Chapter 190
When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, surprise appeared on his face, and he quickly asked, "Really? Is there really gold underground? Where is it?"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard his words and saw his expression.

On the forehead of Emperor Chongzhen, it seems to be clearly written, does it really have gold?Then he wants it!

It can be seen that he was afraid of being poor before, and the word "poor" is engraved in his bones.

When he came back to his senses, Liu Weichao smiled and asked, "Do you know how big the world is?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he nodded and said, "I have seen a map of the world, so I know it!"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao probably guessed that what he saw was the complete map of Kunyu and all nations.

So, he said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your knowledge of the world is not complete! Just wait a moment, I will show you the real map of the world!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Weichao did not wait for Emperor Chongzhen to reply, so he temporarily put down the phone, searched for a high-definition world map on the computer, then picked up the phone, and said to the computer screen: "See if you see it. It's a real world map!"

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, it seemed that it was indeed different from what he remembered, but he couldn't remember clearly.

Although he had seen it before, he didn't pay much attention to it at the time.

He is already too busy with domestic affairs, which annoys him to death, so how can he care about the whole world.At most, it is the kind that is rare and lost after seeing it.

Liu Weichao estimated that Emperor Chongzhen could not understand the map, so he took a mobile phone holder, fixed the mobile phone on it, and pointed it at the screen.

After freeing his hands, he found a ballpoint pen, pointed to the computer screen and said, "Did you see that, I scratched this area, which is basically the territory of Ming Dynasty, can you see it clearly?"

On Emperor Chongzhen's side, he used his mobile phone to look at the world map on the laptop screen. Even if it was high-definition, it was impossible to see the font clearly.He can only see different colors and world terrain.

At this moment, he couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw that the things in Liu Weichao's hands had drawn out the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

Regardless of what he thought, Liu Weichao continued to introduce to Emperor Chongzhen: "This is Europe, that is, the gathering place of Western Yi. The history is almost as long as our Chinese history."

"There is also this place, called Africa, which is the origin of the Kunlun slaves...the mother country, and now the coastal areas, have been colonized by Xiyi."

"This is called North and South America, where the aborigines are called Indians. There is a saying that people from our Asia, probably from Liaodong, passed through the Bering Strait. It is not very sure now. Their skin color is similar to ours, slightly darker. Some."

"Similarly, do you see that the Westerners have crossed the Atlantic Ocean and colonized North and South America. One of the Westerners is called Spain, and those who occupy Luzon Island in the South China Sea are also Spaniards. They established colonies in the Gulf of Mexico At this point, many ships of silver, gold, etc. are sent back to their home country every year.”

"This is called South America. Similarly, it was taken over by the Western Yi people called Portugal. They are the Frangji people of Macau."

"This is called Australia. It seems that the Western Yi have not been discovered yet. There is a group of aborigines living here. The mineral resources are also very rich. Iron, copper, coal, etc. are far more than those in Ming Dynasty!"

"By the way, this place is called Brazil in later generations, and it is also the location of a very famous copper mine. It is many times more than Daming, and it is inexhaustible!"


According to his own impression, Liu Weichao introduced it to Emperor Chongzhen pretty much. Anyway, he was wrong, and Emperor Chongzhen didn't know.Even if you find out later, it doesn't matter much.

After talking like this, and roughly introducing the whole world, he asked Emperor Chongzhen, "How is it? Do you have a concept of the real world now?"

After finishing speaking, Liu Weichao waited for a while, but didn't hear Emperor Chongzhen's response, feeling a little strange, so he looked at the phone screen.

It turned out that Emperor Chongzhen's eyes were dull, and he just looked at it like that, obviously he was stupid!
"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he saw it.

Well, let him watch it for a while!

Liu Weichao thought so, and waited patiently. At the same time, he looked at the world map, wondering if he should say something more?
After an unknown amount of time, Emperor Chongzhen's voice finally came from the phone: "Hey, where's the person?"

"I'm here!" Liu Weichao said with a smile when he heard it, "I see that you are looking stupid, so I won't bother you and let you watch for a while."

Hehe, good guy, dare to say that the emperor is stupid, this is really no one!

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he felt a little strange, because no one had ever said such a thing to him.

But he wasn't angry, instead he admitted generously: "I'm really dumbfounded, I didn't expect the world to be so big!"

Liu Weichao heard this, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "See, at this time, Xiyi is already grabbing territory everywhere. They will also grab each other. If you don't go out and grab... um... no, you If you don't go out to rescue those local people who were colonized by Xiyi, once they are managed by them for a long time, it will be even more difficult!"

He knew that Emperor Chongzhen wanted to save face, so he changed the term.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, yes, I will definitely send troops! But I didn't remember just now, there are gold, silver and copper mines in those places?"

This one sentence has revealed the truth.

He would go to rescue the local people, but he went to the gold, silver and copper mine!
When Liu Weichao heard it, a smile appeared on his face, and he joked: "Hehe, you are very straightforward, and you don't even hide it!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he blushed a little at first, but then he said solemnly: "Treasures are home to virtuous people! Besides, if the world is not owned by my Ming Dynasty, it is not the secret investment of pearls! Solve the suffering of the four barbarians not meeting the Ming Lord, and don't let all beings be ravaged by the barbarians!"

"Hahaha..." Liu Weichao burst out laughing when he heard this, and then said to Emperor Chongzhen, "If that's the case, then let me give you some pointers."

After he finished speaking, he used his pen to draw on the world map, and said at the same time: "See, here, a canal can be dug to connect Xiyi to our Daming side, without having to go around Africa, saving a lot of roads. Occupying this place, just collecting tolls, will get you soft!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, his eyes straightened immediately, he stared at that place, and secretly remembered it in his heart.

"Also here, this is called the Strait of Malacca, which is also a very important first waterway. Now it seems that the Portuguese and the Dutch are competing for this place."

"Here, there is no canal yet, but after being dug through, it will connect the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, which can also save a lot of travel."


When Emperor Chongzhen listened to Liu Weichao's explanation, his eyes lit up.

These places are definitely better than pure gold mines and silver mines.

After all, minerals and the like will one day be dug out.However, these traffic arteries will not, it is an eternal cornucopia!
Hearing that Liu Weichao had finished speaking, Emperor Chongzhen didn't listen stupidly this time, but immediately said to Liu Weichao: "Can you pass me a copy of this world map?"

After he finished speaking, he thought for a while, and immediately added: "It's best to mark all the gold, silver and copper mines in various places."

After hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately smiled and said, "That's no problem, but there are quite a few mines that you can't dig with your current level of technology."

"That's okay, I'll occupy the place first!" Emperor Chongzhen replied indifferently upon hearing this.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao hit him and said, "You haven't done anything in China yet, so you're just thinking about this?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being speechless when he heard this.

At this time, it can be said that he is still trying to save the nation, and it is too early to send troops overseas!Besides, the country must be stabilized, right?
But, why did you talk about this overseas, this world map just now?

Emperor Chongzhen thought so in his heart, and after a little recollection, he understood how the topic was brought up.

He actually didn't care about that.After all, he thought it was worthwhile to understand the world first, at least so much.

What Liu Weichao proposed before, the matter of the vassal princes entrusting overseas, is really worth considering!

This is the case with the vassal king, and those members of the Wu Xun Group, perhaps they should also be treated in the same way!
Although Emperor Chongzhen had said harsh words before, he felt that since they were incompetent, what would be the use of them?

But that was just talk after all, and there was another point that he was more afraid of.

Even those hereditary titles were conferred by his ancestors, which is equivalent to saying that his ancestors agreed to those martial arts, but he, as a descendant, went to grab their titles. It will be greatly criticized.

Unless those martial arts have committed the crime of treason, they can be deprived of their titles!For example, Zhu Chunchen, the Duke of Cheng, is an example.

But it can't be said that all the Wuxun Groups are trying to plot rebellion, right?

During the previous discussion, Emperor Chongzhen had no good ideas.At that time, he also became a little cruel, and if it really didn't work, he just picked up a few and cleaned them up.

But at this time, under Liu Weichao's suggestion, after opening his eyes to see the world again, he had a new idea.

Although Liu Weichao said something about Emperor Chongzhen, he finally said to Emperor Chongzhen: "This is a modern world map. If I give you this directly, it may be misleading to you. I will look for it first to see if there is any. A map of the world from your time?"

After a pause, he thought for a while and added: "Thanks to you, I have also made some money. If I can't find the world map I want, then I will look up the information myself and spend a few days , make you a world map of your era!"

(End of this chapter)

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