Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 192 How is this possible

Chapter 192 How is this possible
After hearing this, Liu Weichao replied, "Zheng Zhilong has the final say on Fujian!"

"Who?" Emperor Chongzhen suspected that he hadn't heard clearly when he heard it, and then confirmed, "Who are you talking about? Zheng Zhilong?"

To be honest, this name was a bit unfamiliar to him.After finishing speaking, he seemed to have a vague impression, as if he had been promoted to the deputy commander-in-chief of Fujian because of his meritorious service.

However, it's just a Fujian deputy general, how could it be that he has the final say and is more powerful than himself, the emperor?
After hearing this, Liu Weichao nodded and said, "That's right, it's Zheng Zhilong!"

"No!" Emperor Chongzhen immediately shook his head and said, "I know that this Zheng Zhilong is only the deputy general of Fujian, not to mention the limited number of troops under his command, but there is really something arrogant and domineering. The Fujian chief envoy, the procuratorate, and the command envoy, besides that, the governor of Fujian, will all take care of him. Even if he can't manage him well, he will definitely be reported to the court. However, none of these things! The border is far more stable than the Central Plains!"

"Hahaha..." Liu Weichao burst out laughing when he heard this.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, his face became a little ugly.He immediately understood that there must be something hidden from him in Fujian.

In other words, as Liu Weichao mentioned just now, his control over the local area is really not that strong!

When he was thinking this way, Liu Weichao stopped laughing, but he still said to him with a smile: "Have you ever heard a saying, make a fortune with a silent voice?"

"Huh?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being a little puzzled when he heard this, not knowing what it meant?
As soon as Liu Weichao saw it, he asked him again: "In the naval battle of Luowan, the Dutch colonists were defeated. It was the Hongyi you said. Do you still have the impression of this matter?"

"Hmm!" Although it happened a few years ago, Emperor Chongzhen did have an impression, so he nodded.

The governor of Fujian at that time gave a memorial, saying: "To capture [-] barbarians alive, [-] barbarian-level ships, five giant warships that burn barbarians, one giant barbarian barbarian ship, and destroy barbarian thieves." There are more than fifty small boats, armor, swords, compasses, charts, etc. are all preserved. The corpses of barbarians who died with guns were dragged away by barbarians.

To be honest, this result is really not very good for Emperor Chongzhen!
It's just that a hundred or so people were captured alive and twenty were beheaded. Other words are just words of the scene and can be ignored.

At the same time, Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting and other thieves were all in the tens of thousands, and they compared the results of the Liuluowan naval battle at once.

Besides, for Emperor Chongzhen, Hongyi was just a small matter in the borderlands. He was most concerned about the rebellion of thieves, and the rebellion of Jianlu. The Xiyi Rebellion should be paid more attention to.

Therefore, in his eyes, this matter is really not worth mentioning.

At this time, Liu Weichao saw that Emperor Chongzhen remembered, so he said to him: "After the naval battle of Luowan, Zheng Zhilong established the maritime hegemony in the southeast coast of Daming. Will be intercepted by his navy. It's just this kind of protection fee, do you know how much he makes a year?"

"How much?" After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help asking a little curiously.

It's not that Daming has never opened a shipping company to collect commercial taxes for maritime trade, but the most a year is only [-] taels.

How much is twenty thousand taels?That's not much!Even though Emperor Chongzhen was short of money, he still thought so.

However, from Liu Weichao's point of view, he seemed that Zheng Zhilong would make a lot of money, anyway, that's what he meant.

So, he was curious, how much more money could he have?

Liu Weichao did not answer when he heard his question, but instead asked, "Guess?"

"One hundred thousand taels?" Emperor Chongzhen listened, estimated for a while, and gave up to five times the sea tax. Is this all right?

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao laughed silently, then shook his head again.

"It can't be [-] taels, right?" Emperor Chongzhen said a little angry when he saw it.

In his opinion, two hundred thousand taels is ten times the sea tax!how can that be?

As a result, he didn't expect that Liu Weichao's smile became a little weird, and he said to him, "Guess again?"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was a little speechless, still want to guess?And looking at Liu Weichao's expression, it seems that I still guessed less!
As the emperor of Ming Dynasty, when was he being questioned so continuously and asked him to give an answer.

Therefore, at this time, Emperor Chongzhen didn't want to guess anymore, so he replied directly: "One million taels!"

In his opinion, no matter how much money Zheng Zhilong received, it couldn't be higher than this astronomical figure.

After all, with one million taels, the annual income of the treasury is only over [-] taels!

In the end, what he never expected was that Liu Weichao still had that cheap smile and said to him again: "Guess again!"

"..." This time, Emperor Chongzhen was a little dumbfounded!
One million taels, isn't it all?how can that be!

He really couldn't figure it out, so he said a little dejectedly: "Just tell me, I really can't figure it out!"

Seeing him like this, Liu Weichao smiled happily, then raised a finger and said to him: "Ten million taels!"

"What?" When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, his eyes widened immediately, as if Liu Weichao's finger was made of gold. Ten million taels? How is this possible!"

After finishing speaking, he paused, and said a little dissatisfied with Liu Weichao: "I know you're joking, but I'm talking about business with you, you have to have a limit when you joke, okay?"

If Liu Weichao was his subject, if he was right in front of his eyes, he would call someone to push Liu Weichao out and chop him up!
How could he say ten million taels? Could it be that he is a fool in his eyes?

However, after hearing his words, Liu Weichao put away his smile and said to him seriously: "I'm not kidding, according to records, his annual income is tens of millions!"

After he finished speaking, he thought for a while and added, "Wait a minute, I'll read it to you!"

Afterwards, he went to the computer to search for information, and then read to Emperor Chongzhen: "Each ship will earn three thousand gold, and the annual income will be tens of millions, and the city will be built in Anping."

Emperor Chongzhen saw his expression, and from a rational point of view, Liu Weichao had never joked with him, and he was so serious at this time, so he shouldn't be lying to him.

However, emotionally speaking, he really couldn't accept it.

The dignified Emperor of Ming Dynasty, not to mention being rich all over the world, at least nominally collected taxes from the entire Ming Dynasty.But even so, the silver that goes into the national treasury a year is only more than two million taels.This still includes the sum of all taxes such as land tax, salt and iron.

And he is a mere deputy commander in charge of the navy, no, he was just a guerrilla for coastal defense in Fujian before, and his annual income is as much as tens of millions.

how can that be!

Absolutely impossible!
At this moment, to be honest, if it is an exaggeration, Emperor Chongzhen's worldview collapsed!
After a long time, he came back to his senses, and still questioned: "Could it be that this record is wrong? Or, it's a long time ago, so it's exaggerated?"

Liu Weichao listened, thought for a while, nodded and said: "There may be elements of exaggeration. After all, Zheng Zhilong's real annual income is probably only he knows, and he won't gossip everywhere..."

Upon hearing his words, Emperor Chongzhen accepted this explanation quite a bit.The collapsed world view has become a little more stable.

However, Liu Weichao then changed the subject and said: "But I believe, even if it's not tens of millions, it's probably about the same!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen couldn't communicate anymore after being told so much by him!
After all, that's tens of millions!

When he came back to his senses, he still shook his head and said, "I don't believe it!"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao was not angry, but smiled again, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "I guess you have no idea about maritime trade. I can give you a rough idea based on my impression."

"Okay, I'm all ears!" Emperor Chongzhen said seriously after hearing this.

There was still a hint of anger in the words, and I wanted to hear whether Liu Weichao made sense!

I only heard Liu Weichao say to Emperor Chongzhen: "Going to sea to do business will be very risky. Apart from pirates, there are also unforeseen circumstances, and even people from other countries know the risk of robbery if they don't do business. Well, it is very likely that you will lose all your money, and even lose your people and boats. Do you agree with this?"

"Agreed!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded after listening.

At the same time, he remembered something from last year.

It was Huang Yinsi, the deputy general of Linqing, who played the opening of sea transportation, that is, changing water transportation to sea transportation, and pointed out the dangers of sea transportation at the beginning.But at the same time, he also explained the benefits of shipping by sea, saving shipping costs.

However, when this matter was discussed in the court, it was not passed in the end.The reason is simple, everyone thinks shipping is too dangerous!
He was thinking about it, when Liu Weichao said to him again: "But even though it is so dangerous, there are still many people who go to sea to do business, and even the imperial court forbids them to go to sea, so they go to sea quietly. Tell me, why is that?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was stunned when he heard this.

He really didn't think about it from this angle.

If you say it like this, it must be profitable, that's how it is!
And it is so dangerous, yet profitable, that can only show how huge this "profit" is!
Sure enough, Liu Weichao said to him: "The only thing that can be explained is that, as long as you succeed in doing business once, you can make a profit so that they forget the danger of going to sea!"

Speaking of this, before Emperor Chongzhen could speak, Liu Weichao continued: "There is one more thing that can prove this point!"

(End of this chapter)

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