Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 175 The Root of Troubled Times

Chapter 175 The Root of Troubled Times

When Huang Dao heard it on Monday, he was struck by lightning and couldn't speak anymore.

He himself is a Jinshi, and he is in the officialdom, how can he not know the current situation of Jinshi.

It can even be said that he is very clear about the evolution of the method of cultivating Jinshi in the Ming Dynasty.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the second and third best Jinshi were assigned to the Six Divisions and apprentices of the Hanlin Academy. Those who entered the Six Divisions were called Guanzheng Scholars, and those who entered the Imperial Academy were called Shujishi.

From the second year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty, the Hanlin Academy has evolved into a special system for recruiting scholars, which was called "the selection of the library". He entered the Hanlin Academy to continue his studies, and three years later, he "disbanded" (graduated) and was assigned a real job.

The rest of the Jinshi are Jinshi who observe politics, and they go to six departments, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Dali Temple, and the Department of General Affairs. Sometimes, even the Dudufu of the Five Armies has Jinshi Guanzheng.

At the beginning, this method of cultivating Jinshi was indeed okay, and there was a learning process for Xinke Jinshi to participate in politics.

However, this approach has changed over time.

First of all, the commissioning of the Hanlin by the cabinet in conjunction with the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Rites began to be full of corruption, after all, it was they who had the final say.Occasionally, examinations are used for selection, but most of them are decided by the bosses of these yamen.

The same is true for Jinshi Guanzheng, where corruption abounds.

These Jinshi who observe politics do not want to be released, but want to stay in the capital as officials.So I tried every means to go to the Sanfa Division Yamen, because Guanzheng has an unspoken rule, that is, after the deadline for Jinshi to watch politics, they will stay in this Yamen.

In addition, Jinshi who observe politics can also ask for leave during their internship.

The period of observing politics is only three months or half a year. How much political experience can one gain in such a short period of time?
Therefore, these new subjects Jinshi system began in the Wanli period, and it was useless!And the corruption inside is rampant. Before Jinshi was an official, under this kind of official atmosphere, it had already been corroded.

Not only that, Huang Daozhou also knows how bad the atmosphere among Jinshi is now.

Most Jinshi think that they have worked hard for [-] years to finally pass the Jinshi exam. This is due to their own efforts.

There are also those who are in the top ranks of the government, and they also feel that they have been careful in their careers for twenty years, and they have only reached this position. Shouldn't they be thinking about themselves and seeking some benefits?
Under such various atmospheres, the government is corrupt, which is the reason for today's chaos!

Thinking about this, Huang Daozhou suddenly became very interested in Emperor Chongzhen's proposal.On weekdays, he also disliked the style of his colleagues, and shouted to rectify the administration of officials, but in terms of specific measures, he could only talk in general terms.Listening to Emperor Chongzhen now, it seems that there is a new proposal, so I really want to know about it.

So, he played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, how to do this Wenbeitang?"

Emperor Chongzhen saw that Huang Daozhou no longer objected, but was curious about what he said, so he couldn't help being a little excited, so he immediately said to Huang Daozhou: "In the Wenbei Hall, all subjects are set up for officials to know, and to clarify what should be done. Why? After learning, there is an exam, and only those who pass the exam can be awarded to officials according to their grades! If those who fail the exam, they don’t know how to be an official, how can they be an official?”

"Then where do these subjects come from?" Huang Daozhou asked immediately after hearing this.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he didn't even think about it, so he said directly: "There are six departments and three jurisprudence departments, and there are cases submitted by local governments, which are compiled into policies. After I read them, they will be subjects. Other details can be discussed by the officials. I will decide again!"

Speaking of this, he paused and added: "By the way, in the future, Beijing officials will have to serve in the local government for a certain period of time before they can serve. I don't want to see people who have no local experience, but dictate local affairs!"

After hearing this, Huang Daozhou couldn't help but praised: "Your Majesty is wise, this is a good strategy to eradicate corruption in government officials!"

In fact, this practice of Emperor Chongzhen was partly used by later generations of the Qing Dynasty: three days after the palace examination, the Jinshi examination was held in the Hall of Preservation, which was specially designed for the selection of good scholars.

However, the system that Emperor Chongzhen came up with inspired by Liu Weichao is more detailed and more standardized than the Imperial Examination in the Qing Dynasty.

After all, the Manchu Qing Dynasty just changed the selection of Shujishi from man-made to examination. In fact, the difference from the palace examination is not that big.

Liu Weichao didn't know about this matter, and Emperor Chongzhen naturally didn't know about it either.

At this time, after seeing Huang Daozhou's approval, Emperor Chongzhen remembered Wang Dehua's request, so he said to Huang Daozhou on this topic: "What you said is true. Corruption of officials is a common thing nowadays. I just rectified the capital before." , the corruption of local officials has not yet been involved. As the censor of the left capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, you must recommend the censor to patrol the local area in the near future to clean up the local corruption, how about it?"

Speaking of this, he added emphatically: "The people in the local area are struggling to survive, and the local officials cannot escape the blame! Today's chaos is more or less related to the inaction of the local officials! In addition to the Beijing inspection, strict supervision is also needed!"

When Huang Dao heard it on Monday, his expression was serious immediately, and he quickly agreed: "I think so, I will start this matter immediately!"

For Emperor Chongzhen's uncharacteristic behavior, he did not let the factory guards intervene, but asked the Metropolitan Procuratorate to supervise the matter. He was very happy, and thought of responding quickly, lest the emperor change his mind and openly let the factory guards intervene. .

As long as he is a civil servant, there is no one who does not hate factory guards, and Huang Daozhou is no exception!
After saying this, Huang Daozhou left quickly.

But after he got out of the main hall, he suddenly remembered that the emperor hadn't made a final statement about this matter in Wu Beitang!

Thinking of this, he wanted to confirm with Emperor Chongzhen again.But after thinking about it later, the objection reasons he raised before seemed to be untenable.

The military generals who entered the Wubei Hall were disciples of the Son of Heaven, and now civil servants who want to enter the Hall of Civil Affairs will also be disciples of the Son of Heaven. There is no such thing as a military officer superior to a civil servant, and you can control martial arts with literature!
In addition, what Emperor Chongzhen said was not unreasonable. In today's troubled times, thieves are everywhere, killing vassal kings and governors. It's a critical time. If you don't train those generals, why fight with thieves and bandits to calm the world as soon as possible?
Alas, the reason for the current troubled times is because of the corruption of officials, which is rooted in the civil officials!
Thinking of this, Huang Daozhou sighed, and gave up the idea of ​​looking for Emperor Chongzhen.

On Emperor Chongzhen's side, after dismissing Huang Daozhou, he devoted all his energy to the preparation of the Wubei Hall.In addition, let Fang Zhenghua dispatch skilled craftsmen, together with Song Yingxing, to build steam engines as soon as possible, and the more the better!

This is not to say that he wants to start building steam trains, ships, etc., but that the newly built steam engine should first be used for steelmaking and boring guns.

As far as the current army on the capital's side, that is, the white pole army can quickly acquire new combat power, therefore, Emperor Chongzhen also stared at the white pole army's training to adapt to the new equipment.

There is no way, under the current situation, Emperor Chongzhen must race against time.

Not to mention the invasion of Jianlu, but the battle of Kaifeng, which is related to the Central Plains, must have already begun. I don't know what happened to Sun Chuanting?

Emperor Chongzhen was definitely worried when he thought about this.


As Emperor Chongzhen thought, the Battle of Kaifeng had already begun.

Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai led their main army, claiming to be [-], and on the fifth day after they surrounded Kaifeng, they completed the preparations for the siege, and the battle of Kaifeng officially started.

Li Zicheng had expected the strength of Kaifeng City.Not to mention, compared with the previous two battles of Kaifeng, it is estimated that it will be even more difficult to fight now that the dog official Sun Chuanting is in charge.

Therefore, at the beginning, he sent a motley army to test the reality of Kaifeng City.


Shocking shouts of killing resounded outside the city of Kaifeng.

When the moat army first arrived and started camping, people had already sent people to divert the water away.

The previous batches of miscellaneous troops mainly filled the moat.

Under the cover of shields, ragged mob soldiers rushed to the moat with bags of dirt on their backs and dumped them inside.

Li Zicheng and others were naturally watching the battle.

After looking at it for a while, Li Yan next to him said with some doubts: "Why does the filling of the river this time seem to be smoother than the previous two times?"

"That's right!" Song Xiance responded in confusion after hearing this, "The counterattack on the top of the wall seems to be the kind that is weak?"

Yuan Zongdi, one of the generals in command, heard this, and said disapprovingly: "I guess it's Sun Chuanting, a dog official who can't overwhelm a snake with a strong dragon. He came here without soldiers and horses, and had conflicts with the people in the city. That's the end! "

"This seems to make sense!" Luo Rucai heard it, and joined the discussion: "With Sun Chuanting's temperament, it seems that everyone owes him money. Now that he is reused by the emperor, doesn't he feel even more amazing!"

When he said this, he suddenly changed the subject again: "But we can't underestimate the enemy. After all, it is Sun Chuanting, and he still has the ability. If we are in a hurry to attack, maybe we can help him!"

"Then what should we do?" Niu Jinxing took over his topic and said, "If we don't attack in a hurry, can we take Kaifeng?"

Li Zicheng didn't speak for a while, but when he heard this, he said, "Let's take a look first, and then we'll talk. After the moat is filled, send elites to attack once and see if we can break the city?"

He is the boss, so it has been decided, as long as Luo Ru does not object, then it is so decided.

But they didn't know that inside the arrow tower at the top of the city, the original civil and military officials of Kaifeng City all stood obediently behind Sun Chuanting, with no intention of discord at all.

It's just that they really couldn't figure it out, why did Sun Chuanting adopt such a negative way of coping?
In the end, Gao Mingheng, the censor of Henan patrol, asked the question.

(End of this chapter)

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