Huang Dao heard it on Monday, he immediately played solemnly: "Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible! If a warrior is in power, disasters will abound, and the country will be in danger!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen asked coldly, "What do you mean, is it the Taiping period?"

"..." Huang Dao was dumbfounded when he heard it on Monday.

However, as a representative of the civil service system, he must not sit back and watch the military officer's status rise so much at once, so he avoided answering the question of Emperor Chongzhen, but said: "Your Majesty, if you are a Jinshi, you can't directly become a student of the emperor, and a martial artist But if it can be like this, let me ask all the ministers in the world, how should we deal with it? In the future, it can be done by using literature to rule martial arts? It is definitely not a blessing for the country or the community!"

In other words, that is to say, the civil servants originally passed the palace examination, so they are regarded as disciples of the emperor, but this kind of thing is actually just a civil servant putting money on his face, and he is not really his teacher!

On the side of the generals, the emperor is offering wine, and the warriors in the military equipment hall can solemnly think that they are the authentic disciples of the emperor.

It's no wonder civil officials don't blow up such things!
(End of this chapter)

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