Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 194 The Main Purpose

Chapter 194 The main purpose (to add more rewards to Little Ice River)
After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was silent for a moment, and said with a little confidence: "Now that the situation has become so corrupt, when will I be able to send troops overseas?"

"Then what have you been doing these past few months?" Liu Weichao became a little angry when he heard it, and asked directly, "I will give you the steelmaking method, I will give you the steam engine, I will improve the gunpowder for you, and I will recommend you a good general. If you still have no confidence, then you can ask the professionals, Zhou Yuji and Sun Chuanting, what is their attitude?"

After a pause, he pointed to himself again and said, "With a golden finger as big as me, you are not an idiot, and you are still worried that the situation cannot be changed?"

Emperor Chongzhen felt very ashamed when he heard this, and quickly said, "It's my fault!"

The reason why he said that just now is that one is that he still has a little greed for the gold mine and copper mine; the other is that he has never won a battle, and he has never led troops to fight, so it is easy to feel that he can last nine days when his confidence comes. When fishing for the moon, when you lose confidence, you feel that the situation is in a mess.

In other words, it is easier for him to go to extremes when he thinks about things, and he is actually not confident in himself.

But he can't be blamed for this. After all, if someone else has worked hard for fifteen years, but the result is nothing in return, and things get worse and worse, it will be his mentality.

To change this, the easiest thing is for Emperor Chongzhen to do one thing and succeed in one thing in the future, so as to regain his confidence.

From a certain point of view, Emperor Chongzhen showed off what he learned from Liu Weichao to his courtiers. In fact, it was also a manifestation of lack of self-confidence and wanting to regain self-confidence.

At this time, Liu Weichao felt very satisfied when he heard Emperor Chongzhen admit his mistakes. After all, if an emperor admits his mistakes, would other people have the ability?

So, he immediately softened his tone, and said to Emperor Chongzhen with a smile: "Don't worry, the steel industry is the foundation of all industries. This alone will give you a very big advantage. With my help With Zhou Yuji and the others around, things on the battlefield will probably be overwhelmed by you. I believe that in a few years, you will be able to quell the civil strife, and then turn your attention overseas!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen showed gratitude, nodded and said, "I know!"

After he finished speaking, he was a little concerned about Fujian, so he consulted Liu Weichao: "Then what should I do about Zheng Zhilong's matter?"

It is impossible for any emperor to allow the existence of Zheng Zhilong!Including Emperor Chongzhen, they also cared very much!

However, at this moment, he has nothing to do with Zheng Zhilong who is far away in Fujian, so he can only ask Liu Weichao.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao didn't think much about it, and immediately said to Emperor Chongzhen: "This Zheng Zhilong, if we look at the original historical process, after he became rich, he lost his ambition and only wanted to be a rich man. Therefore, when Jianlu swept across the world, he ignored the opposition of others and surrendered to Jianlu."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

In his opinion, this Zheng Zhilong should be a hero, how could he be like this?

He was thinking, and Liu Weichao was still there and said to him: "So, for the time being, you don't have to deal with Zheng Zhilong, anyway, he won't make trouble for you. As for the future, you have two ways to deal with him!"

"Which two methods?" Emperor Chongzhen was very surprised when he heard this, and asked quickly.

In his opinion, at least for now, dealing with Zheng Zhilong is an unsolvable problem. How come Liu Weichao not only has a way to deal with it, but also has two ways, which is really amazing!

I only heard Liu Weichao say to Emperor Chongzhen: "Zheng Zhilong's son is Zheng Sen, and he supported Ming Dynasty. In the original history, after Jianlu went south, he resolutely resisted. If his father wanted to surrender, he broke with him. The leader fought against Jianlu until his death, and he was loyal to Daming in the end. You can use this person to divide the Zheng Zhilong Group from within!"

"Really?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help confirming in surprise when he heard it.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao smiled and said, "I'll pass on the information of their father and son to you later!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help saying happily when he heard this.

It's great to have Liu Weichao here!

With that in mind, he immediately asked again: "What about the second method?"

"The second way is to surpass Zheng Zhilong in terms of force. Or at least let Zheng Zhilong know that if he wants to fight against the court, he will only end up being wiped out!" Liu Weichao replied immediately, "I won't talk about the army, that's not the case. Zheng Zhilong's strengths. I mainly mean the sea, and he must be better than him. Otherwise, he may even think about becoming a pirate again, which is also a troublesome thing!"

"How to beat him?" Emperor Chongzhen asked a little puzzled after hearing this.

Before that, he didn't care about the naval battle of Luowan, but after Liu Weichao's explanation, he has realized that the naval battle of Luowan is actually very powerful.In other words, Zheng Zhilong's strength at sea is so strong that all merchant ships at sea pay him money!
At least from Emperor Chongzhen's point of view, he should not have the ability to defeat Zheng Zhilong at sea.

At this time, Liu Weichao listened to his words, and immediately smiled and said: "I will teach you to build a steam iron-clad warship, and crush him with the gap of the times!"

With fine steel and a boring machine, the power of the artillery can be upgraded to a higher level, and with the steam engine, even if the armored warship is made smaller, it cannot be compared with a wooden ship!
Maybe the sailors are not as elite as Zheng Zhilong's men, but once the difference in weapons is sufficient, the gap between the elite of the sailors can also be ignored!

Of course, the premise is that the sailors of the court navy can at least get by!

Hearing Liu Weichao's words, Emperor Chongzhen immediately remembered that when he talked about the steam engine before, he said that the steam engine was very powerful and could be used on cars and boats.

But he didn't expect that it could be an iron-clad battleship!

Even if he doesn't have any idea about naval warfare, he can tell with his ass that an iron-clad battleship is definitely not comparable to a wooden ship!
At this time, Liu Weichao saw Emperor Chongzhen's surprised expression, and continued to say to him: "You can still use this Zheng Zhilong. After recovering him, he is a good candidate to let you go overseas to expand your territory. In short, Loyal ministers, you have to use it, treacherous ministers, you have to learn to use it. For you, in one sentence, no matter black or white, as long as it can catch mice and help you achieve your goals, it is a good cat!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he thought about it for a while, and then he nodded his head and said, "Yes, yes, yes, as long as it can catch mice, I don't care if it is a black cat or a white cat!"

When he said this, he thought of Wang Dehua in his heart, and he was a little proud.

But soon, Emperor Chongzhen came back to his senses, thinking about the conversation with Liu Weichao, he said to Liu Weichao again: "The matter of kicking this vassal and Wu Xun out of Daming, we still have to wait until I put down the rebellion and stabilize it." How about the situation?"

"Of course!" Liu Weichao listened, and said without thinking: "Your biggest goal right now is to train a strong army and put down the rebellion of thieves and Jianlu. Other things must serve this most important goal. !"

"Then I don't target the entire Wuxun Group, just looking for a few Wuxun, for example, asking for some money, is it always okay?" Emperor Chongzhen asked again after hearing this.

"Of course!" Liu Weichao replied after hearing it, and after thinking for a while, "But the eating should not be too ugly, or it will cause public outrage!"

Speaking of this, Liu Weichao thought of something, and reminded Emperor Chongzhen: "Didn't you already set up a political department? You can use public opinion to guide it first, so that everyone is dissatisfied with the Wuxun Group that is now a vegetarian. If you do it again , will occupy the moral high ground, and by the way, if you kick these martial arts groups out of Daming in the future, there will be a lot less resistance!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was very interested, and quickly asked, "How to do it?"

"It doesn't matter what method you use, just spread the word about Wu Xun!" Liu Weichao didn't even think about it, so he replied directly, "For example, how much wealth do they have, they don't oppress the people, and they rely on their ancestors to enjoy the glory and wealth. As a result, the country is in trouble now, but they don’t know how to fight! Also, what are they doing when the country is troubled? And so on, in short, all the things that can make people feel injustice should be publicized!”

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he thought about it, nodded and said, "I probably know what to do!"

After speaking, I felt that I had a very long chat with Liu Weichao this time, and it was time to end the communication.

But he still remembered one thing, so he reminded Liu Weichao: "Don't forget that world map! I hang it up and look at it from time to time, so I won't forget it. I still have a long way to go!"

Liu Weichao laughed as soon as he heard it, nodded immediately and said, "Don't worry, I remember it!"

Now that Emperor Chongzhen reminded him so, it is not indecent to come and go, he also reminded Emperor Chongzhen: "Don't forget the video I want! After there are more of these, maybe it will be easier to make money in the future!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he also laughed, and immediately replied: "Don't worry, I have already passed the decree to Concubine Tian Gui, and let her prepare it!"

Liu Weichao listened, nodded with a smile, and then hung up the video communication.

Although he has no use for the matter of Emperor Chongzhen for the time being, Liu Weichao still attaches great importance to it, so he searched it on the computer first.

As far as the world map around 1642 is concerned, I really can't find it.More similar is a map in a game.

However, after Liu Weichao searched and read it, he felt dissatisfied, and finally decided to download a world map editing software by himself, and he should pay for it, and always edited a satisfactory map for Emperor Chongzhen.

But it will be more time-consuming, you need to check the information!It doesn't need to be too specific, but information such as the country and sphere of influence, important minerals, ocean currents, etc. is still necessary.

 Thanks to M83 Nanfengche Galaxy for the reward of 1500 starting coins, thanks to Yiye Zhiqiu 111 for the reward of 200 starting coins, and thanks to Xinxin for the reward of four or five!
  ps: Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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