Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 204 Confidence

Chapter 204 Full of Confidence
While talking, suddenly, a tiger Li Guo said loudly: "Yongweiying, the imperial court's Yongweiying!"

"That's right, Yongweiying!" Luo Rucai pointed to Li Guo, and immediately agreed, "Among the imperial court army, the only one that can fight the most is the Yongweiying. Besides, Yongwei Ying is the most loyal to the imperial court, they came to ask for help in Kaifeng, is there anything wrong?"

Hearing what the two of them said, the others echoed one after another, thinking that pretending to be the Yongwei Battalion is the most appropriate!

Niu Jinxing, who had been reticent all the time, suddenly said: "But the Yongweiying is probably not easy to pretend. If there are only a few people who dare to bump into our coalition forces, no matter how stupid they are, they won't be like this?"

The Yongwei Battalion itself was not many people, and was divided into three parts by Emperor Chongzhen to fight fires, and the number of people in each part was even smaller.By the time of the [-]th year of Chongzhen, the Yongwei Battalion could actually only wipe out the relatively weak thieves.

Like Huang Degong's subordinates, in fact, they can't do anything to Zhang Xianzhong. The two sides are fighting, and there are exchanges.Basically, Huang Degong can only guard Fengyang, the central capital, and has already taken a defensive position.

And Sun Yingyuan's troops, according to the original history, were surrounded by bandits, alone and helpless, and eventually died in battle.

At this time, hearing Niu Jinxing's words, the atmosphere in the tent, which was still enthusiastic just now, suddenly cooled down again.

They suddenly discovered that the current imperial court seems to have very few troops that can threaten them. It can even be said that there is no one that can threaten their two coalition forces!

At this moment, should I be happy, or should I not be happy?

Most of the people were thinking about it, but it was Luo Ru who said, "When I came from the south, I heard that Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong's subordinates had all returned to the north according to the order. Calculating from the time, Officer Sun Gou should know the decree." .Then it makes sense for them to join forces and come to rescue Kaifeng, right?"

Upon hearing this, Niu Jinxing nodded immediately and said, "That's probably okay. These dog officials are the most loyal to the emperor, and they will definitely come to rescue them!"

"Okay, then pretend to be them!" Li Zicheng said excitedly when he heard this.

As soon as his words fell, Song Xiance said with a little worry: "Could it be that the entire Yongwei Battalion will really come to rescue Kaifeng?"

The importance of Kaifeng is beyond doubt.And there is also a king of Zhou in the city, that is also the face of the court, so there must be no loss!
It seems that it is not impossible for the dog emperor to send the entire brave guard battalion!
Hearing this, Li Zicheng didn't care, and immediately sneered and said: "If you really dare to come, you can take the opportunity to destroy them!"

"The general is mighty!" After hearing this, Song Xiance thought for a while that his side was now a joint force of the two armies, and he was really not afraid of the Yongwei Battalion, so he flattered Li Zicheng.

"There is one more question!" Li Yan heard this, and suddenly said, "The Sun Dog officer is a man who knows how to fight, and he must know that outside our siege, he will definitely send Yebushu to guard. How can the Yongwei Battalion suddenly kill us?" Come down to Kaifeng City?"

"..." Upon hearing this, the people in the tent were a little dumbfounded.This is something they didn't expect.

If the people in the city were mediocre, they might think that the people in the city couldn't think of this; however, the person who is sitting in the city now is Sun Chuanting, and he will definitely consider this issue!

On the plain where Kaifeng is located, it is really not an easy task for the reinforcements to rush out suddenly!

All of a sudden, these people in the big tent were stumped by this question.

Thinking of the annoyance, Liu Zongmin yelled loudly: "We are relying on the power, can't we forget to send the night to not accept the warning?"

"That's right, maybe the vigilant Ye Bushou felt that there would be no reinforcements, so he relaxed his vigilance, but was dealt with by the officer Ye Bushou!" Another rogue general, Yuan Zongdi, also said.

After hearing this, the others came up with some reasons to explain why the imperial reinforcements could reach the city of Kaifeng.

After hearing this, Li Yan had to interrupt them and said: "You have to tell Officer Sun Dog these reasons, and you have to make him believe it. We can't believe it ourselves!"

"..." Everyone was speechless when they heard this.

Could it be possible to send someone to the city to explain these possibilities to Sun Chuanting?
When Li Zicheng heard this, he suddenly waved his hand and said, "That's it. We can act for a few days, pretend that we can't take the city down, and relax, so that Sun Gouguan has such an impression. Then we can find someone who can't see it." Far time, pretend once!"

Luo Ru thought about it for a while, and felt that it made sense. It seemed that this was the only way to do it, so she agreed.

Both of them agreed, and the others had no objections, so they began to discuss specific steps according to this principle.

So, in the next few days, the defenders on the top of the city saw the thieves side, the siege was still attacking the city, but there was no one participating in the siege in the distance, so they started to slack off.Everyone does their own thing, as if the siege has nothing to do with them.

Seeing this scene, Henan inspector Gao Mingheng couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly went to Sun Chuanting and said: "My lord, please look at those rogues in the distance outside the city. They must have seen that the long-term attack was ineffective and the morale of the army was affected. It's not something they can beat!"

As he spoke, he excitedly gave Sun Chuanting a detailed analysis.

Gao Mingheng's explanation is indeed in line with the current battle situation.

The bandits have been fighting for so long and have lost so many troops. In a short period of time, they have no chance of taking Kaifeng.So it is not surprising that there will be situations outside the city.

But Sun Chuanting just nodded and said, "I know!"

He really didn't have much joy, because Emperor Chongzhen had told him before that even if he hadn't participated in the Battle of Kaifeng, and without his preparations, the city of Kaifeng would have been defended until September.

Now that he is participating in the defense of the city, Kaifeng will definitely be more persistent. If the bandits can't defeat Kaifeng, naturally there will be no special surprises.

That's why Gao Mingheng didn't know about this, so he was so happy!
At this time, he was not unhappy when he saw Sun Chuanting's reaction. Instead, he felt that everything was within Sun Chuanting's expectations, and he admired Sun Chuanting even more.

However, this did not prevent him from telling others the news, such as Zhou Wang and others who had been worried. As a result, the morale in Kaifeng City was further improved.

But outside Kaifeng City, Li Zicheng and others are naturally very concerned about the movement on the top of the city.I have been staring at whether the negligence tactics they adopted have attracted the attention of the defenders on the top of the city.

It was only on the third day that I really saw the effect.Immediately, those bandit leaders who knew the trick were all overjoyed, and rushed to report the situation to Li Zicheng.

"General, the defenders on the top of the city were really fooled, and they were all as happy as if they had found money!"

"General, our strategy has worked. The defenders on the top of the city thought they could win, and it was as if they had been beaten!"


Hearing these news, Li Zicheng also went to secretly observe the situation on the top of the city himself, and confirmed that it was correct, as he had accepted the report, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, it was beyond his expectation that Kaifeng was so hard to crack.Even though the previous two times he returned home in defeat, but this time, he joined forces with Luo Rucai's team, claiming [-] people to fight.

This time, he has the confidence and is not afraid of reinforcements from the imperial court.And the so-called isolated city sticks to it, without reinforcements from outside, it will definitely fall.

Therefore, it is inevitable for Li Zicheng to come to Kaifeng this time.

However, Sun Chuanting's presence made the battle of Kaifeng more difficult, which was beyond his expectations.

After fighting for so many days, he was actually a little helpless.Fortunately, there is another plan now, and there is a possibility of winning Kaifeng.Therefore, he actually had high hopes for this strategy.

At this time, the initial strategy of luring the enemy out of the city seemed to be successful.This made Li Zicheng's expectation of winning Kaifeng even more.

Therefore, at the military meeting held again, Li Zicheng emphasized to his subordinates: "To lure the enemy out of the city, it must be like, and it must be good enough to allow Kaifeng to send troops. The more troops you send, it will be easier to take down Kaifeng later. The easier it is!"

In fact, he doesn't need to say this truth, his subordinates all understand it.

For this reason, they have checked for omissions and made up for vacancies to perfect this strategy.

In order to prevent Sun Chuanting from seeing through, the fake show must be real, and the siege troops cannot get the news in advance, so as not to reveal their secrets during the play.

In this way, if the siege army is attacked by the imperial reinforcements without knowing the details, it will inevitably panic, and there will definitely be no fewer casualties.

But in order to lure Sun Chuanting into being fooled, he was reluctant that the child would not be able to trap the wolf, and the casualties were worth it.

Of course, those who were designated as casualties were definitely not Li Zicheng's direct lineage, nor could they be Luo Rucai's direct lineage.

In order to further deceive Sun Chuanting, Li Zicheng and others also discussed that when the imperial court army appeared, Daying had to rush out an army to intercept it.

It's just a pity that the "Yongwei Battalion" is too brave to resist.This is one.

Second, we need to create a scene, that is, after the imperial court reinforcements rush outside the city, they are powerless, and the camp is urgently gathering to prepare for resistance.

If the Kaifeng city didn't take the opportunity to go out of the city to cooperate with the charge, it would probably make Daying feel relieved.In this way, the court reinforcements may not only fail to defeat the rebels, but may also be besieged and wiped out by the rebels.

The key to determining the outcome of the battle, whether to win or lose, depends on whether the imperial army in Kaifeng can send troops to complete the last straw that crushed the camel's camel.

Such various details, in the camp of the thieves, are what you say and what you say, and the supplements are quite complete.

After all the plans were settled, Li Zicheng was full of pride, pointed in the direction of Kaifeng City, and shouted: "I don't believe it, Sun Chuanting will not seize the opportunity to fight in this situation!"

(End of this chapter)

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